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Doom 3: Phobos


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Definitely cool, I see cacos now shoot balls that are closer to original ones. Are cacos skin were updated too? or they still look like flying potato/ internal organs?

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15 hours ago, Gzegzolka said:

Definitely cool, I see cacos now shoot balls that are closer to original ones. Are cacos skin were updated too? or they still look like flying potato/ internal organs?


Caco skins were indeed updated to a much more reddish coloration---something that overall more matched the classic skin tone. :) The Caco models themselves are still the same, however.

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Looking forward to the next epsiode. Best Doom 3 mod of all time!


Btw I think the original Doom 3 Caco looks perfect with it`s "internal organs" look.

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It's awesome to see Teaser for Doom 3 Phobos Episode 3.

This mod will find place in my long list of mods to play.


It's good to see that doom 3 modding scane is still alive in 2023. 😊


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On 7/5/2023 at 2:49 AM, Tetzlaff said:

Looking forward to the next epsiode. Best Doom 3 mod of all time!


Btw I think the original Doom 3 Caco looks perfect with it`s "internal organs" look.


Well the re-skinned Caco's brain is still visible, if that's what you mean.


In most instances when we've re-skinned a monster, we've retained the original identifying elements. Ex: our Imp is merely a brown-shaded version of the original D3 Imp, our Hellknight has a slightly more yellowish hue than the original D3 Hellknight, etc. Some exceptions to this would be our Revenant, which has the green glowing eyes and transparent layer of skin removed, or the Arch-Vile, where I added hellish symbols carved into his skin that light up when he summons fire or demons---all in all, his skin has a more wounded, scarred appearance than the original D3 version.

Edited by Caffeine Freak

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Internal organs is what Gzegzolka said :)

Your reskins are fine, they are subtle enough. I made myself some reskins as well, for example giving the Mancubus a toad-like color or a light skine tone for  the Maggot.

However I don‘t like reskins that just try to reiterate the bright classic Doom monster designs.


Edited by Tetzlaff

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So I decide to play Phobos episode one again :)


I have finally found what should I do with markers You can pick up in Mars City just before visit in doctor room with brain scanner.


Just after invasion near level end there is small armory room near elevator. How can I open it? There are armour and shotgun shells inside. Also there is small sticker with ball near locked door.


On next level in same big room with shotgun there is small locked room with some basic supplies. How do I open it? I try use grabber on every body and small box to see if there is some hidden switch but I do not find it.

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3 hours ago, Gzegzolka said:

Just after invasion near level end there is small armory room near elevator. How can I open it? There are armour and shotgun shells inside. Also there is small sticker with ball near locked door.


You're noticing the right things. ;)

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I bring ball from court with grabber, take it to train cart and toss at locked door. I do not manage to unlock it. I am sure I do it wrong :)

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It worked :) I wonder near end of that level are two locked rooms. Where they designed just as an decoration or at some point there were plans to open them?


Now I need to find a way to open that small room near start of next map. It also have opening above locked doors. I try to toss inside small things and grenades but I did not work.

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Wow, great looking environment. It reminds me Doom 2016 Lazarus Labs and Dead Space. Great example of how to turn well know comfortable tech-base into unsettling alien place. Those two birdmans looks as awesome as hell knights when they were introduced in D3 Delta labs.

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  • 10 months later...

I'm curious: is there a visit to hell in Episode 3? It's of course not mandatory, but I would love to see a Team Future version of hell.

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Congrats on the release! I finished episode 1 a while ago and enjoyed the combat a lot. I didn't get to episode 2, this is a good reminder to play it, and I look forward to checking out episode 3.

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I think Phobos only works with the original release of Doom 3 and not the BFG edition... that might hinder the number of supported systems.

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I was holding off on it after hearing about it a few months back since I wanted to wait for it to be completed, but now that it has, I'm definitely looking forward to playing it soon! Congrats on the update!

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6 hours ago, Scuba Steve said:

I don't know what's wrong, but I can't extract the pak files from the zip... it fails every time.

Huh weird :/ 

Have you tried downloading it again? Maybe it got corrupted somehow. It works fine here, and for others.

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