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Site and/or forum bugs or things not working

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I am currently attempting to get the site working correctly after the PHP upgrade. Please post any issues you are having in this thread only.

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Posting and PMs also seem to be working, for the record. though this thread's existence is somewhat proof already. ;)

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I'm frequently having pages stop loading midway through. I'm not sure if it's a problem on my end or a problem with Doomworld itself, though.

edit: Some errors are appearing when I submit a post, but the post goes through anyway.

Thanks for taking time away from holiday cheer to take care of DW stuff :)

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Krispy said:

Buddy list and ignore list editors don't seem to work.

Were these ever working?

j4rio said:

newstuff screenshots don't work


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Oh cool, so it wasnt just me.

I spent all of christmas locked out of Doomworld, wondered if I'd been hacked or something

I had no idea the board was getting updated.

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Ragnor said:

Oh cool, so it wasnt just me.

I spent all of christmas locked out of Doomworld, wondered if I'd been hacked or something

I had no idea the board was getting updated.

Samehere.. I was thinking that someone hacked DW..Glad to see I was wrong.

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Impboy4 said:

Custom homepage via Display Options doesn't work either.

This works now, sort of.

Memfis said:

Attachments seem to be broken.

I don't know if I will be able to get these working.

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I can't seem to quote stuff consistently. I can quote in this thread but in others the post field just ends up blank.

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kmxexii said:

I can't seem to quote stuff consistently. I can quote in this thread but in others the post field just ends up blank.

You're going to have to give me some examples.

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Last night at roughly this exact hour I wasn't able to log in at all. I also couldn't see anyone's avatar, regardless of whether it was 64*64 or 48*48.
Every time that I tried logging in I kept getting a screen which prompted me to give out my email address for resetting my password, and I kept refreshing my inbox but no messages were arriving.
At that precise moment I felt that the "apocalypse" really did commence at a slightly delayed point of December 2012... (Nah, just kidding. :p But it still scared me nonetheless.)

Anyways, this is my first login in the last 24 hours, and I'm glad that everything seems to be working now. My old password still works, and I can see the avatars. What a relief.

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The Doom source ports page doesn't work (although I wonder if anyone would actually read it considering it hasn't been updated in 10 years).

Theme customization is broken too.

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Woolie Wool said:

The Doom source ports page doesn't work

This should be fixed already.

Theme customization is broken too.

If you mean this, then it works for me. It doesn't kick in immediately, though - I have to set it, then go back to the homepage for anything to happen.

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I can't post comments on /idgames while logged in. I submit the comment, but the comment doesn't get posted and the vote number stays the same (but it won't let me comment/vote again).

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Bloodshedder said:

Custom avatars are now working.

"Warning: file_exists() expects parameter 1 to be a valid path, array given in /usr/local/etc/httpd/doomworld.com/vb/member.php on line 1093"

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TimeOfDeath said:

I can't post comments on /idgames while logged in. I submit the comment, but the comment doesn't get posted and the vote number stays the same (but it won't let me comment/vote again).

Which WADs are you trying to comment on?

Grain of Salt said:

"Warning: file_exists() expects parameter 1 to be a valid path, array given in /usr/local/etc/httpd/doomworld.com/vb/member.php on line 1093"

Okay, viewing them is working, uploading is apparently not yet.

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