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Doom images by Farazparsa

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Enjoy- Comics by Faraz parsahttp://comics.farazparsa.com/

Use the Url if you want to see more of his comics just search Doom and enjoy.

Note Doom guys supposed to be shacking as if he's nervous or has coffee jitters.

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I'm gonna shoot straight with you: You just made a mile-long post of tips that at least 99% of the people here know, and some of which may have actually been the ones to figure them out. This game is 19 years old, and newcomers are the exception. This community has a high retention rate - we stick around.

I know you want to contribute, but google searches for Doom tips are not going to help the community that wrote them. There is a Doom wiki.

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I honestly just wanted to have a reason to post faraz comics.

I honestly didn't know all of this stuff either. I found some of the little things interesting. I think I can do something more constructive with the comics elsewhere. I wasn't to sure whether to post these.

Hey if you want to delete the thread then ok I can't stop you.

On the topic of the comics, has faraz ever posted them here at all?
If not I'll just go make a thread about them. Though I bet every ones seen them already.

Sorry for troubling you.

I was thinking of doing something more constructive with the comics later on though.

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Thorgrim103 said:

I was thinking of doing something more constructive with the comics later on though.

Valentine's Day is coming up!

Thorgrim103 said:

To kill the Cyberdemon, shoot it until it dies.

So that's what I've been doing wrong.

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Captain Ventris said:

I'm gonna shoot straight with you: You just made a mile-long post of tips that at least 99% of the people here know, and some of which may have actually been the ones to figure them out.

And some of which are actually false.

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For instance, it's only the first two shots from the chaingun that are accurate for each holding of the trigger and the hard limit on lost souls at a time when spawned by Pain Elementals is 21 for the vanilla game and most source ports, with some (like ZDoom) making it truly unlimited instead as an option.

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Interesting post, tho some of those are untrue (shotgun guy actually shoots 3 pellets, not 5)

The comics however were awesome.

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I am going to change the thread to make it comics only. Also Sorry I wasn't aware some of these were false. I think things will go much more smoothly if I change the post.

Thanks for helping me understand things.

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