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Masturbation Poll

How much did you masturbate in your life?  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. How much did you masturbate in your life?

    • once
    • 2-10
    • 11-100
    • 101-500
    • 501-1000
    • more than 1000

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1-5 times a day, 2 on avrege, going for the passed few years. Pretty sure I made the 1,000 mark =]

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Average of once per day since I was eleven or son thats 7 years times 365 days...so aproximately 2,555 times, maybe more. Heh.

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Originally posted by Crendowing
Thanks for the comment....

Ever jacked off in host pell before ;)


I'm almost nineteen, what were you expecting?

This would be post-hellable in most cases but so far it's not terribly retarded.

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I average about once a day, to a minimum of twice a week at times.

At what point does one become a "compulsive" masturbator? Four, five times a day? More?

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Originally posted by Crendowing
Ever jacked off in host pell before ;)


Heh, although he doesn't want anyone to know it, Zaldron secretly gets turned on by all those demon-sex posts :P

As for my choice...I'm really not sure at all...about 3 times a week for the last 2 years...so that's 365 * 2 / 7 * 3...213.8

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QotD: Over the centuries, mankind has tried many ways of combating the forces of evil...prayer, fasting, good works and so on. Up until Doom, no one seemed to have thought about the double-barrel shotgun. Eat leaden death, demon...
-- (Terry Pratchett, alt.fan.pratchett)


Terry Pratchett actually said that?

And he posts on alt.fan.pratchett? hehe :)

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Originally posted by IMJack
At what point does one become a "compulsive" masturbator? Four, five times a day? More?


Six times a day, I think.

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Originally posted by Archvile64
Heh, although he doesn't want anyone to know it, Zaldron secretly gets turned on by all those demon-sex posts :P


All the more reason why he mods the DOOM 3 forum...or at least DID.

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What do you mean by DID?
He's still listed as a Doom 3 forum Mod, doesn't that make him Mod of the D2 forum?

But then again, BBG was listed as Post Hell Moderator long after he lost that "Mod status"...

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Originally posted by dsm
What do you mean by DID?
He's still listed as a Doom 3 forum Mod, doesn't that make him Mod of the D2 forum?

But then again, BBG was listed as Post Hell Moderator long after he lost that "Mod status"...


BBG was never mod of anything, that was just a joke.

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How much did you masturbate in your life?


As no-one's life is over yet, how can there be an answer to this? That's like when someone asks me if I have lived in my home town all my life, I have to say "Not yet", or "have you any spare change?", gotta answer "My life isn't over yet so how do I know what's going to be spare?"

Oh and it's not true that when you marry you stop, you just don't always have to use your own hand any more :)

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Originally posted by Archvile64
BBG was never mod of anything, that was just a joke.


I KNOW that, why d'you think i put Mod status in quotation marks?

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Originally posted by Zaldron

Six times a day, I think.


I did 9 before... that was just brutal, painfull, and I don't know why I did it.

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Originally posted by orion

I did 9 before... that was just brutal, painfull, and I don't know why I did it.


Woah. I never got that much material to go beyond 6 times. It does get boring if the body is not demanding it.

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Originally posted by Linguica

I never masturbate! All of you are hairy-palmed, nearsighted perverts! For shame!


...a good example of how NOT to make an April Fools joke - they should be at least marginally believable :P

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Holy shit, this is horrible, but I guess it has to be figured.

Ok, easily over a 1000.

And I've shagged 6 different girls, but the others only 1-3 times. My current girl (yes, we're in for the long-haul) about 30 times?

About average for a 19 year old I guess.

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Originally posted by pritch

...And I've shagged 6 different girls, but the others only 1-3 times. My current girl (yes, we're in for the long-haul) about 30 times?

About average for a 19 year old I guess.


\me gives pritch a cold stare


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Originally posted by Linguica
I never masturbate! All of you are hairy-palmed, nearsighted perverts! For shame!


Are you asexual or something, Ling?

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Sometimes I beat my meat 2-5 times a day! I've been doing it since I was seven! I don't expect anyone to believe me but I am telling the honest truth! So I have definately reached way past the 1000 mark! Heh!

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Uh.....I never keep count. However, it's probably hitting over 3,000 times now...:~)

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Um.. why do you want to know?



Everytime you masturbate, God kills a kitten


It's a wonder that cat's still exist...

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Originally posted by Linguica
I never masturbate! All of you are hairy-palmed, nearsighted perverts! For shame!


your april fools post?

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