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Little Doomlings Still exist! (Demon Laden, Vanilla wad)

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Aw I wanted to hear the new fabrication. Honestly I'm still trying to figure out who "won" out of this entire experience. Mr. Gibbon clearly gets off on this but pretty much everyone involved in unraveling this fabrication also got a lot of enjoyment out of doing so. So did both parties win? Did we actually have a shit-storm where everyone benefited? Because that might just be a Christmas miracle!

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I shouldn't be needing to tell you this, but you're a guy named Christopher Gibbon, and you're either a prolific liar or have some sort of multiple personality disorder.

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you mean Mr. Gibbon the author? we're very very close friends of his actually. it would be great if you guys could ask rather than confuse. i was over at his house yesterday in fact. but i'm not posting his address in public. sure he wouldn't mind a visit x3 do you guys have anything else? abiageal o'meara is a friend of Mr. Gibbon and she's writing a soundtrack for some kind of audio book for him or so i heard.

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LittleTemple said:

you mean Mr. Gibbon the author? we're very very close friends of his actually. it would be great if you guys could ask rather than confuse. i was over at his house yesterday in fact. but i'm not posting his address in public. sure he wouldn't mind a visit x3 do you guys have anything else? abiageal o'meara is a friend of Mr. Gibbon and she's writing a soundtrack for some kind of audio book for him or so i heard.


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i can't see that post. mind copying and pasting it? thanks! also. if you guys don't believe me, i can just give you his skype xP he's still online.

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LittleTemple said:

you mean Mr. Gibbon the author? we're very very close friends of his actually. it would be great if you guys could ask rather than confuse. i was over at his house yesterday in fact. but i'm not posting his address in public. sure he wouldn't mind a visit x3 do you guys have anything else? abiageal o'meara is a friend of Mr. Gibbon and she's writing a soundtrack for some kind of audio book for him or so i heard.

Your email address is chrisgibbon90@me.com. So you aren't just close friends of him you are him! But lets go to the crazy land of make-believe for a second and assume that you're not. Why does a 20 something year old guy from Oregon (where your IP clearly says you're posting from) randomly know a fifteen year-old girl from Ireland. Who by the way is so in love with God that not even a parody of Catholic people would like the Lord that much. There is a difference between being into God and wanting to fuck him!

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There's "Click Here to Email ****" on your profile. That's where Essel got it. :/

EDIT: Calm down Tarnsman. Geez.

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i would have to ask marcus about the email address but i'm not even sure chris uses that email anymore tbh.

listen if you guys are so convinced that we are him, send him an email, get his skype.. talk with the guy. certainly if he really is some kind of wacko mastermind you could learn how to catch the next one! :D

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do you know what that kind of email address is? you can't have more than 2 or 3 on the same computer. its not just a email address guys. its part of the computer. the contacts.. all the documents. everything. the guy isn't just going to stop using it because of some silly forum stuff. dont you think we would have thought of the chrisgibbon email when we signed up and said for it to be public before making all of this up if we were trying to hide something?
comeon think about it x3

sounds pretty dumb to me

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esselfortium said:

Because people don't normally use an external text editor to write posts on a forum that has its own post window built-in.

Dunno about that... I have "export EDITOR=/usr/bin/vi" in my $HOME/.profile, and enable external editor in any web browser which has that option. Surely I can't be the only one. Granted, I don't much care about spell or grammer check, and in fact stopped using vim because they keep bloating it with all that extra junk. It's not like you can't setup a custom .exrc and pipe stuff to spell/ispell. Blows my mind how people always try to reinvent Unix (poorly). ;-)

But seriously, those html text fields are crap for editing anything bigger than a sentence or two.

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I think we need to address the real tragedy here. This incompetent clusterfuck of schizophrenia ruined Quasar's avatar! In fact I think I need to say a small prayer.

Father who art in Heaven,

Today we lay to rest Gandalf, a noble wizard, who was sadly corrupted by an autistic Oregonian and now forever ruined. It was a tragic and pointless death it was. We have lost a friend, a mentor, and most importantly a guy with a bitching beard. May the monster who took him from us reflect upon his actions. Amen.

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LittleTemple said:

certainly if he really is some kind of wacko mastermind you could learn how to catch the next one!

Is that a challenge?

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Tarnsman said:

I think we need to address the real tragedy here. This incompetent clusterfuck of schizophrenia ruined Quasar's avatar! In fact I think I need to say a small prayer.

Father who art in Heaven,

Today we lay to rest Gandalf, a noble wizard, who was sadly corrupted by an autistic Oregonian and now forever ruined. It was a tragic and pointless death it was. We have lost a friend, a mentor, and most importantly a guy with a bitching beard. May the monster who took him from us reflect upon his actions. Amen.

i see you ignored the excellent point i made in my last post!
yes that is a challenge! for your sake it might be a good idea x3 im sure he would be thrilled to know whats going on

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LittleTemple said:

i see you ignored the excellent point i made in my last post!

What point was that, exactly?

Do you mean the part about how your email address is "part of your computer"?

The stupidity of that aside, you used that email to register your account on Doomworld, which is the point here. That's your email address. Cut the bullshit.

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LittleTemple said:

i see you ignored the excellent point i made in my last post!
yes that is a challenge! for your sake it might be a good idea x3 im sure he would be thrilled to know whats going on

Excellent point? What excellent point? That you were too lazy to set up a new email address for your hijinks? Also I do appreciate you going through the effort to change your "voice" now that you're posting as a "different person" but putting 'x3' at the end of things for emphasis might just be the single most autistic thing ever.

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esselfortium said:

What point was that, exactly?

Do you mean the part about how your email address is "part of your computer"?

The stupidity of that aside, you used that email to register your account on Doomworld, which is the point here. That's your email address. Cut the bullshit.

but it isn't. marcus was over at chris's house and decided to sign up on doomworld but he hadn't made an email address yet so chris said he could just use his. marcus is lazy like that x3

you guys aren't even trying to take up my offer and get my email or email chris and get the whole story on what is going on. why is that? you just keep posting hostile posts instead of calming down and talking to me.

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Who the fuck hasn't made an email address by this day and age? Unless you live in Pakistan, or Yemen, or Namibia, or Laos, or something, you don't have an excuse.

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thats why i said lazy. you do have to jump through alot of hoops for a apple email though. its not very easy. not like aol or even live.

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Why the hell would we email you or talk to you when you'd just deny the whole thing? That's like the cops investigating a murder and you clearly did it and your only defense is, "talk to me I'll tell you I didn't do it!"

My little sister can't be this autistic.

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LittleTemple said:

but it isn't. marcus was over at chris's house and decided to sign up on doomworld but he hadn't made an email address yet so chris said he could just use his. marcus is lazy like that x3

A kid in 2012 who doesn't have an email address yet? Well I'm convinced.

you guys aren't even trying to take up my offer and get my email or email chris and get the whole story on what is going on. why is that? you just keep posting hostile posts instead of calming down and talking to me.

If there was any truth to any of this, you would have surely explained it by now to clear your name in public, since this is apparently such a big deal to you. With that in mind, no, you're still full of shit and we're not going to play along.

LittleTemple said:

thats why i said lazy. you do have to jump through alot of hoops for a apple email though. its not very easy. not like aol or even live.

Calling bullshit on this claim as well. Besides, even if it were true, there are an awful lot of other email services.

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