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Little Doomlings Still exist! (Demon Laden, Vanilla wad)

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LittleTemple said:

And how often do you use Microsoft word? Which version do you use? Did you customize the grammar checker to any presets? Or is this another one of your wisdoms like how you know such much about language translators. I use Word in my job. I think I'd know what I'm talking about.

To recap just how outlandish this claim has become.

You randomly discovered a "15 year old girl" on the internet via an obscure video the day it was posted, found out that a friend in Ireland knew her, hired her to make music for you, and then it turns out both of you happen to set up the same retarded grammar setting in Microsoft word ON TOP of typing everything in Word and then pasting it onto the internet instead of just typing everything up in the standard dialogue windows which have their own spellcheckers and what not.

You've passed trying to cover up lies with more lies, now you might as well try telling us the Earth is actually flat and because we perceive it as round we're creating delusions that make these "facts" appear even though they're not the truth.

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esselfortium said:

At this point you're not even making an attempt to dispute anything I said, so okay that's cool I guess?

Also, one more thing. How is it unlikely that we'd both be using word? You're forgetting, it's made by Microsoft...

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LittleTemple said:

Google should help you find out how much I paid her. You can answer your own question.

As for your post here. I may have mis understood how we bumped into abiageal. Kamila just read this thread (and is reading over my shoulder as I type) that she thought she told me about abiageal o'meara because our friend in ireland who knows her mentioned her.

So again, I'm not COMPLETELY sure how it came about. Maybe I spoke too soon. I've been busy lately and it was three months back. We still discovered her on youtube, though.

So your friend told you about her and yet you still discovered her on youtube? Do you understand what 'discovered' means? Because um, you might want to look that one up.

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LittleTemple said:

Also, one more thing. How is it unlikely that we'd both be using word? You're forgetting, it's made by Microsoft...

Because people don't normally use an external text editor to write posts on a forum that has its own post window built-in.

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LittleTemple said:

Also, one more thing. How is it unlikely that we'd both be using word? You're forgetting, it's made by Microsoft...

In order for Word to be responsible for your "whom" spam across everything Abiagael and you (by which I mean you) have posted on the internet you would need to both first type the posts up in word and then copy and paste them into the forum/youtube/blogspot dialogue windows. The chances of you both having the same grammar auto-correct settings and both typing everything out in word first are non-existent.

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Tarnsman said:

In order for Word to be responsible for your "whom" spam across everything Abiagael and you (by which I mean you) have posted on the internet you would need to both first type the posts up in word and then copy and paste them into the forum/youtube/blogspot dialogue windows. The chances of you both having the same grammar auto-correct settings and both typing everything out in word first are non-existent.

If you're talking about the whom in her interviews, I ran those through Word and it's spellcheck and grammar check before posting.

As for a spell checker, I wasn't aware doom world had one. My bad.

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LittleTemple said:

As for a spell checker, I wasn't aware doom world had one. My bad.

it's called bloodshedder, fool!

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We're talking about your grammar and formatting in everything you post. In fact Esselfortium is currently diligently looking through your sock puppet accounts on other forums to cross check the same syntax,formatting, and structure. There are certain things people do that many people also do but no one has the exact same speaking and typing style as someone else.

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Tarnsman said:

So your friend told you about her and yet you still discovered her on youtube? Do you understand what 'discovered' means? Because um, you might want to look that one up.

We discovered we liked her music on youtube. we discovered her musical tastes on youtube. we discovered some of her personality from her discriptions of her songs on youtube.

I know what discovered means. But you guys are nitpicking every single thing.

So, for the last time.

Abiageal O'Meara = Abiageal O'Meara

Little Temple Group = Me, Kamila, Valentine, and Elizavetta.

Gabrielle Bélanger = Gabrielle Bélanger.

Is that in english enough for you to get? You don't have to believe it. But you can stop trying to force some confession out of me because it's not happening. There's nothing to confess. If there were I would have done it by now because this quite obviously is beyond insanity. Even the devil would be just as bored as I am.

What would be the need for me to keep this up? What do I stand to gain by trying to maintain six different personalities?

That quote by Abiageal O'Meara on youtube about personalities is a little thing called humor. I don't know how long it's been around exactly, but, you should know what humor is. It helps, to say the least.

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Tarnsman said:

We're talking about your grammar and formatting in everything you post. In fact Esselfortium is currently diligently looking through your sock puppet accounts on other forums to cross check the same syntax,formatting, and structure. There are certain things people do that many people also do but no one has the exact same speaking and typing style as someone else.

Wait, he actually has time to do all that shit? I have a job to go to in about fifteen minutes. I'll save him the trouble and link him to all my forum accounts if it'll help the guy get other stuff done!

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Sure I do. It's evening right now, and using Google only takes a couple minutes. Besides, digging through this shit with other people on IRC is endlessly entertaining.

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LittleTemple said:

Wait, he actually has time to do all that shit? I have a job to go to in about fifteen minutes. I'll save him the trouble and link him to all my forum accounts if it'll help the guy get other stuff done!

Man I work between 50 and 60 hours a week and I still have enough time to point out you're full of shit. (Probably because examining your posts for more than three seconds is all it takes.)

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Tarnsman said:

Man I work between 50 and 60 hours a week and I still have enough time to point out you're full of shit. (Probably because examining your posts for more than three seconds is all it takes.)

Good for you.

I hope it makes you feel better about yourself because, judging by your other posts in various places all over this forum, you have been an ass to more than a few people.

I don't even get why you guys are wasting time. What ever it is that you think you'll find out confuses me even more.

You can either take the truth or ignore it and pretend it's something to help you through your boring life (unless you actually get enjoyment out of stuff like this, kind of sad)

Assume and distort more.

Doomworld should be called, play wads less, conspiracy theory more.

Seriously, we never got much feedback on any of our works. From more than half of the people replying to this thread. Most of the replies we got were people being rude and trying to find ways to prove what I thought was an interesting story false.

Good going guys! Lovely community.

I'll let Kamila take over the account for now and maybe she'll have something to say.

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Anyway, yeah, I did some more research into the sockpuppet accounts I mentioned here. Two of the three make noticeable use of the same =) style emoticons and same writing style, but the sockpuppet on MacRumors forums in particular, "Kristenn", seemed like a place to search for potential clues to this person's identity, because it was registered in 2009 and had a lot of posts.

First I found some things like this, which pretty directly counteract Abiageal's claims to have never heard of Doom II prior to being randomly approached by LittleTemple.

Wow! Thanks for all the replies! I guess we will be seeing Doom 4 on the Macintosh then. Even if its a whole year after the PC version. It makes me wonder what system requirements will be though. My dads iMac G4 had trouble running it. But then again. I think all computers kinda did when it first came out.

But then it got better, when Catoptromancy found this gem: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=783221

And there is only proof that Rain Drop and A Little Hopes profiles came from the same computer. Not the other people to. Do they just guess? And what on earth is a 46 year old lady that talks crude and bullies people even doing on a Zelda site? Is Ganon's Tower even a ZELDA forum anymore? I looked at the ladies profile. She doesnt even know what zelda is!

Deja vu! "Kristenn" seems to have coincidentally had the same habit of making up fictional friends on the internet and throwing hissy fits when people catch on to the ruse.

Further, xooz98 dug up this little bit of information in one of LittleTemple's threads on the Odamex forum:

You have a player who knows us named "KillerKittyKat" or Kristen.

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LittleTemple said:

Seriously, we never got much feedback on any of our works.

so you created a bs story in order to get more traffic, well congrdulations, it sorta worked

So, maybe "Kirstenn" is the only real person out of the bunch?

....Is what I thought until I read the second link.

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LittleTemple said:

We discovered we liked her music on youtube. we discovered her musical tastes on youtube. we discovered some of her personality from her discriptions of her songs on youtube.

I know what discovered means. But you guys are nitpicking every single thing.

Context motherfucker, it's a wonderful thing. There is a difference between discovering a person and discovering their work. Unfortunately you ended up being your own downfall as your own explanations are what gave most of it away. You were clearly ready to double down and more with this story, but next time you really need to plan your back up plans better, iron out those pesky little details.

LittleTemple said:

So, for the last time.

Abiageal O'Meara = Abiageal O'Meara

Little Temple Group = Me, Kamila, Valentine, and Elizavetta.

Gabrielle Bélanger = Gabrielle Bélanger.

Hold on, I have my Bullshit to English dictionary right here.

Abiageal O'Meara = You

Little Temple Group = You, You, You, and You

Gabrielle Bélanger = You on tuesday nights when you like the play dress-up and pretend you're a little girl.

LittleTemple said:

Is that in english enough for you to get? You don't have to believe it. But you can stop trying to force some confession out of me because it's not happening. There's nothing to confess. If there were I would have done it by now because this quite obviously is beyond insanity. Even the devil would be just as bored as I am.

What would be the need for me to keep this up? What do I stand to gain by trying to maintain six different personalities?

That quote by Abiageal O'Meara on youtube about personalities is a little thing called humor. I don't know how long it's been around exactly, but, you should know what humor is. It helps, to say the least.

First off I take umbrage with the notion of maintaining six different personalities, as you've failed to maintain even one. Second off, I don't want you to confess because I'm honestly trying to figure out whether or not your either A: a teenage girl who is royally ass-pained that someone didn't pay you enough attention (which I'm leaning towards because your web of lies has more effort put into it than your average teenage boy would do but the same kind of poor-planning that leads to it falling apart upon close examination that you would expect out of a teenage girl)or B: A 40 year old man sitting naked at his computer pretending to be a teenage girl. So please continue, the game is afoot.

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LittleTemple said:

Good for you.

I hope it makes you feel better about yourself because, judging by your other posts in various places all over this forum, you have been an ass to more than a few people.

Ow, my self-esteem! However will I recover? You sir have bested me and made me see the error of my ways.

LittleTemple said:

I'll let Kamila take over the account for now and maybe she'll have something to say.

Oh will she post in the exact same style of writing as you? I bet she will! How convenient too considering you have to go to that job at 10:56 in Oregon (yeah we can use IP Addresses). Now you can pretend to work AND keep posting. You clever bastard you!

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esselfortium said:

Anyway, yeah, I did some more research into the sockpuppet accounts I mentioned here. Two of the three make noticeable use of the same =) style emoticons and same writing style, but the sockpuppet on MacRumors forums in particular, "Kristenn", seemed like a place to search for potential clues to this person's identity, because it was registered in 2009 and had a lot of posts.

First I found some things like this, which pretty directly counteract Abiageal's claims to have never heard of Doom II prior to being randomly approached by LittleTemple.

But then it got better, when Catoptromancy found this gem: http://forums.macrumors.com/showthread.php?t=783221

Deja vu! "Kristenn" seems to have coincidentally had the same habit of making up fictional friends on the internet and throwing hissy fits when people catch on to the ruse.

Further, xooz98 dug up this little bit of information in one of LittleTemple's threads on the Odamex forum:

mmmm okay you're saying that marcus or all of us is this kristenn person from a website named macrumors? mind if i ask what that's based on?

kristen from the odamex community (killerkittykat) is actually my step sister x3 i bought her doom on GBA

i would give marcus the update but i am fairly sure he doesn't care anymore :/

but to be honest its all getting silly. i just wish marcus would tell you something he hasn't. but if you really want to know whats up. send me a pm and i will give you my email address mmkay?

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The secret to telling the truth is to explain everything with as many words as possible until people who don't believe you go away.

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[02:00] what the hell
[02:00] if you try to email littletemple on dw forums
[02:00] The email address for LittleTemple is chrisgibbon90@me.com

[02:04] type chrisgibbon90@me.com into facebook
[02:04] what the hell is this
[02:04] OH FUCK
[02:04] XOOZ
[02:04] https://www.facebook.com/christopher.gibbon.52
[02:04] holy fuck
[02:05] his blog is http://christopherbriangibbon.blogspot.com/ but it hasn't been updated in forever

[02:06] "i'm a writer"
[02:06] what a surprise

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LittleTemple said:

kristen from the odamex community (killerkittykat) is actually my step sister x3 i bought her doom on GBA

Whose step sister?

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seriously everyone i would rather clean this mess up in private xP trolls troll. marcus is just being a butt head again. if he would have let me see the thread a week ago i would have explained everything before it got so washed over with since less bickering. its starting to read like a old couples house in here...

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This shouldn't have gone on another bloody page. Does it REALLY matter whether LittleTemple is one person or several people? Just leave the poor blighter(s) alone.


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Obsidian said:

This shouldn't have gone on another bloody page. Does it REALLY matter whether LittleTemple is one person or several people? Just leave the poor blighter(s) alone.


well thanks but they have a point. marcus is over-reacting big-time and he hasn't been exactly truthful either i just don't want to cause more bickering amongst people i would rather have someone pm me and we could keep it out of the public. i was thinking emails.
marcus is the one who posts on forums on are behalf :3

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LittleTemple said:

seriously everyone i would rather clean this mess up in private xP trolls troll. marcus is just being a butt head again. if he would have let me see the thread a week ago i would have explained everything before it got so washed over with since less bickering. its starting to read like a old couples house in here...

Your name isn't Marcus, and no, DW is not obligated to sweep your bullshit under the rug for you.

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Continuing Essel's post with more evidence.

<ConSiGno> http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/15725
<ConSiGno> his book?
<dew> ooooh heh
<dew> mystery solved, i can go to work
<esselfortium> posted
<ConSiGno> **
<Captain_Ventris> with that book, we can find out what really happened to Richard III !
<dew> hahaha
<xooz98> heh
<xooz98> the character in the book is named rebekah
<Tarnsman> His blog is much more coherent than his DW posts
<xooz98> abiageal o'meara's song is called rebekah's dream
<Captain_Ventris> nice.
<xooz98> "It's actually based off of the draft notes of a small novel in progress as I type this."

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apologies i was under the assumption you guys wanted to know what the story really was. if you're going to be uncivil about it, then by all means, never mind.
whats this about rebekah's dream now?

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