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Comparison of Doomsday and Risen3d

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Does doomsday have any advantages over risen3d? The reason I switched was that risen3d has boom support, whilst still having models, high-res textures, etc. I haven't found anything yet which puts doomsday at an advantage, but if there's anything, I'd definitely like to know.

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It depends largely on what your priorities are. However, a quick comparison of the published feature set on the respective websites of each port should give you more than enough to base a decision on.

Risen3d is based on a old version of Doomsday released nearly a decade ago now. Consequently it lacks all the features introduced since then. Conversely Doomsday doesn't yet have full BOOM support.

Saying that, I personally use several ports for different purposes.

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DaniJ said:

Risen3d is based on a old version of Doomsday released nearly a decade ago now.

Over a decade now; Risen3D was forked off Doomsday 1.7.8, which was released on 16/03/2003.

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Although, you shouldn't come away with the impression that this makes Risen3D out dated. It has been worked on during that time and a new version came out only last week.

The ports do have a common ancestor but they have both evolved since then.

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Maybe I just haven't figured out how, but I never could get Risen3D to run without smooth textures / sprites. Whereas it's pretty easy to get Doomsday to do the same.

Although neither seems able to run in software mode; hence they're not very attractive to me. Although I will admit that long before I discovered this community, and with it ZDoom & Chocolate Doom, I was a Doomsday fanboy.

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schwerpunk said:

Although I will admit that long before I discovered this community, and with it ZDoom & Chocolate Doom, I was a Doomsday fanboy.

Unshakable Doomsday fanboy here, even after discovering a wealth of other source ports and "flavours" of Doom through Doomworld. And I don't even use it for the 3D model support and shit.

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I'll just mention the pros/differences of both ports, from my perspective.


Supports most software mapping "tricks".
Supports true 3D floors.
Excellent proprietary scripting for Risen3D maps.
Full Boom and near full MBF support.

DoomsDay/JDoom ...

Enhanced graphics effects like blended animations.

While on the subject, and I'm sure this has been mentioned before ... how does one remove the mouse latency in JDoom ?

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Doomsday doesn't use the "J" names anymore. It's not jDoom or jHexen, it's just Doomsday with the Doom or Hexen plugins.

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