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Odamex Saturday Nitro #79 - Styxdm and Xenosx9 FFA


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We say goodbye to the old Nitro administration as HeX and HumanBones retire from leading it, with Decay, Hybrid and Hypnotoad taking their place. On this Saturday's Nitro session, we'll be playing on both Styxdm and Xenos9 for some fast-paced oldschool action. There will be a set limit of players, of course, for the most enjoyment on these maps.

Date: Saturday, February 23rd, 2013

Euro Session: 20:00 GMT (15:00 EST)

USA Session: 20:00 EST (1:00 GMT)

WADS: Styxdm01 and Xenosx9

Maps: 12 (01-04, 02-09)

Mode: 10-player Deathmatch

Fraglimit: 50

Server: IDL Chicago / [NL] Funcrusher

If you don't have Odamex yet, check out the ]Odamex site and get yourself 0.6.2! Don't forget to join the Odamex Steam Group for easy updates and announcements.

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