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Major Rawne versus the Evil Bastards


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Greetings all. Since everyone here seems to be a Doom God, I thought the internet would need to know that there are some of us who are still aspiring... who would gladly give their right tescticle to be regarded as a Doom Legend, but only if they would get the testicle back in working order when they got fed up of Doom.

So here is my first-ever Ultra-Violence playthrough of one of the hardest maps I've ever played, Hell Revealed's Afterlife.

And yes, I really DO dodge like a bloody idiot, which is why I'm not a Doom God :P

EDIT: Here we go FFS. I'll have to just post a link until someone tells me why my video is invisible!

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instead of trying UV, do something like me: bad wads, good wads, bad TC's, good TC's, bugs and glitches? find something you enjoy rather than trying for gold, go for the good times...
it got me quite far!

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kind of, the thing is I was the one who started (yo my knowledge)the brutal doom bad wads thing, but I am not the first to bad wads! (the brutal bad wads idea was inspired by bigger youtubers like deimoscomablack, aquarius199, baronofstuff, nomac90) I liked the way they did things so I interpreted their idea of bad wads but I made it different with brutal doom, it seems I have influenced some people and I am great full for them doing this!

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mrthejoshmon said:

kind of, the thing is I was the one who started (yo my knowledge)the brutal doom bad wads thing, but I am not the first to bad wads! (the brutal bad wads idea was inspired by bigger youtubers like deimoscomablack, aquarius199, baronofstuff, nomac90) I liked the way they did things so I interpreted their idea of bad wads but I made it different with brutal doom, it seems I have influenced some people and I am great full for them doing this!

Stop posting about troll wads in every thread. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

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He isn't talking about troll wads I think. It's a new trend to make youtube vids about wads that people consider crappy. Usually they play 1994 maps or just some newbie stuff, not trollwads.

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Hooray! My first subscriber! :D

I'm just uploading another vid now. I've tried not to troll the wads, they're not exactly good but it's worth a look. Next time I'll try to do more maps and spend about one minute on each.

How do I embed the vid in my posts?


Here we go:

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esselfortium said:

Stop posting about troll wads in every thread. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

I am not posting about troll wads but in fact about a seemingly increasing popularity approach to doom: playing the BAD wads (wow.wad ect) in the BRUTAL DOOM game mod by SgtMarkIV, it is a new take on how the junk of doomworld is to be handled, I am sorry if I am causing any concern but I am struggling to see what I am doing wrong with that...

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esselfortium said:

You've been dragging it up in totally unrelated threads to draw attention to yourself. Stop it.

If you see it that way I will stop, but really it wasn't self promoting it was just my opinion.

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How about I do two sets of vids, provided the ones I've uploaded are well-received. I could do one which reviews random wads and has instalments where it rips the shit out of genuinely bad ones.

I could also do a playthrough of stupidly hard maps on UV and see if I can get through them. It's a counterpoint to all those Doom God maps.

EDIT: I give up on Afterlife.

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Two more:

A shitty update to a shitty map, and a poor man's Cyberdreams. Do I die a lot? Watch my previous videos and that question will answer itself. These are first-time playthroughs on Ultra Violence.

A Doom 2 update of one of the most famous early maps, Crossing Acheron. How will I rate this map? Has it stood the test of time, or do I trash it? This first-time playthrough on Ultra Violence is accompanied by Aubrey Hodges' most haunting melody.

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And finally...

5-LIVES.WAD, 01.WAD and 02.WAD
The shit finally hits the fan with three truly awful maps, one of which is so desperate to get rid of you it kills you and ends the level - BY SURPRISE!

Join me for a discussion on life, love and crap Doom maps with flashing rooms where YOU CAN'T SEE WHAT YOU'RE DOING!

With a guest appearance from Sgt Mkoll, Tanith First-And-Only.

Please support me on Youtube by commenting and liking any vids you think are worth it :)

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The next instalment of Major Rawne Plays is up.


The blurb:

Here we have a chainsaw fight against a Mancubus; an empty map described as "good" by its severely deluded author; Milky the Marvellous Milkin' Cow; and I get called "Steven" a lot.

YAPPER1.TXT exemplifies the ambitions of the time when Doom was new: "My first DOOM ][ wad and a good one at that!!" exclaims Eric Buchanan. Well, nearly 20 years later his words have come back to kick him up the arse - it's one of the worst and most pointless Doom 2 wads in existence.

Speaking of which, the other two are pretty pointless too, and ZEUS2.WAD will make your eyes scream. (Eyes scream? Ice-cream? Wow, that sounds like a joke by MarkAnthony89!)

What will you learn by watching this video? If you want to experience the optimism of the mid-90s, watch Desmond's instead.

If you really must assault your senses with this cacophany of crack-dreams, get them here:

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