hex11 Posted February 5, 2013 It would be really sad if this were the end of Demon Laden. Whoever is behind these maps is very talented if they're a newbie, regardless of their age. 1 Share this post Link to post
cannonball Posted February 5, 2013 hex11 said:It would be really sad if this were the end of Demon Laden. Whoever is behind these maps is very talented if they're a newbie, regardless of their age. This. 0 Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted February 5, 2013 hex11 said:It would be really sad if this were the end of Demon Laden. Whoever is behind these maps is very talented if they're a newbie, regardless of their age. Seconded. LittleTemple said:Ah Just so everyone knows, we will continue working on Dimensions and maybe Projekt Xero and if the results prove to be good, we'll post them =) Little Temple Group Good. Tarnsman said:Ask yourself did you really need 600+ words to say, "This random 11 year-old girl a friend of mine brought back from France made some maps, here they are. For an 11 year-old these maps are really good, you should check them out,"? No you didn't. Yet every single one of your posts is an obtuse blob of useless bullshit that ranges from pompous to absolutely bizarre. Did we really need a 1,000 word interview with someone who made a shitty soundtrack to a subpar set of levels? No! (Did said interview need to randomly talk about being Irish and Jews? No!) Do we really need to see "Friend X and I were arguing" in every post? No! Do we need to know that Gabrielle is the "angelic blonde every father wants as a daughter but knows he’ll go through hell by the time she’s fifteen"? No we don't! (I also would like to know why you would think that anyone would think Gabrielle sounds like that when you literally DID NOT DESCRIBE HER AT ALL BEFORE SAYING THAT! Does being named Gabrielle just naturally exude "angelic blonde"? Or maybe being a distant relative?) And you know why we don't need to know these things? Because... and I can't stress this enough... NO ONE FUCKING CARES! If you want to have your schizophrenic conversations and pretend you're a serious mapping team that anyone cares about, go do it on a private dev forum and come back when you can release something that you don't have to pretend an 11 year-old made in order to get people to judge it by different standards. P.S. Purist, tell Dylan to keep pumping out maps, he's a pretty cool dude. Ironic that you should label anyone elses posting as an 'an obtuse blob of useless bullshit' given how closely your post resembles said obtuse blob of useless bullshit. See, people like Gez and Vader others were simply commenting on inconsistencies and trying to work out the truth of what is going on here. That's fine. But you have rocked up late, added nothing to the conversation, and decided to get all insulting and inflammatory. In future, just let other people be, and if you must argue, at least be civil about it. Seriously, it honestly looks like you have been just waiting in the shadows for your chance to dump your angry crap on these guys. That may or may not be the case, but that's sure what it looks like. I am a little over posts like yours driving noob mappers away from these forums because some people can't help but indulge in shitty, self righteous posting. I have seen it too often. So what if the Little Temple Group is or isn't all that it seems to be? Someone out there enjoys mapping for Doom. So, let them map. And whether it is some 11 year old girl from france or some 80 year old naked guy from alabama, or a combination of the two, I don't care in the least. Whoever they are, if we give them a chance instead of drowning them in bullshit posts like these at every opportunity, I think we would have got some great maps. All the maps I have seen from these guys show plenty of potential. And would have improved even faster with helpful, constructive criticism from the many talented mappers on these forums. (Of which you are one, incidentally. You make fine maps, but that is hardly my point here, and that doesn't give you license to spout crap like this.) So in all probability, there goes another potentially great mapper (or mappers, who knows?) You're not the only one guilty of this on this thread, but you are the main one. In short, posts like yours equate to fewer good maps for me to play in the future. So for totally selfish reasons, and I apologize for the bluntness, just stfu. 5 Share this post Link to post
Hellbent Posted February 5, 2013 There was also that football player who faked his girlfriend's death to make his great football performances seem more heroic. It is odd that it isn't uncommon for people to make up people that don't exist to make their posts/lives/endeavors seem more interesting. What I never got about people like this is why they don't quit doing it when they're called out on it. I can see doing it for awhile, but when everyone can see through it, then why not just stop doing it? It's also interesting how Little Temple Group continually plays dumb on the accusations (which seems to make the veracity of his team and his little French prodigy the more suspect). 0 Share this post Link to post
Tarnsman Posted February 5, 2013 KiiiYiiiKiiiA said:I am a little over posts like yours driving noob mappers away from these forums because some people can't help but indulge in shitty, self righteous posting. I have seen it too often. So what if the Little Temple Group is or isn't all that it seems to be? Someone out there enjoys mapping for Doom. So, let them map. And whether it is some 11 year old girl from france or some 80 year old naked guy from alabama, or a combination of the two, I don't care in the least. Whoever they are, if we give them a chance instead of drowning them in bullshit posts like these at every opportunity, I think we would have got some great maps. All the maps I have seen from these guys show plenty of potential. And would have improved even faster with helpful, constructive criticism from the many talented mappers on these forums. (Of which you are one, incidentally. You make fine maps, but that is hardly my point here, and that doesn't give you license to spout crap like this.) So in all probability, there goes another potentially great mapper (or mappers, who knows?) It doesn't matter where the maps come from, exactly. (Well apart from the mapper's age, because I am going to judge a map by an 11 year-old a lot different than I would judge a map normally - which would be harmful to the whole constructive feedback thing)If LittleTemple wants to make maps, good. I'd be more than happy for him/her/them/whatever to continue to make maps, and provided they are honest about where they came from, I'd be happy to criticize them. Unfortunately, Little Temple's posting style makes many of the very people you say it would be helpful to criticize their maps, not want to play their maps. And with it already being hard enough to get people to try "amateur" projects further agitating people by having what appear to be schizophrenic arguments with yourself on the forums, is not a good thing. Heck half the people who jumped on the DTS-T bashing bandwagon never played it and only experienced it because they watched me play it as they couldn't be bothered to play a subpar mapset to criticize it. But that's not why Little Temple deserved to be bluntly told off, it's lying about an 11 year-old making maps. Not only does it shift the standards by which someone judges the maps, preventing honest and helpful criticism. It also makes even less people want to play their work. I think child mappers are really interesting, especially since I didn't start mapping until my mid-twenties (which is the only reason my first maps aren't total garbage), so it really pisses me off when someone lies about the age of a mapper for whatever reason, further compounded by Little Temple's refusal to admit when they've been caught with their hand in the cookie jar, means that I honestly don't care about civility. If someone is willing to give up mapping because someone yelled at them, then obviously they didn't have that much passion for it in the first place. 3 Share this post Link to post
j4rio Posted February 5, 2013 It just sounded like enthusiastic talk to me. Nothing wrong with that. Also, you sound like a humonguous asshat. 0 Share this post Link to post
LittleTemple Posted February 6, 2013 Okay, I know I said I was taking a break from posting but, I feel the need to clear a few things up here. Some of which I've just been made aware of about an hour ago. Firstly, Demon Laden WILL continue. Why? Let me make this VERY clear! It. Is. Gabrielle. Belanger's. Project. I might be a pompus asshole but, I'm certainly NOT an idiot. I spent all that time working with the others on the maps for dimensions. It is OUR level of QUALITY and it IS NOT PERFECT. I have absolutely NO NEED to PRETEND to be some kid from france and make BETTER QUALITY maps and not take credit for them. I would LOVE to say, hey, you know what? Yeah! Those are our maps! They aren't too bad, huh! See what that looks like? So, even if you guys DON'T believe it for whatever reason, it's true. those maps ARE by Gabrielle Belanger and that's that. I don't see why anyone would continue to believe that I made those and want to give credit to some random kid, when I could have credit for them myself if it was all a lie. I don't gain ANYTHING from it. It makes my maps look sad, having them beaten out by someone elses maps of whom the author is more than half my age. Does that seriously make ANY sense to you at all? As for the french on the blueprints, you guys probably wouldn't believe me if I told you but, I will say this. Gabrielle got what she expected by telling us to post them here. You figure it out. Ever since you guys started acting funny about the maps and I, thinking you were joking made the mistake of telling her, she's kept asking me if it's true. Sadly, yeah, it is! I thought I was doing a new friend a favour by posting her work for her. As for the story that goes along with it, you don't want to waste the time reading 600+ words? Don't fucking read it! Simple as that. So to those of whom are asking, Demon Laden is probably still going strong. It's her choice if she wants to make her own account here and keep you guys updated herself but, at this point, I wouldn't blame her if she chose not to. If you can't figure out her trick with the blueprints, I'd be happy to tell you. I found it quite clever, if I would've known it was all messed up, I wouldn't have posted them even if she insisted I did. But, seeing as I don't know french language from a french fry I had no idea. I finally asked her today when she came over to say hi to Kamila and I got my answer. For me, it all makes sense. So for everyone being destructive a-holes (very rudely so), think about this for a while. 0 Share this post Link to post
kmxexii Posted February 6, 2013 I don't really care if any of the stories are true or not. Maps are being made either way and whether it's one person or a whole team, it's cool to see someone doing something. I will say that virtually everything you've posted leads me to doubt the veracity of your assertions, beyond the fact that someone is clearly making maps and music. But I'm not interested in the backstory of your team or the microcosms surrounding it, I just want to play some Doom maps. So make more maps for the map god. 0 Share this post Link to post
Tarnsman Posted February 6, 2013 http://abiagealomeara.blogspot.com/2013/02/post-number-iv.html From Ms. Omeara's blog. Abiagael O'Meara's blog said:A few weeks later, I find out that they’ve canceled this project too and gotten into some trouble. They wouldn’t tell me what so I had a friend who is technologically inclined to nose around a bit. Apparently the “people” I had been working for in these last three or four months is just one person. Not sure how I feel about it. I don’t care about the money though they, or he/she, did say I would get some kind of money. I know one thing, I’m done working with large mapping teams for games AND project leaders that are in a “group”. So please, unfuck your shit, stop the lies and make some decent maps. KTHX. 2 Share this post Link to post
esselfortium Posted February 6, 2013 Beyond that, looking a bit closer into that quote... Abiagael O'Meara's blog said:I don’t care about the money though they, or he/she, did say I would get some kind of money. If you promise someone money for doing work for you, pay them, dude. Christ. 1 Share this post Link to post
RottKing Posted February 6, 2013 BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE. YO EXPOSED?!?!?!? Also yeah i just looked at the maps, there's no way an 11 year old who's never played doom before could come up with a good fully functioning layout like that, gimme a break. I could see maybe if an 11 year old drew random stuff on paper or in db, and then someone else who's actually played the game did the rest of the level building process, but all by herself? GET OUTTA HERE. 1 Share this post Link to post
Tarnsman Posted February 6, 2013 Also... Abiagael O'Meara's blog said:I admit, I was intrigued by Dimensions as they only wanted 12 tracks instead of 36. What they didn’t tell me until halfway through is that I only had one month to work on it. One single solitary month. That isn’t all, to make matters worse, the project leader got pushy, controlling and demanding. Not only did I have a month, he requested I leave the master tracks alone with only a spot of mixing here and there, no timing, nothing. Apparently he wanted a different “sound” and that left me less than enthusiastic about the finished product. Still, I finished it, I did my job... ...I don’t need someone who draws blueprints for game level design acting like he knows anything about a synthesizer or telling me how to do my job. Tell me what kind of sound you want and I’ll do my best to deliver it. But don’t tell me when a track is finished, only I know that. In my humble opinion, Dimensions is nowhere near finished! This might sound silly, but it might be a good idea to let your musician actually finish their work. Just some food for thought if you ever consider getting some custom-made music for future projects. 1 Share this post Link to post
dew Posted February 6, 2013 i feel i should apologize to abiageal for lumping her together with the other fictional women of the little temple harem group. i admit the, uhm, excessive spelling of her name and some Oct 4-5th events tied to her internet birth to be found on google made me doubt. 0 Share this post Link to post
Ribbiks Posted February 6, 2013 wow, this is throughly amusing. doomspiracy 0 Share this post Link to post
Joshy Posted February 6, 2013 Ribbiks said:wow, this is throughly amusing. doomspiracy Agreed, this is one mighty weird thread. Storm in a teacup perhaps, with the exception of the musician not being paid; that's pushing it a bit too far! 0 Share this post Link to post
LittleTemple Posted February 6, 2013 Actually, the think with Abiageal O'Meara can be explained. She was informed of this by someone as I understand. Someone (who could be anyone here, her email address is public) attempt to spread the crap storm. As for you Tarnsman, who are you? You've never given anyone feedback about our projects. Do you just lurk and wait for a reason to be a jagoff? As for everyone saying "there's no way so and so coulda done so and so", this is exactly why I thought (or think) it's pretty amazing. Abiageal O'Meara apologized for ranting on her blog about something that wasn't "confirmed" and I apologized to her for being a controlling dickhead. For the person who apologized for lumping her in with the rest of us, I'm sure she appreciates it. But thanks to this needless drama, I think I've just lost my music composer =P So, thanks! As for everyone else... Don't you have anything better to do than use similar tunnels, lights, and catwalks as proof that a map is made by someone else? If stuff like that held water, John Remero's maps were made by sandy peterson. They have stairs and square rooms, don't they? Double-sided linedefs? Doom builder leaves them double-sided as I've found out. Just FYI, the reason Gabrielle was so urging about me posting her blueprints is this. She KNEW you guys doubted those maps were hers, as you already know. So what did she do? She wanted to find out how much, thus, she sent me blueprints with purposely mis-arranged french to see just how far you guys could go up bash street. I guess she found it out, eh? But, like I said, if I'd have known that's what she was up to (for example, if I knew french) I would've talked her out of it, or at least tried. As for the excessive spelling of Abiageal's name... haha, I actually thought that when I first heard of her =P Apparently in Ireland it's a perfectly normal name. But it screams Irish. Also, the REASON abiageal hasn't been paid is simple. After the feedback on the soundtrack, we thought we'd discuss telling her to go ahead and fix the master tracks up to her liking. She probably wouldn't have taken the money if we hadn't let her fix it up anyway, though, I could be wrong. Anything else I can help you guys out with? Or are you still pulling stuff out of your ass for the sake of drama? Starting to make sense now? 0 Share this post Link to post
esselfortium Posted February 6, 2013 LittleTemple said:Just FYI, the reason Gabrielle was so urging about me posting her blueprints is this. She KNEW you guys doubted those maps were hers, as you already know. So what did she do? She wanted to find out how much, thus, she sent me blueprints with purposely mis-arranged french to see just how far you guys could go up bash street. This doesn't even slightly make sense, FYI. Also, the REASON abiageal hasn't been paid is simple. After the feedback on the soundtrack, we thought we'd discuss telling her to go ahead and fix the master tracks up to her liking. She probably wouldn't have taken the money if we hadn't let her fix it up anyway, though, I could be wrong. It doesn't work this way. When someone does work for you in exchange for money, you pay them what was promised for their work. Period. As an aside, I really like how immediately after being called out on his shit, LittleTemple completely dropped the air of faux-naivete that characterized all of his earlier posts. It's almost as though he's.... a completely different person! 3 Share this post Link to post
RottKing Posted February 6, 2013 LittleTemple said:She wanted to find out how much, thus, she sent me blueprints with purposely mis-arranged french to see just how far you guys could go up bash street. REEEEEAAAALLLY?? Come on, do you really expect us to believe that? She must be quite the little mastermind.... MAYBE SHE BECOMES THE SPIDER MASTERMIND IN THE FUTURE?!!? 6 Share this post Link to post
Tarnsman Posted February 6, 2013 LittleTemple said:Just FYI, the reason Gabrielle was so urging about me posting her blueprints is this. She KNEW you guys doubted those maps were hers, as you already know. So what did she do? She wanted to find out how much, thus, she sent me blueprints with purposely mis-arranged french to see just how far you guys could go up bash street. That may be the single dumbest thing I have ever heard. 11 year-olds do not work that way! LittleTemple said:Also, the REASON abiageal hasn't been paid is simple. After the feedback on the soundtrack, we thought we'd discuss telling her to go ahead and fix the master tracks up to her liking. She probably wouldn't have taken the money if we hadn't let her fix it up anyway, though, I could be wrong. That's not how employing someone works. You pay them when they provide what you asked for. If your end user doesn't like it after they made it to your exacting specifications that's not their problem. If it needs to be fixed you need to pay for it to be fixed or leave it broken and just tell people to accept it. 1 Share this post Link to post
LittleTemple Posted February 6, 2013 Well it so happens, I just paid her. As for if you think "11 year olds don't work that way" well, maybe not in your or my time. Now a days? Kids know more about computers than their parents. I don't find THAT unbelievable at all. But I knew you wouldn't believe me when I told you because you simply don't want to. I'm not posting like a different person, I'm posting like the same person who's getting more than a little bit angered. I am however done with this topic, I've said what I've wanted to say. Gabrielle is apparently still working on Demon Laden for the people that are still interested in it. Believe what you want. It doesn't matter to me, it might to Gabrielle though, I dunno, you'd have to ask her yourself. Sorry my apparently "crazy posting" has caused so much rift. EDIT: Notice how people who paid no attention (as far as posting goes) to either my team's work, or Gabrielle's come out of the woodwork to act like dicks when someone causes the shit fan to spin =P 0 Share this post Link to post
Seele00TextOnly Posted February 6, 2013 Remember when 11 year olds didn't make playable maps for games they'd never played? Pepperidge Farm remembers. 0 Share this post Link to post
Obsidian Posted February 6, 2013 Seele00TextOnly said:Remember when 11 year olds didn't make playable maps for games they'd never played? Pepperidge Farm remembers. Who the heck are you? 1 Share this post Link to post
Tarnsman Posted February 6, 2013 LittleTemple said:Well it so happens, I just paid her. Good for you, being a decent person is pretty awesome isn't it. LittleTemple said:As for if you think "11 year olds don't work that way" well, maybe not in your or my time. Now a days? Kids know more about computers than their parents. I don't find THAT unbelievable at all. 11 year olds don't go around purposely screwing up their native language to the point of Google Translate so they can troll an online community for a series of games they've never played. Sorry but that's just not how children work. I'd say you need to spend more time around some 11 year-old kids to hone your technique but that's probably a very, very bad idea. As for what we want? Just stop. You're too the point where your post explaining your lies are so convoluted that we've gone beyond full retard. Someone just randomly told Abiageal O'Meara you were one person for no apparent reason (does she frequently check doomworld threads for projects she's not even involved in?) and so she made a blog post about it today and you just happened to correct her a minute after it was discovered? Not even Superman could make that leap. Look dude it's not that hard. It's the cover-up not the lie people get upset about. Just admit that you lied and move on, keep making maps and contributing content and just sweep this under the rug like the time the crazy uncle hung himself in the living room that no one likes to talk about. These maps are pretty okay, with some touch up and more polish there probably could be a decent wad out of this. No one cares that Little Temple is just one person or that these weren't made by an 11 year-old. 2 Share this post Link to post
LittleTemple Posted February 6, 2013 Actually, FYI, she received an email from an address very similar to ours. Not to point fingers, but, it could've been you that sent it, for all I know. I don't check her blogs, so, naturally I didn't know about it till it was posted here. As for me spending more time with 11 year olds, how do you know I don't? You don't know me, you don't know what I do for a living. I could teach at a school for all you know. FYI, it wasn't gabrielle trolling. It was her trying to see how much people really didn't believe she made those maps. If I were her, I'd want to know before going and making 32 levels for DOOM and having it bashed. Naturally I would admit it's a lie but the fact is, it's not. Either you believe it or you don't. I've seen your other posts, you're just a dick, apparently. I'm not going to admit to something that isn't true. Take that however you wish. 0 Share this post Link to post
schwerpunk Posted February 6, 2013 Less talk; more WADs. That's my genuine, trying-to-be-helpful suggestion here. IMHO, all this explaining and re-explaining, whether genuine or not (I'll keep my thoughts on that to myself) doesn't help your case, LittleTemple. It sounds like excuses. Just make your things - people seem to like them, and I too would like to see where your project goes in the future. But all this needless detail is gonna killing your believability. Anyway, I'll likely see you fellows in Hell in no short order... did anyone bring the popcorn? 0 Share this post Link to post
Tarnsman Posted February 6, 2013 LittleTemple said:Actually, FYI, she received an email from an address very similar to ours. Not to point fingers, but, it could've been you that sent it, for all I know. I don't check her blogs, so, naturally I didn't know about it till it was posted here. As for me spending more time with 11 year olds, how do you know I don't? You don't know me, you don't know what I do for a living. I could teach at a school for all you know. FYI, it wasn't gabrielle trolling. It was her trying to see how much people really didn't believe she made those maps. If I were her, I'd want to know before going and making 32 levels for DOOM and having it bashed. Naturally I would admit it's a lie but the fact is, it's not. Either you believe it or you don't. I've seen your other posts, you're just a dick, apparently. I'm not going to admit to something that isn't true. Take that however you wish. Man this is the point where even the most brazen politician would admit they were full of shit. So your story is now that some random person emailed her to tell her you were one person? Why the hell would they do this? This is so far beyond reality that it hurts. Hell was once defined as a place without reason, that's where we are right now, Hell. Your story has so many holes in it I could zig-zag (to quote a certain Aussie) an articulated truck through it with ease. 0 Share this post Link to post
LittleTemple Posted February 6, 2013 Tarnsman, when did I ever say otherwise about her receiving an email? I never did, therefor, it isn't "the story now" it IS the story. That's what happened, and you continually bringing it up really does lead me to believe YOU sent the email. Or do you not like being on the other end of the stick? 0 Share this post Link to post
Csonicgo Posted February 6, 2013 The problem with lying on the Internet is that people know how to use Google. 0 Share this post Link to post
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