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Beat Doom, looking for suggestions for maps

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I finally have beaten the original Doom, and while I imagine that I'll go into Thy Flesh Consumed sometime in the future, and move onto Hell on Earth, right now I'm looking to play some user generated episodes/maps within the first game.

So yeah, I'm looking for suggestions. I guess I'm mainly looking for ones that are short, easy, and have little to no puzzle solving, although feel free to suggest levels that are completely outside of that realm, just please let me know that they are that way so I can plan accordingly.

Oh, and while I'd appreciate at least some minor details on the episodes/maps that are suggested, I certainly don't want to stop anyone from giving suggestions, so by all means, say as much as you desire.

Thank you for your time.

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For PWADs fitting your description and being for Doom 1 I would recommend:

Fava Beans
Doom the Way id Did

If you like these you may also like DTWiD: Lost Levels but I've not played it myself.

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I think you should play some good 1994-time wads first. Look through Doomworld's top 10 wads of 1994. Just be careful of the bad wads.

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Check out the RRWARD series. The first two are huge but relatively easy maps that are very fun to explore. RRWARD03 is smaller but has some really cool ideas (have you ever seen a boombox in a doom level before?). I can't really recommend RRWARD04: it's very small and disappointing compared to the previous wads.

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What was that one where you play as a mechanic named iirc Joe. It was an E1 replacement done by two relatively well known Doomworlders, and it was pretty darn good.

My memory is crap so that is all I can remember.

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I haven't played a whole lot of OG Doom levels, but of the ones that haven't been recommended (directly or indirectly via Cacoward lists), I'll throw in INVADE1 and INVADE2. Both are single-level PWADs for the original Doom, with INVADE2 by far the stronger entry (and way better than anything else from the top 10 of 1994 except for maybe ALIENS). They're based on a ship that's swallowed by a much larger demon ship. You wake up in a stasis chamber and fight your way from the lower decks (INVADE1) to the upper decks (INVADE2). There are some goofy little movies you can play before and after them that were put up as separate entries on the archives; I had to run them in DOSBOX on my computer.

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What about all the 1994 sprucing up wad projects. Anyone have a link for those?

Hell, this might motivate me to make a map today. Would be fun to make a map for such a noob! We could used Superrpgman during DTWID development.

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If you are bored and just want randomly generated levels to hone or sharpen your skills, you should take a look at Oblige. The quality of these maps are actually pretty good and usually make the shittiest user made maps look like crap.

I would recommend getting the older version 3.57 from the "Oldies" section because it has more features available than the first public version of the V4 series.

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That list is just based on that non-cacoward thread where people picked own faves. It's not list by one guy based on stars or anything, I suppose. So I'm cool with it.

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Try these:
njdoom - 3 episode megawad (the first ever megawad maybe), very easy and fairly light on puzzles
phobos - E1 replacement "The Far Side of Phobos" by Jim Kirk, it's pretty straightforward and most maps are easy. There are some spots you'll probably die the first time, but it's more a matter of learning the map than pure skill.

You might also try Akce Korian (another E1 replacement, with its own style rather than KDitD look-alike).

Oh, and you'll probably want to read the Doom Underground reviews and old /newstuff Chronicles, and surely will find some interesting stuff to play. In fact, you can search the news forum for wad names (like try "akce" for example) and find lots of details befory playing a map.

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