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aside from the strange clash of graphics it looks pretty entertaining. I've always wanted to attack a revenant with a crowbar

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That looks fucking great, I love the clash of graphics.
It would be pretty sweet if someone did a whole new episode in the Source engine but with the classic doom monsters and weapons. I think they fit in nicely anywhere really.

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Wow, that's actually pretty cool! I've only played the first Half Life before, but I'd definitely grab the second game just to give this a try.

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Enjay said:

Shouldn't work. :/

Does work! :D

My thoughts exactly. This actually makes the prospect of slogging through Half-Life 2 again, well, not look like a slog at all. Looks downright fun blasting through with the Doom weapons. Shame I don't have GM, might have to nab it the next time it's on sale.

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Yeah, looks cool! I've also only played the first Half-Life (and liked it). But notice in the second half of the video how much slower the player speed is? I'm assuming that's normal HL2 speed?

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So apparently it requires an IWAD to work. Interesting to see another engine like Source interfacing with the WAD structure, honestly (although I can't see any reason why it couldn't be done, really).

Wonder if that means it'd work with FreeDoom, too.

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where did those upward angled rockets come from?


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Dragonsbrethren said:

Obviously someone needs to do this for Doom 3 now.

The monsters and weapons are fine, it's the confined spaces and imp spam that ruins the game.

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what don't you like about it? the berserk packs have red crosses on them.

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40oz said:

what don't you like about it? the berserk packs have red crosses on them.

Might be because it's Garry's Mod, possibly.

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It's utterly hilarious how quickly the player is whizzing about and cutting down the Half-Life 2 enemies in the early parts of the video and an excellent demonstration of the one man kill storm that is DoomGuy.

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Mr. Chris said:

Might be because it's Garry's Mod, possibly.

And what exactly is wrong with Garry's mod? Man you can be cool at times but at others a real dick.

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Technician said:


You're right, mixing and matching different assets from two different games that are a decade apart technologically isn't a silly idea at all.

Looks like a fun novelty mod, which is what the purpose of GM has always been. Not much more.

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Letting arbitrary technological concerns get in the way of fun is silly. This video shows gameplay that is much more engaging than anything the original Half-Life 2 offered. Even visually speaking, there is some charm to the result. There is a lot more to visuals than pixel count, and as evidenced in this video mixing two colorful games with great art direction can work well.

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Phml said:

This video shows gameplay that is much more engaging than anything the original Half-Life 2 offered.

I'm not going to get into a discussion about whether HL2 was a good game. Personally I thought it was, but you're entitled to think differently... as you are about "HL2 Doom" or whatever name this goes by.

To say it genuinely looks good is something I do find puzzling though, and it's something I can't resist grumbling about. Replacing HL2's weapons and enemies with (well-made) Doom-y variations that look like they belong to the same game would maybe result in something more worthy of the kind of praise it's getting. As it stands, it reminds me of those crappy joke WADs which replace the cacodemon sprites with Bill Clinton's head, and the like - except the juxtaposed art styles in this result in something even weirder, visually.

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DoomUK said:

Replacing HL2's weapons and enemies with (well-made) Doom-y variations that look like they belong to the same game would maybe result in something more worthy of the kind of praise it's getting.


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Technician said:

The monsters and weapons are fine, it's the confined spaces and imp spam that ruins the game.

Mostly. I found the player's speed without sprint unbearable and the slow weapon reloads fairly annoying too. Doom 3's weapons themselves have always seemed impotent compared to the originals, but that might just be on account of the tougher monsters.

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Cursory observation:
Less enemies with more health < more enemies with less health. This is why I don't like most modern shooters. This excellent mixmod is deserving of the praise it's receiving specifically because it appears to fix this (intentional) issue with the original HL2.

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