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Your greatest achievements

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Mr. Chris said:

Beating E1M1 on Nightmare under 30 seconds on the XBLA version a couple of years ago.

Nightmare is awesome. I've only beat E1M1 on Xbox 360 for the achievement and more recently I've beat E1M1 both in 25 seconds and 100%. Not at the same time though. I don't think I've even played any other levels in NM but I'm gonna try both parring and doing 100% on the rest of the game soon. NM is the only challenging difficulty.

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Actually continuing to work on a mapping project after I completed the first map. Usually I just get bored but I've almost finished the third map.

I don't really play for achievements. Just for the style and atmosphere of DooM more than anything.

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Mr. Chris said:

Beating E1M1 on Nightmare under 30 seconds on the XBLA version a couple of years ago.

That's your greatest achievement? Your greatest?

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Kontra Kommando said:

Beating Doom and Doom II on Ultra-Violence; never really tried on nightmare.

My completionist OCD doesn't allow me to play on Nightmare. I never feel like I'm getting 100% kills (thus, no 100% score... not that I always achieve that goal anyway hehe). Also, infinite respawning is a bitch. Maybe one day I'll try a nightmare run. =P

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Cell said:

Actually, I've once heard of a guy, who was blasted up in the air by an Archvile, thus flying into a teleport that led to the Archvile's place. Kind of revenge, fucker.

Holy cow. That was me. Yeah Baby.

( •_•)

( •_•)>⌐■-■


(I freely admit it was a pure fluke however, but still one of the coolest Doom things I have done.)

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I once tried fighting a cyberdemon with fists only and managed to succeed surprisingly. Yes I know it has been done before but it's still the best thing I ever tried to do.

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Avoozl said:

I once tried fighting a cyberdemon with fists only and managed to succeed surprisingly. Yes I know it has been done before but it's still the best thing I ever tried to do.

Once I ran out ammo and had Berserk picked up previously. Having no better chance, I ran against the Cyber and managed to punch it. Once. That was fair enough. One can never be sure if this monster has about 14 hit points left to finish it properly.

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  • 2 months later...

For awhile I was speed running PSX Final Doom on UV on any of the three episodes. Proud to say that I can sometimes get through 9 to 11 or so maps without dying. It would be more if I took my time, but speed running with the PSX controller is fun.

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Cell said:

You mean, getting past the blue "door" from the Megaarmor area?

Yea..I was a noobie and I was pretty damn happy to get out of that level sooner

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Went through E1 on Nightmare (added normal NM skill) with Brutal Doom without dying.

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I think a pretty boss achievement of mine would be to beat my own UAC Ultra 2 maps on Nightmare. MAP05 and MAP06 are destroying me, but I know there's a thin little ray of hope. It really could have used a plasma gun though I think.

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