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Official Final Doom Playstation Soundtrack released!

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I have just released the Official Final Doom Playstation Soundtrack.

You can find it here:


All tracks are from the original digital transfers. This is the highest quality possible and the source files are loseless 44k Stereo .wav files. I will add a few bonus tracks to the download area for this soundtrack in the next few weeks)



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Are there differences between the common tracks (main theme, level complete stats, credits and demo, and finale) and their version in the PSX Doom soundtrack?

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Though it's good you released the PSX Final Doom music I kind of wish you'd released the Doom 64 ones before them, looks like I'm going to have to wait even longer now.

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Excellent. Just one more to go!

Hope you find those Arch-Vile sounds during all this.

Did the first Doom soundtrack get its bonus tracks yet? Or do they only appear after purchase? (Yes, I will buy all three regardless, just asking.)

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Went ahead and bought this for more than the asking price. I didnt expect the title screen theme and menu theme to be integrated :o

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Really awesome work Aubrey. That one track you did for Geryon has always creeped me out and still does to this day. Strangely enough, this particular track was a inspiration behind some of the ideas for scare events that I worked on during the developement of the F.E.A.R expansions.

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Ragnor said:

Wait what. Kaiser, you worked on Fear Files?

Well.. to be more specific, the second expansion. I wasn't as involved with the first one...

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