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Site and/or forum bugs or things not working

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43 minutes ago, Kepehn said:

And what's the point of the 4 likes of choice anyway? Sure each sphere has a different meaning, but I guess you'll never know the real meaning! For me it's ridiculous! It would make more sense to have: like or dislike, or 4/5 spheres with rate system.


The difference between spheres is purely aesthetical, unless you actually give them meaning. All 4 were left in place mostly due to their cool factor, this has already been explained many times.


A like/dislike system is a bad idea. It's basically an open invitation for trolls.


Downloads used to have a function that worked somewhat similar to that ("Useful review, Yes/No"), and, well, it led to nowhere.

Edited by seed

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Ok @seed, I agree with you that "like and dislike" would really ba a bad idea, I just don't like much the system of the 4 likes and I don't expect that to change. Sorry, I just talked about it cause I was angry at the first issue.


My real worry is about the miss of rate and reviews of recent wads at /idgames. I think this would be a priority thing to fix.

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I feel that sometimes nobody answers me, but here we go:


Recent wads are unrated and without reviews. New uploads to /idgames will continue ignored and forgotten. I also heard that /newstuff Chronicles is dead. PLEASE, can someone tell for how long this will last? Is the issue been forgotten? Ignored? Or is it been take care of?


I would really appreciated if the administrators could reply, since they're the only ones who take care of that, I guess.

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Nobody's gonna reply?

Now I don't know if no one knows the answer to the /idgames upload issue so nobody replies, or if everyone is ignoring my question.


Seriously, If no one replies during the next days, I'll get the conclusion that I have really been ignored.

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How many times do I have to ask the question for someone to reply?

This thread has currently 83 followers! Have I really been ignored?


I ask you again, someone say something about my issue, you can even say something like "we still don't know", just reply already! I don't understand!


Still waiting...

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On 5/6/2019 at 7:26 AM, Kepehn said:

Recent wads are unrated and without reviews. New uploads to /idgames will continue ignored and forgotten.


I think the review system was removed from the old /idgames archive, quite a while ago actually. As far as I know the idea was to replace it with DW's new download section, but it's still in beta.

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Thanks for your reply @KVELLER


8 hours ago, KVELLER said:

As far as I know the idea was to replace it with DW's new download section, but it's still in beta.


And for how long it will stay in beta? And what will happen to the recent forgotten wads at /idgames? Well, obviously you don't know, only the administrators could answer that question but I could die waiting for them to reply! What a shame!


I know at least 1 admin follow this thread (which was created by another admin). They just keep ignoring!

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  • 2 weeks later...

A redirect problem with idgames links from Doom Wiki:


goes to:


just fine.




goes to:


which my Firefox doesn't allow because:

"legacy.doomworld.com uses an invalid security certificate.

The certificate expired on 05/05/19 13:01. The current time is 24/05/19 14:19.



Can the path redirect be pointed to the same server as the ID redirect?

Edited by Xymph

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  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Doomkid said:

HUGE BUG: The vastly inferior games Doom 3 & Doom 4 are now appearing above Classic Doom on the front page! This is clearly a simple mistake as Classic Doom is the best game ever and belongs on the top. Just wanted to report this huge bug!


  Reveal hidden contents

I am mostly joking obviously

It was the same back when Doom 3 was released. When it was apparent that nobody cared about it anymore after half a year or so it was moved back down.

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6 hours ago, boris said:

It was the same back when Doom 3 was released. When it was apparent that nobody cared about it anymore after half a year or so it was moved back down.

So it is done by moderators/admins ?


I was thinking that "Newfangled Doom" section was appearing on top because it is, at the moment, more active than "Classic Doom" section due to Doom Eternal's E3 discussion and new topics being created.

Edited by ReaperAA

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Of course it's done by the administrators. IMO it's a bit annoying, but I just see it as a protection of the classic forums, since it's inevitable that there will be an influx of people because of Doom Eternal, and they'll just post in the first sub-forum with "Doom" in it's name, and not pay attention what Doom it is about.

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Beta /idgames doesn't refresh the latest files list, hasn't for a while.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Innocence X3 can't be downloaded from the Downloads page, it returns a 404 File Not Found error.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was looking for Batman Doom and eventually I landed on this page:



I suppose it's an archive of the original site. That's cool and all but perhaps the download links should be changed to the Doomworld WAD repository? The old links on this page goes to 3ddownloads.com that redirects to some other site now that wants me to install some browser add-on (which I of course didn't do). Perhaps there's some Batman Doom in there somewhere but that site clearly isn't safe.

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I have a suggestion for the downloads page: Sort by most reviewed/most voted on. This can be used as a general indicator of popularity so it would be a nice option.


I also noticed that some wads have been attributed to their author as seen here:


Is there some way to "sync" files with accounts that's easy or is it a pain in the ass? If it's not too much trouble, I'd like some of my files to be associated with my account.


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On 5/6/2019 at 12:26 PM, Kepehn said:

Recent wads are unrated and without reviews. New uploads to /idgames will continue ignored and forgotten. I also heard that /newstuff Chronicles is dead. PLEASE, can someone tell for how long this will last? Is the issue been forgotten? Ignored? Or is it been take care of?


Can this old question of mine be answered by someone who knows?

I know that Someone here knows the answer, strange that no one ever replied.

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That's it! Nobody's gonna reply. I don't even know why do I still bother!

It's a shame cause I thought this thread (created by a moderator) was to report and ask about the site issues!

I see other replies above about other things, but when I come in to ask about this, everything is silence, no replies, nothing!


Since I have no reasons to believe that there's something against me, I will be patient and wait a little more.


Still waiting...

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