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Baron HD

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I'm not the best Photoshop artist, yeah. It's always hard to find the proper tutorials and resources. Even at deviantart, asking for help with shadowing results in people saying "go study shadowing and light sources".

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I can tell that the legs had some pretty serious fiber rendering overlay going on. While its first impressions aren't bad, looking at it longer lets me identify more flaws. The number one biggest thing about your picture that irks me, is the hand butchering. To my knowledge, pink + green != yellow, and that its hands aren't based off human models. Although I might be wrong, it's extremely apparent that the hands exist on a separate plane with all the wrong filters applied to it.

To me, the weird transition from shiny buffered muscles to a fiber'd pair of legs leaves a weird impression of 3D muscles taped to a 2D printing of legs.

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BloodyAcid: Like I said I'm not a master of Photoshop. I did say that I was messing around. The colors of the hands are based on the colors of the original Baron sprite. If you can provide a tutorial on how to apply fur, that would be great.

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I'm not a photoshop master either but I do remember a tutorial that might be of help. The effect on the legs looks flat because the shading doesn't match the texture; if you look at a real animal, the fur's shape will match that of the animal. So what you want is something that offsets the pattern a certain distance based on the shading you've applied, and I believe I saw something about that...


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the displacement map has never worked for me for some reason. i tried it on cs3, then on cs5. i suppose i can try it again, but i have a feeling it won't work.

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Now do the same for the other rotations and animation frames and for all monsters (should be about 900 of them in Doom II) and we might have the first complete HD sprite pack ;-)

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