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Is Doom the best game ever?

Is Doom the best game ever?  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. Is Doom the best game ever?

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No, but it still entertains me after all this years. Not a lot of games are able to do that.

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It's the most fun to work with.

Play? It depends, it shares a spot with Zelda 1, 3 and Lunar 1+2.

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yes, but the top spot is shared with the Zelda games (I,II,III) and Final fantasy VI.

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Originally posted by Liam the Bard

Heretic? Pfft.
All Heretic had which Doom didn't have was flying (which sucks anyway) and an inventory system. Imo the weapons all sucked and the whole game just seemed so horribly cheesy - it had none of Doom's cool design characterwise nor weaponwise, it had none of Doom's scary atmosphere and most of the music in Heretic sucked (even cheesier than Doom).
So it still remains a total enigma to me why Heretic is so damn popular. Hexen is at least a thousand times better than that shitty Doom-in-medieval-fantasy-clothing game.

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I thought Heretic was a pretty good game. Just not as scary or as much fun as Doom. Better features, like the inventory, but that's about it.

And, it sucks for editing because it has so much less of a variety of textures, etc. than Doom does.

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Originally posted by dsm
shitty Doom-in-medieval-fantasy-clothing game.


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/Me assasinates all those who sent me death threats
Having a different opinion than me I can accept but beginning to threaten me just makes me moderately angry...

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Angry enough to kill two moderators, one respected forum member, and the monk? "Moderately angry" indeed... ;)

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Most people see Heretic as some Doom TC with fancy new graphics because the weapon behavior was surprisingly familiar. However, Heretic's much more than that. I would post my opinions but now I have this urge to play Lüt's maps...

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I say go ahead and list your opinions - it might help me to get a better understanding of your views.

It's just that I don't like Heretic at all - the shareware version lasted about five days on my hard drive.

No offence intended, but when a Doomer says that Heretic is better than Doom it makes me wonder why the Hell he's even hangin' out here, not to mention why he even calls himself a Doomer.

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Originally posted by dsm
No offence intended, but when a Doomer says that Heretic is better than Doom it makes me wonder why the Hell he's even hangin' out here

Wake up. Doomworld covers Heretic as well, in case you didn't notice. New Heretic maps are reviewed in the /newstuff chronicles and Heretic source ports are availiable for download. I might also note that half the people here don't even play doom on a regular basis anymore.

not to mention why he even calls himself a Doomer.

I discovered Heretic in 1999, FIVE years after I discovered and fell in love with Doom. I play doom 10x more than I play Heretic because Doom has a mapping/multiplayer community that is 10x more active. And didn't you yourself just say that Heretic was just doom in medieval clothing?

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Originally posted by Liam the Bard

And didn't you yourself just say that Heretic was just doom in medieval clothing?

Yep, Doom in medieval clothing means Doom with its cool shotguns and other cool slightly futuristic to all-around futuristic weapons turned into cheesy megic wands/staffs - add to that that this particular Doom-in-medieval-clothing doesn't own a fraction of Doom's atmosphere.

What's the world coming to? I'm on Doomworld, yet the place is beginning to house more Heretics than actual Doomers :-(

..I feel....so alone... all of a sudden.

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Originally posted by dsm
What's the world coming to? I'm on Doomworld, yet the place is beginning to house more Heretics than actual Doomers :-(

..I feel....so alone... all of a sudden.

What a stupid reflexion. I'm not even going to argue in this one.

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Originally posted by Zaldron
I would post my opinions but now I have this urge to play Lüt's maps...

I had no idea that time travel that far into the future was even feasible =)


Is DOOM the best game ever?

Hmmmmm....let me think.....


Nope...I'd have to say the latest Fisher-Price game is the best =)

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Originally posted by Zaldron
I would post my opinions but now I have this urge to play Lüt's maps...

What, his age-old The End Complete betas or are you using some secret method of time-travel to go into the distant future that we don't know about? :P

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Originally posted by Archvile64
What, his age-old The End Complete betas or are you using some secret method of time-travel to go into the distant future that we don't know about? :P

Originally posted by Crendowing
I had no idea that time travel that far into the future was even feasible =)

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no, it's not the best game ever, it's second to that barby game I got

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