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Why can't I run Zandronum in opengl ?


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good evening;
I have a question considering "rendering" of the video; so when I had Skulltag I used to play wads in opengl mode at the beginning, when I switched to Zandronum, well it runs with no problem except for the setting mentioned above.
I am certain that my graphic card works fine.
OR, is it misconfiguration?
anybody please help.
thanx in advance.

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Mine had all kinds of weird color artifacts when changing to OpenGL that were fixed when I closed and reopened the game. Have you done that?

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Thanx it worked.
one more thing I'm using the latest version, but there seems some fixes to be done ex: INVENTORY.ALWAYSPICKUP and INVENTORY.AUTOACTIVATE don't work with this. any ideas?

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Yes, it really is that old. Skulltag has stopped updating regularly roughly 4 years ago and only isolated changes have been ported since then.

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