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Favourite Wrestling...

Favourite Wrestling!  

14 members have voted

  1. 1. Favourite Wrestling!

    • WWF (my favourite)
    • WCW
    • NWO
    • I think wrestling is crap!

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I have more than one link that would be painfully appropriate for this post, but I think I'd rather keep my postcount in the 2000s and my title plugging Daikatana.

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Wrestling used to be good, then in the early 90's it just went downhill. Gimmicks like Hulk Hogan's back in the early to mid 80's were cheesy in a good way. Now you have Triple H, Stone Cold, The Rock, Chris Jericho, and now The Hurricane (What is up with that? No pun intended). It has all been modernized by the current violence loving youth that would make the teens in Rebel Without A Cause seem like Boy and Girl Scouts. I remember my grandpa telling me about how he used to live next to a pro wrestler. He also mentioned that this guy threatened to leave the federation because it was during the age it started to become fake. Personally, I don't blame him. Back in the Classical Greek age, wrestling was what it was supposed to be: pure, clean fighting and yet no cheesy gimmicks.

Nowadays you'd have to be blind not to see that the moves are totally fake. Face reality: if a guy really WAS kicked in the face with that much force by some goliath's foot, he'd be completely knocked out cold at best, if not DEAD. And why the fuck must they have to take so much time with running the guy into the turnbuckle or placing him where he needs to be for the drop? Have you guys seen how long it takes Triple H to execute the Pedigree? Or for that matter, can the Rock find a more stupid move than the People's Elbow? It takes him almost 15 fucking seconds for him to bounce of the ring ropes, do a jig that could pass for a bad case of holding in diarrhea, and then visibly and purposely missing the guy's head by no less that the distance of the San Andreas. Come on, if there was any realism to it, the guy lying in the middle of the ring would have been fully awake before The Rock even bounced off the first rope. And the Stone-Cold Stunner? Please...the man's windpipe would be broken at impact! You'd see him suffocating and choking like a cigarette addict in no time. Then PLOP!...dead as a doornail.

Believe me, I know what I'm talking about. My friend got me hooked on wrestling about 2 years ago. In that time, I saw no pay-per-view events (thankfully), collected as much music as I could from that same friend (Liam, if you think NIN loops too much for your taste, you'll be in absolute HELL listening to wrestler themes actually realeased on CD sets), watched countless hours of RAW IS WAR before this whole WWF WCW merger happened, obesessed about any event coming to San Antonio, tried to get my hands on every WWF video game that I could, and even made speech in my public speaking class (the very same class that I made that persuasive speech about violence in games) about Mick Foely. Might I add, IMO Mick Foley was the last good wrestler in WWF history. If you're bored and in the mood for reading some biography, I'd suggest reading Have a Nice Day! by Foley himself.

Thankfully, I can say that wrestling craze didn't even last for half a year. By the time my sophomore year of high school (last year) rolled around, I caught myself watching less and less of the craptastic "sport" and finally realized that pro wrestling as a form of entertainment is for dupes who do nothing more than drink beer at home and can't get the fact through their thick skulls that it's 190% fake.

Oh, and one last thing I should mention: if anyone wants to see how obsessed I used to be with WWF, take a look here (4th section down). ;)

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wrestling has never been good, will never be good and if you say othervise you are a retard, so there you have it.

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...and even made speech in my public speaking class (the very same class that I made that persuasive speech about violence in games) about Mick Foely. Might I add, IMO Mick Foley was the last good wrestler in WWF history. If you're bored and in the mood for reading some biography, I'd suggest reading Have a Nice Day! by Foley himself.

Heh...Foley was the only guy I ever liked in wrestling...I liked him so much in fact, that my friend even got me to watch an ECW match. Thats probably the 5th or 6th wrestling show I've ever seen in my life. Too bad that they make Mankind such a weak character in the video games...

...oh, and one more thing.

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My favorite wrestling is from Greece. It was 100% real, no stupid acting, you fought TO THE DEATH and were allowed to use wtf ever you wanted and battle where you wanted, kinda like a WWF hardcore match.

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bigbadgangsta said:

My favorite wrestling is from Greece. It was 100% real, no stupid acting, you fought TO THE DEATH and were allowed to use wtf ever you wanted and battle where you wanted, kinda like a WWF hardcore match.

Plus, they were naked.

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Erik said:

wrestling has never been good, will never be good and if you say othervise you are a retard, so there you have it.

Hey! You all are entitled to your own opinion but just because you may not like something doesn't mean everyone should follow in your footsteps! Besides, if wrestling is So crap how come it's incredibly popular world wide?

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Baron-Of-Hell said:

Besides, if wrestling is So crap how come it's incredibly popular world wide?

Shit attracts many flies.

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Baron-Of-Hell said:

Besides, if wrestling is So crap how come it's incredibly popular world wide?

/me points at the Boy Band industry.

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Baron-Of-Hell said:

very entertaining though...

EXACTLY, that's all it is...entertainment...now you have admited it, move on...perhaps ballet?

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Baron-Of-Hell said:

I suppose, it can still be very entertaining though...

Yes, I suppose even morons need some form of entertainment.

I mean, come on, what else could you be if you seriously enjoy "professional" wrestling?

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bigbadgangsta said:

My favorite wrestling is from Greece. It was 100% real, no stupid acting, you fought TO THE DEATH and were allowed to use wtf ever you wanted and battle where you wanted, kinda like a WWF hardcore match.

Also EXACTLY like the matches in Japan; Mick Foley was King of the Death Match in 1992 I believe it was.

the_Danarchist said:

Heh...Foley was the only guy I ever liked in wrestling...Too bad that they make Mankind such a weak character in the video games...

Fah...Cactus Jack was my favorite character of Foley's. Mankind comes in a close second. The only good thing about Dude Love was that he made his WWF debut at Freeman Collosieum here in San Antonio in '97, I believe that was the year.

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Archvile64 said:

Yes, I suppose even morons need some form of entertainment.

I mean, come on, what else could you be if you seriously enjoy "professional" wrestling?

It is E N T E R T A I N M E N T ! Everything is a joke, even when they say "professional" you dumbass...

Stupidity is not welcome here, move along->

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Baron-Of-Hell said:

It is E N T E R T A I N M E N T ! Everything is a joke, even when they say "professional" you dumbass...

Stupidity is not welcome here, move along->

Jokes are supposed to be funny, though.

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