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crappy mappef oiej ae

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I have an unfinished map that sucks, but I really like attention so please look at it! :D Please understand that I don't get a normal dose of healthy attention from, like, a girlfriend, so please fill that role and say sweet soothing things about me and my map. Thanks!
Just kidding, I'm totally gay and a lot of homo went into making this unfinished gameplay-less map, and I thought "who really likes homo maps? oh yeah, everyone at doomworld" and so I decided to share the map with you. Merry chrimbus. Oh yeah this stupid map is for boom and you like walk upward or something for no reason. Its really stupid, enjoy!

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Interesting layouts, needs more gameplay though :p. I felt a strange sense of satisfaction watching that timed thing go up and down near the start, and didn't want to leave that area :[ Someone really needs to borrow this idea and use it in a real (haha) map.

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After Beyond Reality´s surreal maps, now we have abstract mapping. I liked the idea. Would be better in the middle of nowhere instead of those big flat walls, though. A sky flat and ceiling with no walls, for example.

I climbed to the top without cheating, is this the objective? Not that an objective is needed, but oh well. Nice map. Map?

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This map motivated me to play that set of 12 unfinished concept maps you once released. And they made me think multiple times: that's how doom maps should look! (but also with any gameplay, though). Almost all maps that are made are just copies of vanilla stuff that have been done millions of times. Tech bases, hells, gothic weird thingies, rare cities (cause I heard that reality in doom sucks) or just bunch of textures from cc4 texture packs thrown together with unique midis from TNT. "Boom" means for most of people "limit removing". THIS what you do here, is creativity. Only this. And that's really much.

Be creative, people. Be creative.

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Scypek2 said:

This map motivated me to play that set of 12 unfinished concept maps you once released. And they made me think multiple times: that's how doom maps should look! (but also with any gameplay, though). Almost all maps that are made are just copies of vanilla stuff that have been done millions of times. Tech bases, hells, gothic weird thingies, rare cities (cause I heard that reality in doom sucks) or just bunch of textures from cc4 texture packs thrown together with unique midis from TNT. "Boom" means for most of people "limit removing". THIS what you do here, is creativity. Only this. And that's really much.

Be creative, people. Be creative.

"Being creative" means doing exactly what some guy on Doomworld wants? That's weird.

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esselfortium said:

"Being creative" means doing exactly what some guy on Doomworld wants? That's weird.

I just want people to try something new, unique styles and ideas, something that wasn't made before. I don't know where I pointed out exact instructions. But, of course, somebody may also be creative with interpretation of my words and creatively decide to make an IWAD tribute...

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