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What's happening to Blasphemer?


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I've only ever seen images of Blasphemer before and a few updates but have not seen a single thing in a long time about it. Does anyone know about it's current status? If it's still going would I be able to contribute? EDIT: Not sure if this is the right part of the forum to put this in.

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Gez said:

Stilgar resigned. Sodaholic volunteered to replace him. He then got banned. The end.

Soda banned again? Does not surprise me in the slightest. So they're looking for a new leader? AFAIK most of the resources are done just not sure about the maps though.

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Gez said:

"Most of the resources" only if you do not count monster sprites; unfortunately.

Okay, I mean, I would volunteer to be a project leader as I hate to see projects like this going down the pan but I'm sure that many people would object me as a leader.

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kristus said:

I doubt it, if they do let them step up to the plate.

Okay, I'll see if I can contact the team in the meantime I have a channel set up on IDE IRC.

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Ragnor said:

THAT was a bannable offence? What the hell?

Being Sodaholic was the bannable offense. That was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

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Well the main thing I need to know is where the original team is and how to contact them if they're still around. I may be able to get some spriters in but I'd need to seriously strengthen my mapping skills if I am to do anything.

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kristus said:

Maps should be the least of your concerns.

Good point, main concern should be resources and devising a team. I've emailed Stilgar to see if I can get in touch with anyone else who was associated with Blasphemer. EDIT: Alright scratch that email account has been taken down due to inactivity so emailed Soda to see if he's still leader and if there's activity.

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Have you tried contacting Jute? He's still around.

Ragnor said:

THAT was a bannable offence? What the hell?

Soda was already on very thin ice, it didn't take much for him to crash through.

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GreyGhost said:

Soda was already on very thin ice, it didn't take much for him to crash through.

Still kinda sad though. I hope he doesn't abandon any of his projects. :/

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Obsidian said:

Still kinda sad though. I hope he doesn't abandon any of his projects. :/

I was really hoping he'd finish that mod about the junkie cat.

Though Blasphemer is a bit cooler. Are enemy sprites the primary thing needed for it? Or one of the more primary things anyways?

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I would be thrilled to make you project leader. My contributions were basically limited to audio and music and I have no idea how to commit changes, etc. I don't even know how to add an "owner" to the project. I have an active e-mail for Stilgar, so I'll ask him what he thinks - if he's cool with it I'll figure out how to add you as an owner.

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If the project gets revived I'd be willing to help reformat HYMN (or other donated generic Heretic) maps for Blashemer, seeing as they would probably need to be retexturized with Blashemer's palette. It something that requires patience, as oppose to programming skill, which I have almost none of.

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Okay, I just feel that progress needs to be made urgently. I'd hate to see a project that looks this good go down the pan. Also, received an email from soda this morning. I'll quote it here (if that's okay). It seems that he is undecided at the moment.

Well, I was actually going to start working on it when I was given the
position of leader, but I shortly got banned from Doomworld forums
shortly after that, and had already been banned from ZDoom forums. I
know there's other Doom communities out there, but I don't feel much
motivation for working on a project without the ability to communicate
with the largest and (arguably, the only important) communities.

I might actually do something, but as of right now, I'm not really
active, and likely won't be for a while. I'll probably come back to
the community in a few years when I feel that I've matured enough for
my posts to not suck.

If soda's still team leader that's fine but progress will need to pick up soon. For those interested I have an IRC channel called #Blasphemer on IDE's IRC service, I think this would be a great place to discuss and exchange ideas with quick responses.

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kristus said:

Maps should be the least of your concerns.

Indeed. Is it really important to rush the maps by recycling them from another project? Why not make some new maps and help make this megawad stand out?

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printz said:

Indeed. Is it really important to rush the maps by recycling them from another project? Why not make some new maps and help make this megawad stand out?

the various communityes had more than 2 years to make donations. as far i can remember there are only 2 playable maps in, thats why. also if i could be able to do some good maps i will surely donate them to blasphemer, that is all i can do.

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@Printz: I'm fairly sure the point Kristus was hinting at is that there's another huge other hurdle that needs to be crossed: enemy sprites. Artists willing to put in such a massive amount of work are tricky to come by (and how busy they inevitably are when they do come around).

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Xaser said:

@Printz: I'm fairly sure the point Kristus was hinting at is that there's another huge other hurdle that needs to be crossed: enemy sprites. Artists willing to put in such a massive amount of work are tricky to come by (and how busy they inevitably are when they do come around).

Nevermind that they are essentially committing to a project whose ultimate goal is to work as a completely free resource pack with zero stipulations (like ending up on the IOS store with zero credits)

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Beast-aka-Weredragon, I think. It's about the same size, and it wouldn't really make much sense to have it as a ghost monster.

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With a bit of quick modification to the small horned one, you could probably get a Sabreclaw out of it as well. Netting you two monster sprites from this.

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I actually forgot the Weredragon had a missile attack; guess I was mixing it up with the Sabreclaw. Yeah, Weredragon would probably work. Might be a bit small, though.

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Springy said:

For those interested I have an IRC channel called #Blasphemer on IDE's IRC service, I think this would be a great place to discuss and exchange ideas with quick responses.

What network is that these days? I'm guessing irc.skulltag.net has fallen out of use?

//EDIT: Should have guessed it's irc.zandronum.com

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Network I am unsure of all I know is that it's associated with Zandronum's IRC. What I do is use Internet Doom Explorer's IRC chat function and click on Zandronum's logo. I do believe that during the move irc.skulltag.net is out but all I know is that the IRC channel is called #Zandronum

Good news, Soda (or is it Sod?) has said I can be co-leader and I'm sure most of you remember the mac incident with Blasphemer and Strife (the bloke who's name is reminiscent of Java) that will be dealt with, if there's one thing I hate it's exploitation.

In regards to Big Project Alone, I was considering inviting him onto the team last night, the guy is hugely talented and if he's up for it then that's excellent.

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