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My Doom music remixes

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What soundfont you were using ?

Usually I use Guitar Rig, EZKeys, Addictive Drums (in old tracks - EZDrummer) (if you mean this)

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Please put the songs up for download :D

On top of that, do you have versions that do not fade out at the end as they would much work out for people who want to use custom music in a WAD file.

I'd also like to see you attempt Memento Mori 2 MAP01's song.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 7 months later...

Did you get the D64/original MIDI idea from my videos? ;)

I still think you did a better job manipulating the Doom 64 instruments on your remixes tho as I'm no musician. I merely tinkered with MIDI instruments in Synthfont.

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Not only from yours :) And thanks, guys!

Now I'm working with Intermission style music. IDK, maybe I never did this track, but I'll try to use another original Doom midi.

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I wish we could use mp3s for our Panophobia maps. I'm still looking for music for one of them and I wanted to use your version of Suspense. Don't suppose you could convert it to midi?? :D

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Well, it's midi files with D64 soundfont. If your project uses another midi files - it's bad idea to use D64 soundfont, because you will get awful results.

Anyway, Midi for PSX E1M5. Listen only with D64 soundfont.

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Wow, many of these remixes are bloody brilliant!
E1M2, E1M4 and the Doom 2 Endscreen remixes (In my opinion) are the best of both games here.

However, there was a couple I didn't personally like (As opinions are all subjective, you don't need to pay attention to this):

The E1M1 remaster wasn't exactly my cup of tea due to a very noticeable and constant sound or two shifting from left to right, it is rather distracting from the actual song (Which is actually well done by the way, good job).

Finally, the Doom Victory remix was (IMO) a bit too quiet but other than that I didn't find any ones I really didn't like.

Nice stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This cover was done by my friend. I just want to share this video, I think it's interesting cover

About my covers - well, I'm working now only with ambient horror music, and as I can see it's not so interesting for Doom fans (due to
"DooM" music style - it's not horror music).

That's why I decided to post here this video

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  • 3 weeks later...

Music theme from my PSX Doom: The Lost Levels trailer. First version was done by me, but for Trailer I've asked for help my friend AquapunK.

Also you can download it (link in description)

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all again! Few days ago I've released my big music project - Doom Orchestral Rearrangement. It's a video-album with ALL Doom 1 and Doom 2 music themes + few from Doom PSX and Doom 64 themes. On first time I thought to do "Medley", but when I did all tracks, I understood that I did few huge mistakes and can't "mix" tracks in 1 medley. So, I just added all tracks without "remixing". Anyway, here is the video:


Hope you like it!

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If you mean E1M8.mp3 - no, I did not forget :)

I want to say - the songs in archive not edited for real "release". It's just "work" files. Other manipulations I did in Vegas.

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