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[Doom Radio] Where's All the Data? Plays SIGIL

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Thanks to those who've sent in questions. We've had quite a few, this time around! The interview is still booked for the Saturday, so get yourself psyched.

Just to inform those interested that we've recently bagged a date for the next episode of Program B, which will now be set to air on the 5th of May and feature one kristus of Doomworld. The discussion is now guaranteed to be on Doom 3 and 4, so once again: If you have any opinions, rantings or ravings you'd like to feature, PM them to me and I'll make sure I put on my best Brian Blessed when the time comes.

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st.alfonzo said:

I'll make sure I put on my best Brian Blessed when the time comes.

What, like this?

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Just like that.

Of course, such a spouting cussfountain could only entail the harshest of critique. Nobody could hate Doom 3 that much. Surely.

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yeah its pretty long. I'd love to appear as a special guest again some other time too; it was lots of fun!

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And here it is! An interview with 40oz. Or, if you're a sensible person who won't take 111mb sized mp3's for a download, you can sit tight until it crops up for streaming over at Doomradio.org.

>> Download << [111 mb]

Highlights of this interview include:

  • Wallpaper!
  • Del Taco!
  • Sacrificing memorable, set piece gameplay encounters for Nightmare playability!
  • Lady GaGa
  • Spoiler


We hope you enjoy listening to this episode of TTV. Big thanks to Purist, Melon and co-interviewer MTrop for setting up some interesting questions. My apologies to 40oz for not bringing the Desert Island .WADs featurette to attention.

This interview has revealed certain things about the formatting that I'd like to focus on, in particular the length (2 hours is something fierce) and the ways in which the questions are fitted into the interview. If there are any observations you've made or criticisms you'd like to make that either myself or Tarnsman/MTrop would do well to notice, flag them up here! We're always looking for ways to improve.

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Could totally see a feature wall in the study with STARTAN3, PIPE4 or TEKWALL4 :o)

RE: Difficulty to change map gameplay (w/boom compat) -> using voodoo doll scripts that are blocked from activating linedefs by some obstructing thing (ie barrels) on different skills can then let you obviously do a number of things to change gameplay on different skills. light levels, open/close areas etc.

RE: New monster attack. Have there been any monsters that can interact with the level itself? ie: you tag sectors with 668 and the monster can then alter the floor height/make it damaging/make the ceiling crush/change the light value. or a monster that can cloak the monsters that are around it (moving fog of war).

EDIT: RE: crazy monster closet crap see MAP30 1994TU.WAD (it also allows for separating flying monsters from ground-based ones).

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traversd said:

tag sectors with 668


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40oz said:


well it doesn't exist so I just went off the fact that 666 & 667 are already map-wide specials (or is 668 also a map-wide special also?)

What I was picturing was being in some sort of arena and the monster can make sectors tagged with 668 ceiling crush, or the floors raise etc. I guess something where the player than has to navigate changing level geometry as well as the monster but it is something that the monster itself can activate/change.

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Where's All The Data? episode 2 reviews Hadephobia. Running in at a solid 30 minutes in length and at only 26 mb in size, it's not nearly as bloated as some of our interviews have been in the past, and we aim to keep it that way.

A big thanks to Jimmy once again for providing us with the musical goods on demand.

>> Download << [26 mb]

TTV-pbE7 is en route on Sunday (which means midweek to anyone who has yet to spot the trend) and is to feature both kristus and MTrop, we hope. We'll keep you posted!

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Listened to WAD2 and the 40oz interview. Both were very interesting and entertaining. Plus I got a little ego rub having come out of the Hadephobia review pretty well and getting a mention from Mr Vail (as an inspiration of sorts no less).

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In the interest of making interviews and podcasts easier to arrange between participants, I'm posting up my available times in the OP. You can then PM me having selected the time in which you'd like things to happen, or having found a time that falls between hours avialable for both myself and MTrop.

Alfonzo's availability (GMT +10):
Saturday: 7am - 11am, 4pm - 11pm
Sunday: 7am - 11am, 7pm - 11pm

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It's part of the elaborate setup behind our living several hours into the future, something which rather makes us appear immoral for electing not to clue the rest of the world in on upcoming events.

Next time wait until I edit the post, you past-dwelling infidel.

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I'll post my availability as well:

MTrop's Availabilty: (EST: GMT -0500, EDT: GMT -0400)
Saturday: 9am - 12pm
Sunday: 9am - 10pm

Currently, the US is in Daylight Savings, so it's EDT until November.

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I generally work from 5am to ~5pm PST (GMT -8/GMT -7 during DST) Monday through Friday. But am available any time that isn't then regardless of if it's some crazy shit like 3:30 am on a Sunday night as long as I have prior notice.

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Ribbiks said:

12 hour work days starting at 5am?? that sounds dreadful

It's called being a Small Business Owner.

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I just want to express my appreciation for the work you guys are doing here. Very entertaining in my opinion and the latest episodes have shown how well you guys are fitting into the role of being hosts. I especially enjoy the dynamic between Alfonzo and Tarnsman. If you two tried to kill each other it would be the most epic battle of Earth's history.

Tarnsman said:

It's called being a Small Business Owner.

I can relate to that so good. so good.

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Hark, Tangolites! A small update here on the Program B and interviewing front...: we're running a little behind schedule. There's definitely downloading to be had on the 11th of this month, but with the D3+4 discussion postponed once again (I messed up the arrangements with a very patient kristus and MTrop. My apologies.) it will probably be one featuring dew and seele00textonly on the topic of playtesting.

I know there are folks out there who've done their fair share of playtesting for projects both major and minor -- just like the guests who are appearing on the show -- and I'd be damned if at least a couple of you don't have comments of your own on the topic, so send them in!

Also, thanks for the kind words, NiuHaka!

NiuHaka said:

I especially enjoy the dynamic between Alfonzo and Tarnsman. If you two tried to kill each other it would be the most epic battle of Earth's history.

There will almost certainly be a TTV exclusive duel-off in the coming weeks to contest supremacy of the broadcasting enterprise, with pop song MIDI's and membership ticket holder seats to complement the experience. I was planning on sabotaging the suggested DM mapset and rigging it with traps so as to gain an unfair advantage (and then blaming Tarnsman for not studying the maps properly in advance), but I decided ultimately on beating him with my mad skills alone.

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st.alfonzo said:

There will almost certainly be a TTV exclusive duel-off in the coming weeks to contest supremacy of the broadcasting enterprise, with pop song MIDI's and membership ticket holder seats to complement the experience. I was planning on sabotaging the suggested DM mapset and rigging it with traps so as to gain an unfair advantage (and then blaming Tarnsman for not studying the maps properly in advance), but I decided ultimately on beating him with my mad skills alone.

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TTV-pb7 is completed and awaiting upload. Expect it to crop up at some point tomorrow!

Also as an aside, I've just noticed that the times of availability I've pinned up in the OP aren't going to be incredibly useful until they're transcribed into the same time zone. Once I'm feeling mathematically inclined (aka not lazy) I'll get right onto that.

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Well here it is, folks; a discussion on playtesting and feedback with dew and Seele00TextOnly, both ardent figures in the playtesting department! I tried my utmost to keep it down to a sensible 100 minutes in length... but a large, sentient cloud decided to blow in at the last moment and ruin everything like the blot of bad weather that he is. Being the self-proclaimed harbinger of Doomworld's impending demise, we understand that this behaviour is entirely normal.

>> Download << [89 mb]

For those wondering, yes, this is the second time that the D3+4 TTV-pb discussion has been delayed, but you know what they say about 3rd instances. They're charming!

Thanks to Jimmy for providing us with the now official TTV-pb jingle. You no longer need to skip or subject yourself to my terrible introductions and taste in music. Enjoy!

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A program B without a unique intro? You're dead to me Alfonzo, DEAD!

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So what's the lineup now? Who's next to be interviewed? Just throwin it out there, I wouldn't mind appearing as a special guest for another segment to keep the ball rollin. :)

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Thanks for the offer, 40oz. I'll be sure to take you up on it in the not too distant future!

We have several interviews and episodes of Program B lined up at the moment. On the latter front, discussions on speedmapping and speedrunning will feature quick breezily after the Doom 3+4 one gets out the door (finally), the date of which has yet to be decided. Capellan has also expressed interest in conducting an interview, and I'll be sure to arrange something there should I succeed in arranging something with NaturalTvventy within the next few weeks.

I'll keep you posted!

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Greetings again, everyone. An announcement if I may.

After the latest Program B schedule fell through due to miscommunication and shoddy management on my part, we've begun to question whether the means of episode scheduling that we currently have in place is really the best option when faced with the prospects of an expanding talk show. There are a lot of debates and discussions we wish to hold both now and in the future, and a scheduling system that allows us to get on top of current affairs as they come to us is naturally, therefore, a system worth following, be it even at the expense of securing an ideal guest.

As such, we're electing to make Program B a regular podcast that occurs every fortnight without fail (barring obvious, overriding ramifications like broken limbs or nuclear apocalypse) -- regardless of whether that ideal guest has been secured.

Starting today with the discussion on Doom 3+4, every episode will take place fortnightly at 22:00 EDT on a Saturday evening, with the possibility of that time shifting to an earlier slot if life demands it. The topic for the following fortnight will be announced immediately following the posting of the current episode, allowing potential guests to sign up for the discussion and participate if they so wish.

My apologies to kristus for not being able to secure his position for this current discussion. The door is always open if you're available for future shows!

Carry on!

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Do people listen to these live? I'm available during that time of the day and I don't wanna miss it! You guys meet up the #dtwid channel or something or so I heard? how do you tap into the skype channel to listen?

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40oz said:

Do people listen to these live? I'm available during that time of the day and I don't wanna miss it! You guys meet up the #dtwid channel or something or so I heard?

Yup! We're in #doomtwid

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