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I'm not going to get into a discussion about whether HL2 was a good game.

You're the one who just started that particular discussion, and by insinuating something that isn't true. I think HL2 is an excellent game. I've played it three times in entirety, including the episodes, and had a blast.

I think it's an excellent adventure game. It has puzzles and exploration. While the story is generic and the exposition immature, and much of the level design looking too corridor-y to be believable, the settings and the environmental details hinting at a bigger world around you make up for it and once you play along it's a great ride.

However, no adventure game can compete with a good arcade FPS when it comes to gameplay. Even a great adventure game isn't playable more than a few times. Much of it is down to discovery, figuring out the puzzles and experiencing the story, and there isn't much depth beyond "solve puzzle A with solution B", or at best, "solve puzzle A with solution B, C or D".

A FPS such as Doom, where the gameplay is centered around basic AI patterns along with a high variety of monsters and weapons, creates a seemingly limitless amount of different situations with nothing but layout or actor changes. This is why so many of these Doom maps where monsters are placed as an afterthought still work to an extent, this is why even Oblige maps can be fun, the way the game is set up makes it so the basic act of fighting enemies is dynamic enough to be entertaining.

Now try to think how'd that work in HL2. While there's certainly different enemy types, fighting a few combines anywhere is going to be the same thing as fighting a few combines anywhere else. When you look at the actual official levels, nearly every fight is carefully constructed to have some gimmick, some clever puzzle element getting you through that part; and each fight is very neatly isolated from the previous one and from the next one. It's a tightly scripted experience, and it's designed that way; it just doesn't work otherwise.

Coming back to Doom or other similar shooters, within any given fight there's several options, partly thanks to the "design baseline fighting to be fun" part, partly thanks to as schwerpunk noted the higher monster count, creating more possibilities both in terms of what do the monsters do as well as how does the player react to that and how is he going to approach the situation.

HL2 was fun. I have no desire to play more HL2. Doom was fun. I'm always interested in more of it, or more other games playing similarly. This is where I'm getting at with "much more engaging gameplay".

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This looks excellent, can't wait :D

Nevan brings up something that might be pretty cool actually, Doom breaking into CoD. Maybe it'd be a worthwhile game. :D

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Yah but seeing CoD (4 and onwards anyways) lack health pick ups Doomguy would need to ave regen health yo.

Granted, seeing this kinda mod in a Q3 engine game would be cool too.

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When I read the title I ALMOST facepalmed, but after watching the video this looks fucking awesome.

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Now I actually want to buy Half-Life 2 and Garry's Mod. Also I was totally expecting it to just be Gordon Freeman in Doom levels, but this is way better.

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Well that was unexpected!!

As soon as I read that I thought it was going to be stupid!

After watching the vid all I can say is awesome!!

As somebody said, shouldn't work....does work!

Great stuff, when I have some free time I shall have a play with this!!!

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Only issue I have is that you'll probably have to spawn all the weapons, ammo and monsters yourself... unless there's some kind of spawn filter implemented that I'm not aware of, which automatically replaces objects in the game with their Doom equivalent.

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Shadow Hog said:

Only issue I have is that you'll probably have to spawn all the weapons, ammo and monsters yourself... unless there's some kind of spawn filter implemented that I'm not aware of, which automatically replaces objects in the game with their Doom equivalent.

Never played any mods for Half Life, this is likely to be my first.

Hopping we dont have to do this, would make gameplay a bit boring and kind of pointless if we have to spawn monsters in front of us, then add the weapon we want to use to kill it :(

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Wow. I was stunned when I saw that a revenant in part of the vid had an actual shadow. So did an imp in another part of the video. The two games despite being years apart actually go together nicely. It would be sweet to see some people make some custom maps specifically for Doom with source. It would be frikin' awesome!

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There is a feature I didn't see mentioned in the description, if you right click certain objects like buttons, doors and vehicles while holding 'c' key, you can lock them so they can only be used if you have a coloured key of your choice.

HL1 Source NPC's will gib most of the time if you punch them with berserk.

Zombiemen and Shotgunguys will 'gib/explode' if shot with a really strong non-explosive weapons like the crossbow or 357

There was an update today "Added cvar doom_sv_door_override."

Assuming it makes the doors rise like in the trailer.

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Not that I don't own Doom 2 twice over, but does this work with FreeDoom too?

EDIT: Tried it myself. Yes, you can. Sounds are still from Doom, implying that they're not converted from the IWAD (naughty!), but still, there's a free alternative.

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Shadow Hog said:

Not that I don't own Doom 2 twice over, but does this work with FreeDoom too?

EDIT: Tried it myself. Yes, you can. Sounds are still from Doom, implying that they're not converted from the IWAD (naughty!), but still, there's a free alternative.

Maybe source can't play what ever format doom sounds use.

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I was thinking more "the guy clearly didn't bother to write code to convert the Doom sound format to WAV", but eh. Maybe it'd be too resource intensive - the framerate already drops to 30FPS for a good five seconds at the beginning of every map as it reloads all the assets from the IWAD as it is.

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Wolfenstein SS, John Romero's head and Commander Keen are in the mod, hes just disabled them from the spawn menu.

I found the SS spawn code, Won't say here because he might be keeping out for a reason.

Hes also planning on making working teleporters at some point.

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Mechadon said:

Wow, that's actually pretty cool! I've only played the first Half Life before, but I'd definitely grab the second game just to give this a try.

TimeOfDeath said:

Yeah, looks cool! I've also only played the first Half-Life (and liked it). But notice in the second half of the video how much slower the player speed is? I'm assuming that's normal HL2 speed?

You guys are crazy. HL2 is THE best and most revolutionary first-person shooter other than Doom if not one of THE best and most revolutionary games ever... most certaintly one of the best and most revolutionary games ever.
It may have lost a bit of its shine today but the Source engine still looks great compared to the Doom 3 engine which started looking like shit just a year after release because of how low-poly the models are and how dry all of the texures look.
Half-Life 2 redefined ALL standards all categories... the only things it didn't reinvent really was the soundtrack which was average and it did nothing to reinvent FPS controls though that was pretty much unheard of at the time anyways. Today we've got CoD-style aiming down the sights in nearly all games and a lot of games are doing stuff like Gears of War action-reloading or leaning/crawling which has become more popular thanks to the larger map sizes possible that weren't possible back in 2004 so you can't really blame HL2 for it. In Episode 2 you did move slightly faster when crouching just after crouching down which was a great detail but that was years later.

Clonehunter said:

Wow, it actually makes Half Life 2 look like fun.

And you're... "entitled to your opinion" ;)

Phml said:

You're the one who just started that particular discussion, and by insinuating something that isn't true. I think HL2 is an excellent game. I've played it three times in entirety, including the episodes, and had a blast.

I think it's an excellent adventure game. It has puzzles and exploration. While the story is generic and the exposition immature, and much of the level design looking too corridor-y to be believable, the settings and the environmental details hinting at a bigger world around you make up for it and once you play along it's a great ride.

However, no adventure game can compete with a good arcade FPS when it comes to gameplay. Even a great adventure game isn't playable more than a few times. Much of it is down to discovery, figuring out the puzzles and experiencing the story, and there isn't much depth beyond "solve puzzle A with solution B", or at best, "solve puzzle A with solution B, C or D".

HL2 had a pretty basic plot obviously meant to appeal to a wide audience but then again one of the games strong points was the subtle storytelling going on like overhearing citizens talking to each other and just seeing the scale of the world.
I agree games like Halo are a lot more fun to play than HL2 but HL2 pushed so many other boundaries and so many more boundaries than Halo ever did. In Halo monsters do backflips when you shoot em and in Killzone they dance around all over the place but in HL2 they just drop straight down into the ground and don't think that is because they couldn't make them jump around.
I think it's a powerful realism. In reality a bullet won't make you jump or even move. Anytime anyone ever was shot by a bullet and jumped to the ground they did it themselves because it's a pretty natural thing to do when you're hurt but if a shot kills a person instantly, they drop dead.

Anyways GarrysMod is also great. It may be one of the most significant "game tool games" to be released since the original Pinball Construction Kit in 1983. I really loved the things you could do in GarrysMod though eventually got bored since there were no scripting functions, only posing models or playing with physics mostly. Unless you modded GarrysMod but I never got into that much.

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I was kind of hoping it'd automatically put Doom items/entities into maps... it was a bit disappointing.

It was still excellently done, but it just can't really hold my attention. Garry's Mod never does :p

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dont critize hl2. the video is really great. not sure if i want to play it with garrys mod. but it looks funny :)

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Well, there are some issues that should probably be mentioned.

First off, issue #1: Half-Life 2 in Garry's Mod is, well, Half-Life 2. You will not find a single Doom weapon, monster or item lying around arbitrarily - just that which Half-Life 2 itself has always had. Can't say as I'm surprised this is the case, because it always has been, but it's disappointing that there aren't any spawn filters or anything to optionally automatically replace stock HL2 things with Doom ones. On the plus side, ammo is shared among similar weapons (HL2 shotgun and Doom shotgun/SSG use the same ammo pool, for instance), so you're not entirely hosed if you decide to start using the Doom weapons.

However, that brings me to issue #2: every map change, the mod reloads the Doom assets from the IWAD anew. If you had a Doom gun out when this happens, you'll find yourself unable to shoot. Worse, you'll find yourself unable to switch away from the jammed gun. You'll have to commit suicide in-game in order to actually shoot things in your first-person shooter. It's as awkward as it sounds. If you had a HL2 gun or GMod tool out at the time, however, you can switch back to the Doom guns without much issue. That said, HL2's setup doesn't give you a whole lot of warning as to when a map transition is about to take place, so if you're not familiar with the maps, either due to inexperience with the game or not having played in a few years, you'll find yourself changing maps with a Doom gun out, and then unable to shoot anything not long thereafter. It'd be nice if the mod could only cache the IWAD assets once in a session, since as far as I can tell, most of the graphics already hold over inbetween maps.

Issue #3: there seems to be some kind of autoaim that you can't disable, and it targets the weirdest things. I recall this segment in the initial fleeing from Dr. Kleiner's base via the "railroad", where there are a lot of explosive barrels with your intention to shoot those instead of the Combine themselves, including a wooden bridge with several Combine atop it, and a few explosives planted at the base of the support - blow up the barrel, and the bridge comes crumpling down, the enemies dying from losing their footing. Right, well, anyway, in this segment I was using the Doom rocket launcher (because why not), but it kept aiming upwards at what I can only guess was a telephone pole. No explosives or enemies near there; just a normal, run-of-the-mill telephone pole. Awkward.

Issue #4 is just weird: sometimes when I break wooden objects, intangible chainsaws and BFGs greet me instead of wooden shrapnel.

Other than that, it's pretty nice. Guns and monsters feel authentic, and the added optional bonuses of Doom-style doors, Doom-style lack of vertical mouselook, and Doom HUD is quite nifty. Kinda wish I knew how to toggle the automap, though, that looked quirky; I kinda want to see how it'd handle Source's displacement maps and such.

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According to someone who was digging through the mod code. Item and Monster Replacement is coming, but it evidently isn't done yet because it isn't enabled.

The Automap is a WIP, right now its just there for fun and he plans on adding a toggle command.

I bound "doom_cl_map 1" to M and "doom_cl_map 0" to N as a temporary measure until he implements the toggle command. It will also only show up after you pick up the Computer Area Map.

He recreated the 'Surprise face' bug in the mod as well. I smiled when I got it to happen.

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  • 1 month later...

Not sure how they manged to do it, but someone made a companion addon for this that loads the maps into garry's mod.


They're loaded within the map you're currently in, so use something big like gm_flatgrass


Maps are sent to clients in-game, so custom serverside PWADs are viable

So he must be loading the actual maps themselves, not some sort of clone if you're able to use custom ones.

Map transitions are kind of funny. They work by unloaded the current map they loading the next one.

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Lovin' all the old farts ITT who are hating on HL2 and D3, which were actually both amazing games, but apparently if it's not Doom 2 reskinned then it's absolute trash?

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