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Site and/or forum bugs or things not working

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Still can't, the attachments seems to have some problems. Sorry for the spam posts in the Doom Demo thread, this is due to failure of posting demo.


I was speaking to TimeOfDeath. I'm aware that attachments and custom avatars aren't working. I will delete your posts for now.

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You're going to have to give me some examples.


Actually, now that I've tested it out, I can't quote forumgoer glenzinho. Quoting any of his posts results in a new post box with no quote.

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  kmxexii said:

Actually, now that I've tested it out, I can't quote forumgoer glenzinho. Quoting any of his posts results in a new post box with no quote.


The problem was that he is using ´ (U+00B4: ACUTE ACCENT) instead of ' for an apostrophe. It has been worked around.

There may be other characters that mess up quoting. Please report any more specific posts where quoting results in a blank reply box.

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Props to Bloodshedder and whoever else for spending their Christmas fixing this. Just sayin'.

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Can you comment while logged out? I can't see any obvious problems. Try logging out and back in?


I tried logging out & in, deleting all cookies, and commenting while logged out but I still can't comment. I'm using Chrome Version 23.0.1271.97 m. I don't know if anyone else is having a problem, since people are commenting fine.

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The problem was that he is using ' (U+00B4: ACUTE ACCENT) instead of ' for an apostrophe. It has been worked around.

There may be other characters that mess up quoting. Please report any more specific posts where quoting results in a blank reply box.


This one should be annoying enough to fix for a while.

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Hello Bloodshedder,

I have just taken notice of the problems the site is affected with and now see that my difficulties with logging in are shared by other members. I assume that my account (luckily) has not been deactivated due to long time sleep.

As I can write this, at least the log in problem looks to have bettered.

Thank you again and please excuse any extra work that was caused by my calling for help I have sent you by mail.

Best wishes and nice holidays to you and all other Doomers.


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The problem was that he is using ´ (U+00B4: ACUTE ACCENT) instead of ' for an apostrophe. It has been worked around.

There may be other characters that mess up quoting. Please report any more specific posts where quoting results in a blank reply box.


I couldn´t quote yesterday either and had to do it manually. Not sure about the apostrophe, I´m using a portuguese keyboard at the moment.

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Yes, when I try to vote on the ones I linked, it says "The system thinks you've already voted on this file". I don't think I have though, and if I close the window/tab and load the same /idgames page again, it lets me vote and comment (but gives me the same message when I do).

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Bloodshedder's first posts seem to have slightly messed up dates (which creates an interesting time paradox).

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  Memfis said:

Yes, I see three "test" messages.


Test reviews aren't what I meant. The debug messages will show up below or where the review box is. Where are you seeing 'test' reviews?

  j4rio said:

Bloodshedder's first posts seem to have slightly messed up dates (which creates an interesting time paradox).


What are you talking about?

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Test reviews aren't what I meant. The debug messages will show up below or where the review box is. Where are you seeing 'test' reviews?


Oh. Yes, I see the "The system thinks you've..." message when I try to vote on ?id=13083.
"test" reviews are here:

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Memfis: Well... I don't know what to tell you. I was able to hijack your cookie (no, I don't do this regularly) and post a comment on that file just fine.

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That must be a new feature to prevent people from voting multiple times, right? Was that added when the logged in/color-coded reviews were implemented?

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There were always preventions against voting multiple times. In your case, it seems to be happening without actually inserting your vote into the database, and I haven't been able to figure out why yet.

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Ok, this is getting interesting!

image redacted

The comment I'm trying to make:

Cool 1994 style map, I didn't like the teleporter system (too complex for my small brain) but overall it was very fun to explore, I liked the music and the new teleportation sound.

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