Carnage Posted April 2, 2002 Well I should start from the begining: a while ago, about january 21 2002 a 16 year old guy (on the 9 he will be 17)was in the middle of a doom game with his 17 year old brother (tomorrow he will be 18). When all of the sudden, their father came down the stairs and forced them off of the computer, stating that they spent to much time on it. He then told them that they would not be allowed to play games until their father said otherwise. Their computer was then promptly put on a shelf and they did not touch it again till a while after. Instead they were allowed to use their parents computer for checking their e-mails and updating their web-sites, but after a week of this their mother became frustraited because her sons would use her computer while she needed it. So they were given back the priviledge of their computer for checking their e-mails and updating their web-sites, still no games. Well that brings you up until recent times. Recent times: Just yesterday we moved the computer upstairs, then our father came home, saw it there, and ordered it to be put back downstairs in the morning. After this order my younger brother, a 15 year old, got in a conversation in which he learned that our father had no intent to give us back our gaming priviledge, he said the only way we can get the priviledge back is to move out when we turn 18 and buy our own computers. And so a the 16 year old (me) now realises that he will never be able to complete his projects, unless he moves out when he is 18. That is just a Real Life (TM) experiance that I lived. what would you do?? 0 Share this post Link to post
Liam Posted April 2, 2002 Negotiate with your dad is all I can say. This happened to a friend of mine a while ago and he just talked his way out of it. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted April 2, 2002 Hmm... I'd tell you what I did to get around my parent's games ban, but it really kind of screwed me up in the long run. My suggestion is that you talk to your dad, try to convince him to give back some of your comp privileges. Say, an hour or two of games at most a day. Whatever he cites as suffering because of your games (be it your health or your grades or whatever), work hard to improve them by summer. If he sees some kind of improvement in spite of your playing games, he'll be fine with giving back your full privelege over the summer. Or he should, if he's a reasonable human being. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted April 2, 2002 Heh, this reminds me of my dad, except that he wasn't as strict as that. Thank God I've moved away from home :-) 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted April 2, 2002 Does your father and mother know how to fix/repair/install/mantain computers? Extortion = TEH COOL 0 Share this post Link to post
Carnage Posted April 2, 2002 Originally posted by Zaldron Does your father and mother know how to fix/repair/install/mantain computers? Extortion = TEH COOL what? not sure what that meant, but they are pretty computer illiterate if thats what you mean. In the begining before I lost priviledge, I was allowed 30 minutes a week! It later went up to 45 minutes, then I started working and playing on the computer, working mostly. And around here my dad only comes when I'm playing, and thinks I only play. Heres something simular: I have this hand held 256 games devise, I hadn't touched it for months, then I pick it up and seconds later my dad walks in. He gets an iritated look on his face, opens his mouth as if to talk, and leaves. Well back to the point, 6 hours a day was over board, that is 6 hours of mixed work and play trading off with my brothers (so it wasn't acually 6 hours). And to make it worse my dad made it very clear there was no chance of geting my game priviledge back, but I still have hope. 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted April 2, 2002 If you could, shoot your dad. He sounds like my dad and stepmom. Thank GOD I have my own computer now (and I'm only 17 :) and have a mom who knows how to give her son some repsponsibility.Ignore the hollow threats and play DooM anyway 2 100.00%It's nice to know that people make the right choices :D 0 Share this post Link to post
Kid Airbag Posted April 3, 2002 Heh, this actually happened to me. My mom hated Doom and how violent it was and how it fed awful things into the brains of hapless eight-year-olds, so she forced me to remove it. Luckily, my dad was quite intrigued by Doom, so he made the Doom and Doom2 directories hidden, so all was saved ;) Eventually my mom just gave up, seeing how we outnumber her 3-1. 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted April 3, 2002 work on your spelling, it's obvious your educumation is suffering from all that computer game abuse, perhaps then he may listen. EDIT: I didn't vote because you are under the voting age so ,it wouldn't be right to encourage you :) 0 Share this post Link to post
læmænt Posted April 3, 2002 Dude, I don't mean to sound rude, but your father is fucked up. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted April 3, 2002 Originally posted by Lament Dude, I don't mean to sound rude, but your father is fucked up. *sigh* no, he's perfectly normal - too normal. Typical old-fashioned attitude. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted April 3, 2002 Originally posted by dsm *sigh* no, he's perfectly normal - too normal. Typical old-fashioned attitude. That's not "normal", it's only "classic" in the way that it's a classic example of how to be a complete shithead. Still, explain the concept of projects vs. just playing a game. Given the above info, he probably won't understand though. I'd have to go with Cren and say shoot him otherwise. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted April 3, 2002 I suggested extortion because that's what I used to do : stop fixing their goddamn problems because "I'm not allowed to touch the computer" ;) Heh, it's been a long time. 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted April 3, 2002 As long as you live under my roof young man, you will abide by my rules :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted April 4, 2002 fodders said:As long as you live under my roof young man, you will abide by my rules :)Fah...I moved out of my dad's house because he said the exact same thing. Now my mom does expect me to be responsible on my own accord, but she doesn't flat out tell me what I can and cannot do. In fact, what few friends and many accquaintances that I DO know have told me to my face that they envy me for having such a cool parent :) I don't blame them, considering how fuX0red up the current generation of parents is today (some of them are, as George Carlin calls them, "fruity baby-boomers", and my dad is just that, though a bit of a hardass. He was born 4 years after WWII ended) 0 Share this post Link to post
Carnage Posted April 4, 2002 fodders said:work on your spelling, it's obvious your educumation is suffering from all that computer game abuse, perhaps then he may listen. EDIT: I didn't vote because you are under the voting age so ,it wouldn't be right to encourage you :) I misspell privilege on purpose (privilEDGE, hey I like EDGE) and other things are just slip ups, I’m not a good typist, well I could improve, I mean I WILL improve. But I wont shoot him EVER, I don't want Doom that bad. I think I will try to get the point that projects are different, but I'm not sure how well that will work. ex: The first web page I made happened to be about Doom, and my dad complained about it being about Doom. He didn't even pat me on the back and say "Good Job", I guess that it could be considered a compliment when he said that I would help him make a web page because he thought he should know how to make one. But I'll try the fact that I would like to get a job in the computer game industry when I get older, and it wont help me if I don't know anything about games. Do you think that might get a bad reaction though? He might not let me on any computers after that, if you get my point. 0 Share this post Link to post
KoolKat Posted April 4, 2002 I'm Carnages 15 year old brother!! I'll just play it safe till I find a good time to negociate. But ya know what they say about negociating, both people go away mad. 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted April 4, 2002 Crendowing said:In fact, what few friends and many accquaintances that I DO know have told me to my face that they envy me for having such a cool parent :) Heh...same here. Cren - Dan coincidence #78 0 Share this post Link to post
Kid Airbag Posted April 4, 2002 the_Danarchist said:Heh...same here. Cren - Dan coincidence #78 SP00KAY!!@$ You two should get together some time :P 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted April 5, 2002 fodders said:They did...the result was BBG Well, at least it's not as bad as the result of DooMBoy and Ralphis.....;) 0 Share this post Link to post
Kid Airbag Posted April 5, 2002 Crendowing said:Well, at least it's not as bad as the result of DooMBoy and Ralphis.....;) Heh, those comics rule =) 0 Share this post Link to post
Carnage Posted April 5, 2002 Nothing else has really happened around here, other than my brother turning 18. I can still work on my web page and C++ programs, and in the ability to work on the web page I can draw pictures useful in two ways, 1: my web page needs art 2: the art can also be used in Doom. The problem with that is I cant make levels, that would be too obvious that it doesn't have anything to do with the web page. Is it just my computer or did someone get rid of those happy faces? 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted April 5, 2002 Carnage said:Is it just my computer or did someone get rid of those happy faces? Yep, ol' Ling got rid of 'em. I can easily live without them - never found much use of them. Btw, tell your dad he needs a life and that lots of youngsters (even grown ups too - *me points at fodders) play games without damaging their social life or non-computer skills - that's what I told my dad. 0 Share this post Link to post
Captain Skippy Posted April 6, 2002 Carnage: that sucks really bad dsm: that thing about not damaging social lives, i had none to start with so its all good time for sleep 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted April 6, 2002 Pfff, social lives are overrated. I'd sooner choose the indoor by-myself extreme than an always-with-people extreme, although I guess either could drive you nuts. 0 Share this post Link to post
Carnage Posted April 6, 2002 I think I'm allowed to play games if I'm at someone else's house. But still that means I'd have to be at somebody's house to make doom levels, and besides that my friends around where I live don't have computers. The only friend I have with a computer isn't close by, and when ever we go there his niece is on the computer anyway. And at the library the computer CD-ROM drives are disabled, so no chance there. So I'm still working(but it's not working). 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted April 6, 2002 Lüt said:I'd sooner choose the indoor by-myself extreme than an always-with-people extreme, although I guess either could drive you nuts. Of course, privacy, even a bit of it, is a must. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted April 6, 2002 Lüt said:Pfff, social lives are overrated. I'd sooner choose the indoor by-myself extreme than an always-with-people extreme, although I guess either could drive you nuts. I like solitude too, but one must have at least a few friends to avoid being completely depressed. I agree that it'd drive you crazy to be social in the extreme though. But don't forget: Having a few friends (proper friends that is) teaches you to respect other people. If you don't respect other people, your life could soon turn into shit because nobody would like you. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted April 6, 2002 dsm said:Having a few friends (proper friends that is) teaches you to respect other people.Heh, well I do that regardless if I have friends or not. 0 Share this post Link to post
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