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An upload favor? - Can't connect via filazilla :<

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Hello, I'm here [once again] to ask a favor of any random soul willing to help me - I'm trying to upload some skins to the IDGames database and my file just won't go through. I had this issue last time I released a WAD, and thankfully a phantom uploader was kind enough to do it for me. :)

So, pretty much here I am asking the same favor yet again. Here's a link to my WAD -

Here's the text file that goes with it - http://www.mediafire.com/?l4bq09tc24wn0ty

They're Beavis and Butthead skins, and not some poorly drawn MS paint bullcrap. These are the real deal, with tons of taunts, sounds and even bots to use in Deathmatch complete with strings. These are actually really old, but I'd like to get them a bit more attention, I think some of you will enjoy them.

Thank you!

(A YouTube video so you can see they aren't rushjob skins - youtube.com/watch?v=oZacnzZYq-Y )

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Learn how to do it yourself. It's not like the information and step by step tutorial isn't readily available to you.

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Memfis said:

Thanks, I appreciate it.

Learn how to do it yourself. It's not like the information and step by step tutorial isn't readily available to you.

Uh, I tried multiple times and continually had connection errors, my connection is pretty horrible as it is so I figured I'd ask a favor. Thanks anyway.

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Doomkid92 said:

Uh, I tried multiple times and continually had connection errors

Could you be more specific? Are any errors being reported in the message log?

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GreyGhost said:

Could you be more specific? Are any errors being reported in the message log?

The first few times I tried, it said that 3 users were already connected. The other times, it seemed it would work, but then simply said 'upload failed' or something along those lines. I assume it's because I have a laggy web connection - ragardless it seems to be for the best since Beavis and Butthead have been disallowed.

On that note, does anyone know of any other common WAD-hosting servers that GetWad/WadSeeker search that could host this? Thank you in advance.

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Doomkid92 said:

The first few times I tried, it said that 3 users were already connected.

There's a 10-user limit on the master server, so that shouldn't be an issue unless it claims they're all on the same IP address.

The other times, it seemed it would work, but then simply said 'upload failed' or something along those lines. I assume it's because I have a laggy web connection

I have the occasional failed upload that doesn't seem to have anything to do with server congestion, the usual remedy is to wait a few hours then try again.

If you're not paranoid about revealing your IP address, could you post the message log (right-click in log, select "copy to clipboard" and paste in post) when you next encounter a problem?

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GreyGhost said:

There's a 10-user limit on the master server, so that shouldn't be an issue unless it claims they're all on the same IP address.

Filezilla is set up to start a different connection for every task it performs. So if it's logged in and tries to upload a file it will have two connections running to the server.

You need to set up filezilla to not do this. OR que the file, log off and then send it.

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