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Hadephobia demos [-complevel 9]

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This thread is for Hadephobia demos in complevel 9. I have a UV Speed in 0:24, included is pacifist in 0:29 (which for some reason didn't trigger any monsters after the blue key).

Naming convention:


where XX is the map number and ABC is your time in minutes and seconds.
The dash is used for UV speed or max demos and it can be replaced with following symbols denoting different categories:
c for coop
t for tyson
p for pacifist
r for respawn
n for nightmare
s for secret exit, nightmare 100% or stroller. heh.
o for nomonsters
x for TAS

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  • 2 weeks later...
Memfis said:

First exit on 01 uv-max, you guys are doing something wrong. :)

heh seeing two sergeants and 1 imp get nailed in one broomstick shot might have something to do with it. My runs end up with lost souls acting like they are fast monsters and sergeants who do 35 damage plus everytime. The last time I tried to do a serious record i mashed my keyboard causing the blue screen of death. So my max was rather lazy tbh this time :P
Edit short version - I suck :P

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Well, I died many times in my attempts too. For those short runs I usually choose a risky strategy and just try again and again until I survive. If something doesn't work, try doing it again. Speedrunning is so illogical. :)

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So it turns out two shortcuts in MAP29 that were spotted during testing didn't get properly fixed before release. I don't have a mouse available right now, so have a really shoddy keyboard nomonsters run showing them off. Obviously this can be done way faster, this is just a demonstration.

(The first one which is a jump out of a window would be useful during a UV Max as it allows quicker access to the BFG secret.)

EDIT: Reuploaded the file to fix a small error in the text file, not that that affects anything but hey.


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I think I didn't fix the first shortcut on purpose as it doesn't skip a significant amount of the map and I don't think it's a bad thing to have some shortcuts. The second one I definitely fixed in one of the beta versions and I suspect it may have got "unfixed" by mistake at some point. I won't lose too much sleep over it though.

I hope to see some more demos from you when you get your mouse Melon :-)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a warning that there might be a revision coming up. I had considered the version on /idgames as final but a couple of maps are not maxable due to errors so it has become necessary. I'll update here when it's done.

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purist said:

Just a warning that there might be a revision coming up. I had considered the version on /idgames as final but a couple of maps are not maxable due to errors so it has become necessary. I'll update here when it's done.

Thanks for informing us. I think I'll wait for this version and record a few more demos.

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purist said:

Just a warning that there might be a revision coming up. I had considered the version on /idgames as final but a couple of maps are not maxable due to errors so it has become necessary. I'll update here when it's done.

I'll continue to make some demos once the update is done.

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Okay you win.

It's occurred to me that speedrunning is like one of those playground games where you want to leave the other guy stuck holding the last pebble. You don't just want to shave seconds off, but the right number of seconds, so that the other guy will come back with an improvement that you can still beat, or else he won't be able to beat your time at all. Submitting a time of 0:45 when there were still a couple seconds left to save was a poor play.

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Heh, I had thoughts like this before but never did such things on purpose. I just try to play to the best of my ability, that's more interesting than these "mind games" for me. :)
btw there is still room for improvement, 0:3x is definitely possible I think.

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I nearly had a mental breakdown trying to do this. Because ZDL closing itself after some recordings (even though it's not supposed to), I forgot to add the complevel for this recording >_<

Anyway, here is MAP11 UV max in 2:33.


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Eris Falling said:

I nearly had a mental breakdown trying to do this. Because ZDL closing itself after some recordings (even though it's not supposed to), I forgot to add the complevel for this recording >_<

Anyway, here is MAP11 UV max in 2:33.

Closed itself? As in finished recording then automatically close or in the middle? Sorry I'm a bit heh so PM me if you're having any problems so I can compare my configuration with yours.

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PM sent.

By the way, a small thing I observed about MAP11 for those who haven't found it already. It might be beneficial to any speedrunning attempts you try, but if you hit the first rock in the Mastermind cavern in a certain way (not entirely sure how, sorry), you can avoid the trigger line and keep the Mastermind hidden until after you've got the yellow key. This can stop it teleporting about all over the place and may help in taking it down. Unfortunately, I didn't manage to achieve it in my demo, but you should all be able to work it out somehow.

I also found the map quite useful for practising SR50, being a noob speedrunner :P

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I wanted to try my hand at keyboarding a level, so watch in horror as I really slowly and ineffectually take on Hadephobia's #1 most bullshit map.

Wince as I almost die constantly and have to play really slowly.
Despair as I miss no end of shots.
Scream as I spend over 30 seconds dealing with a single pain elemental and his infuriating spawn.
Laugh as I pick up a soulsphere at 181% health.
Cry when you see my final time.

Map28 UV-Max in 10:02


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