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Original demos?

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We all know the 1.9 demos that play in the background.

According to the Doomwiki 1.6 and Shareware 1.666 have different demos which are recreations of earlier demos but there's no mention of which these demos are anywhere.

I just tried the 1.9 to 1.1 downgrade patch though and now the demos are E2M4, E3M3 and E3M6. Are these the original ones?

They're nothing like the later demos so I'm guessing 1.2 had yet another set of demos which were recreated in 1.6 or the downgrade patch doesn't use the original demos.

Can I see the demos played in 1.1, 1.6 and any other versions that may have different demos than 1.9 someplace?

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I think I can help here...


To get the demos from other versions, you just need to downgrade your Doom from 1.9 to 1.1, then apply the various upgrade patches. Ie there's a registered 1.1 to 1.2 patch, a registered 1.2 to 1.666 patch, and so on. Pretty sure everything you need is on /idgames somewhere.

The earliest ingame demos are those for 0.99 shareware, 1.1 was the first registered version. Also Doom 2 had one demo redone from 1.666 to 1.9.

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