Kid Airbag Posted April 7, 2002 Lüt said:Pfff, social lives are overrated. I'd sooner choose the indoor by-myself extreme than an always-with-people extreme, although I guess either could drive you nuts. Although, I really prefer a nice, happy medium between the two extremes. People say I spend too much time on the computer, but I go out quite often and I really spend the most time on-line between the hours of 11 PM and 6 AM, when nothing much else is going on. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted April 7, 2002 Archvile64 said:Although, I really prefer a nice, happy medium between the two extremes.As do I, but I was just saying if for whatever reason I was forced to pick an extreme, that's the one I would pick. 0 Share this post Link to post
DooMBoy Posted April 7, 2002 My mom hates Doom. For some reason. Father, OTOH, doesn't mind it as long as a. the volume isn't turned up too loud. or b. I don't play when I should be doing work. 0 Share this post Link to post
Kid Airbag Posted April 7, 2002 Lüt said:As do I, but I was just saying if for whatever reason I was forced to pick an extreme, that's the one I would pick. Hmm, that'd be tough. I probably couldn't decide. I might go for the alone extreme, only because there's a lot more pressure at the other end. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted April 7, 2002 Archvile64 said:I might go for the alone extreme, only because there's a lot more pressure at the other end. That, and when you DO snap, you only kill yourself instead of a crowd of other unsuspecting people. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted April 7, 2002 Oddly enough, my mom never commented on Doom when I played it. Keep in mind this is the same mom who banned me from looking at anything related to Dungeons and Dragons, a good ten years before I really got into it. 0 Share this post Link to post
Liam Posted April 7, 2002 Which 'extreme' I would choose depends on who I would be with should I choose the social extreme really. With a wife/girlfriend or maybe a best friend it wouldn't be too terribly bad. 0 Share this post Link to post
Kid Airbag Posted April 7, 2002 Liam the Bard said:Which 'extreme' I would choose depends on who I would be with should I choose the social extreme really. With a wife/girlfriend or maybe a best friend it wouldn't be too terribly bad. In the social extreme, you'd be with everybody. That's the problem. Sure, you could get along fine with just a wife or best friend or other person you love. But when you're with tons of different people, chances are you're not going to like some of them. In fact, you'd probably get pissed as hell at them eventually. 0 Share this post Link to post
Liam Posted April 7, 2002 I don't think I could tolerate being with EVERYBODY, I loathe 95% of my generation =( 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted April 8, 2002 Lüt said:Heh, well I do that regardless if I have friends or not. Yeah....*COUGHBASHINGNINCOUGH*Liam the Bard said:I don't think I could tolerate being with EVERYBODY, I loathe 95% of my generation =(Look up the word "cynical" in the dictionary; there'd be a picture of you in it ;)Lüt said:That, and when you DO snap, you only kill yourself instead of a crowd of other unsuspecting people.Pfffffft....there's quite a few people that I DO want to kill along with me :) 0 Share this post Link to post
KoolKat Posted April 9, 2002 IMJack said:Oddly enough, my mom never commented on Doom when I played it. Keep in mind this is the same mom who banned me from looking at anything related to Dungeons and Dragons, a good ten years before I really got into it. What's with D&D? I'm still trying to get a copy in my paws and Ma has no problem. She doesn't mind if we play Monopoly all freakin' day! But Doom, OOOHH, don't you go there Dustin. :[ HEY, DoomBoy! U R lucky your mom keeps her beak shut about Doom. HEY, ALL DOOMERS!! Enjoy it; for you have no idea what life is without Doom. I mean enjoy it. CUZ THIS SUCKS!! :( [TT]testing type text.[/TT] 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted April 9, 2002 IMJack said:Oddly enough, my mom never commented on Doom when I played it. Keep in mind this is the same mom who banned me from looking at anything related to Dungeons and Dragons, a good ten years before I really got into it. Hah, you too? Practically every RPGer out there has had problems with their parents. I remember when I was just getting into Rolemaster MERP, my mother saw a documentary on roleplaying games detailing that incident about the killed construction worker. Needless to say, it took me quite a while to explain the difference between "Innocent roleplaying" and "Wacko running at night with a hammer on his hand and LSD on his system". 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted April 9, 2002 Yeh I remember my dad not liking me playing tic-tac-toe on paper, and spinning tops were out of bounds for me :) 0 Share this post Link to post
sirgalahadwizar Posted April 12, 2002 Take your doom2 CD, or whichever one you have, and bring it to a public computer somewhere - your school or local internet cafe'. Install or play it fomr the cd (note: CD versions typcially have the game and the De-Ice on it, compressed and uncompressed). You dont neccicarily have to install it as much as simply copy the game to the pub. comp's HD. Play. There aint a dam thing in the world that your parents can do about it (besides ground you for the rest of your life from afterschool/weekend excursion, in which case is grounds for child and family services involvement). If you dont have either of those two options, find a friend interested in computers and computer games, and use them for doom (since doom is an addition, you may find that you will have to use people to get it). If you dont know what im saying -> go play doom with your buddies. 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted April 12, 2002 Zaldron said:Hah, you too? Practically every RPGer out there has had problems with their parents. I remember when I was just getting into Rolemaster MERP, my mother saw a documentary on roleplaying games detailing that incident about the killed construction worker. Needless to say, it took me quite a while to explain the difference between "Innocent roleplaying" and "Wacko running at night with a hammer on his hand and LSD on his system". Heh...I hate those guys. Even more than the LARPers...poor sodding bastards. 0 Share this post Link to post
KoolKat Posted April 13, 2002 We home school & we aren't allowed to roam to our friends house who doesn't have a computer anyway. Our library wastes tax dollars to get CD drives which are software disabled. And like Carnage said, the only place that has a computer that the owners don't mind if we play on it is usually in the hands of their neice. :p You try to negociate around here an' you get yur head ripped off. :( We do all of our chores: Dishes (I do breakfast, Carnage does lunch...) Wash table after meals when you have dish duty House cleaning (Do a different section every weekend) Keep your section clean over the week Take out garbage (Tuesday for me) plus the weekend you had to clean the bathroom. Clean room Sort clothes after they are washed Misc. chores (Help bring in groceries, set the table and clean hair out of the vacuum) :P We don't argue, we rarely get in physical infractions, we don't talk back, question orders, leave the seat up or complain about food. We were supposed to be able to get a Nintendo 64 if we acomplished this lifestyle, but nnooo, we get crap! Does not this suck? 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted April 13, 2002 KoolKat: Are you and Carnage brothers? You must be. Hm yep , that's sounds rather similar to the household I used to live in when I lived with my parents, only MY parents were fair. Seems your dad is a shithead who can't be trusted unlike mine >:-| 0 Share this post Link to post
Carnage Posted April 13, 2002 I started to realize something. Back when I had my games I remember my dad saying that he didn't mind having use play games on the computer, it was just that he'd like to see us go outside more often. Now when I am working on the computer he said something related to that, that he wanted me working on the computer, he just didn't want to see me waste so much time. Well this appears to be the same sort of thing, and I'm not really sure if he even wants me on computers period. And that really bugs me. And my mom was talking to somebody a while ago and she was saying to them they should take their kids off computers, and how much better their lives would be. But the thing that annoyed the absolute shit out of me was the fact that she attributed my learning HTML for that, and little do my parents know I started learning before they took away computer games. 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted April 13, 2002 Hmmmmm.....I may have said this before, but now it sounds even MORE like my dad and stepmom's way of life. I feel as though I must ask; is or was your dad in the military? My dad's retired Air Force AND a Vietnam vet (Navy). He's such a hardass. Believe it or not, the whole computer thing was one of the reasons why I moved out of his place and in with my mom and her "partner". They know I'm responsible and won't kill anybody over a video game obsession. 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted April 14, 2002 Yeah...I'd much rather live with a couple lesbians than someone who used to be in the military...uh...heh. 0 Share this post Link to post
Carnage Posted April 14, 2002 Crendowing said:Is or was your dad in the military? No, my dad isn't and wasn't in the military, my grandpa was, some of my uncles were, and some of my cousins are. My dad was too young to go in Vietnam, and my grandpa was in World War II. However my grandpa never talked about the war :( and when you ask him to show you where he got shot, he just says "Oh, Yeah, I got shot" and then he walks away. My uncle is on my mothers side. And If you ask him where he got shot he will show you how (where the bullets hit and went). 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted April 14, 2002 My friend doesn't have a problem with telling people where and how he got shot up; in fact, it's pretty hard to miss the huge scar on the wrist above his paralyzed hand. He usually relates the story of the day he got shot at his annual "still alive on borrowed time" party. In all the years I've known the guy, I've only seen him break down once about the war, and that was in guilt for the people he killed. (He was a sharpshooter equipped with a light sniper rifle, and very good at what he did.) 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted April 14, 2002 Well, I asked because as I said, that's exactly how my dad lives and exactly how he made me live under his roof. About war stories, grandpa always likes to tell me his war stories. He's one of the few WWII vets that I know who isn't sentimental about anything. In fact, he's not even a grouch about anything. You know how a lot of old guys refer to our generation as "delinquent kids" or "whipperschappers"? Heh, not MY grandpa! He actually enjoys living in our modern age. Never does he complain to us whenever we complain about how we live. All he says is, "I know how you feel, kids" (yeah, he still calls his teenage grandchildren "kids"). Despite all that, however, he was still a hardass bringing my dad up. My dad, on the other hand, doesn't have much to share. He only spent one year in vietnam. Now HE is the one who gets a little sentimental. How fucked up is that? My grandpa was in WWII in all the years it happened (in fact, he had only been 18 for a couple of months when Pearl Harbor was bombed; a fresh recruit in the Navy). Yet he doesn't get sentimental about anything! But my dad only spent one tour in Vietnam, didn't even do anything (he just stayed on a ship the whole time, only went to Saigon once), and never even got wounded! Now here he is treating me and my sister like we should be in basic training for 15 years...I think you get the picture. He'd never let us listen to the type of music we wanted to before he married my stepmom (yeah, I only recently started listening to NIN, and you can see it didn't last even a year), he just had us living in a universe of conforming to authority. Gah....I'll go away now. 0 Share this post Link to post
Carnage Posted April 15, 2002 I've got some great news, we managed to negotiate the ability to modify and test our modifications for 4 hours a week and we can have 45 minutes a week for game playing. But some bad news, our Internet time was cut in half. That was not from poor negotiations however, they had intended on cutting down on that for a while. So, thanks for your support :) 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted April 15, 2002 Crendowing said:Well, I asked because as I said, that's exactly how my dad lives and exactly how he made me live under his roof. About war stories, grandpa always likes to tell me his war stories. He's one of the few WWII vets that I know who isn't sentimental about anything. In fact, he's not even a grouch about anything. You know how a lot of old guys refer to our generation as "delinquent kids" or "whipperschappers"? Heh, not MY grandpa! He actually enjoys living in our modern age. Never does he complain to us whenever we complain about how we live. All he says is, "I know how you feel, kids" (yeah, he still calls his teenage grandchildren "kids"). Despite all that, however, he was still a hardass bringing my dad up. That's a cool grandad you've got cren - he knows that youngsters don't wanna listen to the same ol' shit about "When I was you're age, blah, blah, blah". 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted April 15, 2002 dsm said:That's a cool grandad you've got cren - he knows that youngsters don't wanna listen to the same ol' shit about "When I was you're age, blah, blah, blah". Oh, he does say stuff like that from time to time, just not in a derrogatory way. 0 Share this post Link to post
KoolKat Posted April 16, 2002 Hey Cren, Granpa sounds like one of the better ones. :) I guess there is a bit of hope here afrter all! Hmm, where was my Doom directory?? 0 Share this post Link to post
Sharessa Posted April 17, 2002 Heh...I didn't mean anything bad against ex-military guys. I play D&D with a couple guys who used to be in the Navy, and they are pretty cool guys. My Grandpa was in WWII, but he wasn't in any heavy fighting that I know of. He was stationed in North Africa, where they had to put sandbags under the Sphinx's head so it wouldn't fall off in a bombing run. He also befriended a local boy who he has kept in contact with since, though I'm sure the 'boy' is aproaching 60 by now. 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted April 18, 2002 the_Danarchist said:...though I'm sure the 'boy' is aproaching 60 by now....and probably dying of prostate cancer or some other gereatric disease. 0 Share this post Link to post
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