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Slaughterfest 3 [Beta_C released, 05/08/2017]

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On 5/8/2017 at 3:04 PM, Ribbiks said:

Hi! SF3 isn't dead. In fact, here's a new beta:





What's new? Lots of stuff. New maps, bug fixes, overall improvements. Here's a new maplist:


#                                                      #
# 01 Grain of Salt    Resurrect Dead on Planet Jupiter #
# 02 cannonball       Firestarter                      #
# 03 darkreaver       Pathogen                         #
# 04 Rayzik           Desecration                      #
# 05 tatsurd-cacocaco Evil Battlefield of Demons       #
# 06 cannonball       Wavebreaker                      #
# 07 Phml             Morkfang                         #
# 08 kraflab          With Fist in Hand                #
# 09 Phml             Yonahe                           #
# 10 Phml             Dunleitt                         #
# 11 Archi            Broken Mind                      #
# 12 Demonologist     Gevurah                          #
# 13 Rayzik           The Farthest Reach               #
# 14 cannonball       Blue Shift                       #
# 15 Ribbiks          Skittle Biscuit                  #
# 16 Ribbiks & Archi  Nibblet                          #
# 17 tatsurd-cacocaco Fierce Attack                    #
# 18 Demonologist     Via Tortuosa                     #
# 19 Daiyu_Xiaoxiang  Daiyu's Chamber                  #
# 20 ArmouredBlood    Red Recluse                      #
# 21 dannebubinga     Meet-A-Bear                      #
# 22 cannonball       Uprising                         #
# 23 Solarn           Chaos Slaughter                  #
# 24 dannebubinga     Joyless                          #
# 25 Archi            Temple of Judgement              #
# 26 Archi            Dysphoria                        #
# 27 Demonologist     To Mega Therion                  #
# 28 TimeOfDeath      dholes                           #
# 29 TimeOfDeath      Escaping the Spiral Labyrinth    #
# 30 Archi            Chronoblast                      #
# 31 __Lagger__       Trick or Cheat                   #
# 32 __Lagger__       Pacman                           #
# 33 Phml             Three Lines                      #
# 34 gggmork          Mult00000001                     #
# 35 gggmork          Butt                             #  
#                                                      #


By all means test it out, continue to report any issues you come across. We're hoping a final release is very close!


Extra thanks to Demonologist for picking up a lot of slack (i.e. my general laziness) in getting this out the door. Cheers.




You might want to update the original post adding the new beta

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  • 2 weeks later...

Some observations with ZDaemon:


map04 multiplayer start broken, 2nd, 3rd.. etc. players stuck in cubes in the ground
map13 voodoo dolls
map07 hall of mirrors at red door after one player already went through
map21 voodoo dolls
map33 Map error: bad or missing NODES lump: You need to build the nodes before playing this map!
map34 map is called 'unnamed'.
map35 map is called 'unnamed'. It doesn't seem to be passable. The walls don't always lower.


Visual defect:


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for 13 and 21 what do you mean by voodoo dolls? Is it another "scroll lines too short" situation?


nodebuilders don't seem to like 33, which is amusing. I'll rebuild em (maybe adding some placeholder geometry on the map somewhere to get it to function properly? god forbid :p).


thanks for the report!




Edited by Ribbiks

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Results of static analysis to somewhat expand on damo2k's report...

Coop starts

$ tnswutil -c coopstarts -w sf3_c.wad
---MAP08 1 1 1 0
---MAP21 10 2 0 1

As for MAP13, there are multiple (of each) p2-p4 spawns at the start.

Scrollers potentially problematic in ZDaemon

I only listed them, I did not check them in editor this time. Also, this command is not present in the current tnswutil release yet.

Btw, as long as the length of the resulting vector for scrolling the sector is at least the minimum required value, it "should" (I didn't redo the test now) work ok. What it means in practice is that the scroller in MAP02 should work fine even though there are such short lines, because if you combine them (they all have the same tag and thus affect the same sectors), you will get an effective length of 64 (assuming they all face the same direction). OTOH, MAP22 will be problematic even after combining the lines as you will only reach an effective length of 16 (again, assuming they both face the same direction).

$ tnswutil -c zdaemonscrollers -w sf3_c.wad
line:  2209; special:   253; tag:    11; length:    16;
line:  2212; special:   253; tag:    11; length:    16;
line:  2238; special:   253; tag:    11; length:    16;
line:  2241; special:   253; tag:    11; length:    16;
line:  2434; special:   253; tag:    10; length:     8;
line:  2456; special:   253; tag:    10; length:     8;

W1 Teleports

Having someone familiar with the map recheck that the following W1 teleport won't break progression in coop might be worthwhile; there's too much going on for me to give it the time to go after each possible path at the moment.

line:  9656; tag:   118; type:    39 - W1 Teleport

Map names

@damo2k The WAD does not contiain a MAPINFO so only maps 1-32 which were originally present in Doom 2 will have a name; DEHACKED also allows changing the name only for these original maps (at least in all the ports I am familiar with AFAIK).

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10 hours ago, Ribbiks said:

for 13 and 21 what do you mean by voodoo dolls? Is it another "scroll lines too short" situation?




Its actually map04, map13 and map21.


If you shoot the dolls, you die










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Hey up! Me and Anc went bug hunting and demon stomping in survival and collected the following:


In General


-It is common courtesy to include coop radsuits and backpacks for each player :D This is to ensure you aren't forced to wait at the start or in an area for a respawn which halts progress and is a nuisance. A snug backpack ensures you aren't continually backtracking for ammo.


Map Report



MAP02 - No coop radsuits at the start so only one player can go, their are other ones below but it's in the fray.

          - The voodoo dolls seem broken, we collected the blue and red key but nothing happened, investigating in Doom Builder yields walls which are meant to lower via the voodoo dolls, perhaps it's just an issue wth Zandronum and adjoining DMflags? Does this work in Zdaemon?


MAP03 - More backpacks at the start.

           - More coop enemies by the yellow key spawn.

           - More viles and a bigger trap for the exit, as currently you can just spam the spawn point with BFG.


MAP04 - The coop player starts are in the voodoo chambers, at least for player 2


MAP05 - No trap at blue key, disappointing :<

          - Boring and useless Caco spawn at the end, they teleport in too slowly and why are they used in that section with large open space? It cripples their effectiveness and they can be brushed past making them mere cannon fodder as a result.


MAP06 - The opening area becomes tedious and obnoxious due to the amount of Pain Elementals, while it puts pressure on the player, it restricts your ability to effectively dispatch the more dangerous demons as their constantly getting in your face no matter which corner you choose to go initially, as a result this encourages you to camp the corners as you can't effectively use the RL or get a foothold. Their presence is effective but their numbers should be reduced.


I recall Anc mentioning the exit trap is bullshit but he didn't go into detail why :D That trap after the lift descent with 2 Cybs teleporting from behind and HK's blocking your path is slightly cheap and luck based? It looks like you can't squeeze past the HK's if your quick enough after descending and you don't have time to kill a few to get past either before the Cybs are on your ass. So you've gotta rely on those 2 cybs hopefully hitting the HK's and infight so you have an opportunity to escape?


MAP08 - No coop berserk packs so every other player is fucked and has to pacifist while one guy punches everything or rush the SSG.

          - This is simply a bad map, the gameplay is grindy and tedious with no satisfaction, why would you fist all the pinkies and Imps? When the count is too high the grind settles in, the Archviles in the walls are frustrating, I can see your meant to raise the walls so you can take cover and kill the surrounding pinkies and imps, which you'll probably do because rushing for the SSG is a viable option given the tedious situation from the start, but it boils down to literally standing behind a wall and holding down the fire key. This section is repeated with the Zombiemen. Who thought this was good gameplay? It should be edited by j4rio :D


MAP10 - Too many stacked cell packs causes the source port (Zandronum anyway :P) to struggle in loading the map, which can cause unnecessary client side lag and kick players.


MAP12 - The map is easy in coop not sure about SP :P their aren't any lock down traps which put pressure on the player and the open space gives you plenty of room to dodge.


MAP13 - Awesome map but coop backpacks please :D

- When the bars for sector 557 rise, if someone dies in the trap their's no way to get back in and they don't lower either, so map progression is halted.


That's all we played so far, stay tuned!

Edited by Bloodite Krypto

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Cheers! A few of these have been fixed, and I'll make efforts to address all the comments.


On map 10 it was intentional that pink BFG is only in single player. The situation I wanted to avoid was having players pick it up in MP, not die (only the player that goes through death exit dies) and completely trivialize the following maps. So the decision was made to replace it with normal BFG and a shit load of cells on MP. I hope their weren't balance issues there?

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the map didn't have any bfg


edit: OOhh we had coop weapons off as they usually just break maps cause of weapons placed for dm.

Edited by Ancalagon

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Thanks for your approval of zee feedback (:


I also forgot:


MAP06 - The opening area becomes tedious and obnoxious due to the amount of Pain Elementals, while it puts pressure on the player, it restricts your ability to effectively dispatch the more dangerous demons as their constantly getting in your face no matter which corner you choose to go initially, as a result this encourages you to camp the corners as you can't effectively use the RL or get a foothold. Their presence is effective but their numbers should be reduced.


I recall Anc mentioning the exit trap is bullshit but he didn't go into detail why :D That trap after the lift descent with 2 Cybs teleporting from behind and HK's blocking your path is slightly cheap and luck based? It looks like you can't squeeze past the HK's if your quick enough after descending and you don't have time to kill a few to get past either before the Cybs are on your ass. So you've gotta rely on those 2 cybs hopefully hitting the HK's and infight so you have an opportunity to escape?



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I have hopefully fixed the issues in map02, though if Ribbiks has addressed this then that is fine. Map06 will require some more thought though but I guess the issue is with multiplayer for the start, not sure how to address the fight on the west side of the map though.

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Oh nice you made 06, that explains why it's so similar to that map from Sparta 2 :D I didn't give the western fight much effort, so I'll try it again in SP and re-evaluate my judgement.


It's already been mentioned but:


MAP10 - Too many stacked cell packs causes the source port (Zandronum anyway :P) to struggle in loading the map, which can cause unnecessary client side lag and kick players.


This one hasn't:


MAP13 - When the bars for sector 557 rise, if someone dies in the trap their's no way to get back in and they don't lower either, so map progression is halted.

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MAP11: (if it's not been replaced yet)
- No teleporter exits on HNTR break cyberdemon killswitch (things 1068, 1069 lack needed flags)

- Small blood pools in and around sector 151 do not move with the floor. These objects are traditionally MF_NOBLOCKMAP (but not universally, leading to occasional portisms).


- I get lag/stuttering when the teleporter in the north room is activated. Line 4832's zero tag causes worst-case behaviour in P_TeleportDestination on a map that manages to be complex enough (high number of sectors / thinkers) for this to actually matter, which is quite impressive. :)


- Missing teleporter exit in sector 1564 leaves many monsters stuck in holding area.

- The slime river is only damaging in some places, with no visible difference.
- Sector 102 doesn't have a visible switch texture on its reverse, sector 222 does: intentional inconsistency?
- Is there meant to be more on sector 293? The secret teleporter suggests either a cyberdemon telefrag was intended, or some bonus items were meant to be on display. As it is, the single mancubus is easily removed by conventional means, so the telefrag seems redundant.

- Hellknight trap is exploitable, can walk over edge (linedef 1884) then retreat.

- Hole in wall, viewing linedef 36, from sector 61 looking east. (Already reported by @damo2k above.)

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On 04/06/2017 at 11:51 PM, RjY said:

- Missing teleporter exit in sector 1564 leaves many monsters stuck in holding area.

MAP20 again: Sector 2248 is missing tag 103, so 7 cyberdemons can't teleport in. However adding that tag is not sufficient to fix the problem entirely. To release all 7, you need to press one of the side switches (linedef 10965 or 11003), kill 3 cyberdemons one-by-one through the bars around the exit as they teleport (you can leave the fourth inside the bars on the exit, it's just so there are none still left still waiting to teleport), and only then press the other switch. Pressing it too early will fail, as it will cause sector 2248 to lower another 32 units, leaving any of the 4 cyberdemons that start in sector 2267 but not yet teleported, stranded.

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Didn't see this reported yet:


In MAP24 if all players inside the area blocked by sector 147 die before pressing the switches that lower the floor again (lines 1167 and 1822) the map is stuck for the rest of the players.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

*shamelessly bumping* soooo, any release date for the final Version? I don't want to pressure or anything, I just love the Slaughterfest series and would love if this gets a final release version.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Heyo. Yeah this is still a thing. Since version C there have been a couple new maps, and I've implemented the fixes posted on this page. I had planned on making another big map for this, but have been distracted with weird side-projects. If I abandon that dream I could see this thing finally getting a release in the near future.

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2 hours ago, Ribbiks said:

Heyo. Yeah this is still a thing. Since version C there have been a couple new maps, and I've implemented the fixes posted on this page. I had planned on making another big map for this, but have been distracted with weird side-projects. If I abandon that dream I could see this thing finally getting a release in the near future.

I wonder if it is going to be Okuplok-sized, as in the size of level 5 from Holy Hell.

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1 hour ago, mArt1And00m3r11339 said:

I wonder if it is going to be Okuplok-sized, as in the size of level 5 from Holy Hell.

That would mean an even longer wait! >:l

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I should have done this ages ago, but I am tweaking a couple of fights for Wavebreaker based on feedback from Bloodite Krypto, hopefully I will have this done by the new year.

Actually this is done

So changes;

The cyber/HK fight has been altered, now only one cyber, as a response I changed the HKs for imps with a few pinkies thrown in, I have adjusted the ammo at this point respectively.

Final area - Changed a few monsters and altered the room/progression slightly to make the fight a bit more engaging, I also removed a co-op archvile.

This probably makes the map a bit easier to play but hey-ho


Edited by cannonball

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