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GoldenEye 2013: enhanced edition

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Relive the nightmare. Relive... GoldenEye 2013.

After experiencing universal critical acclaim, and changing once and for all the lives of over three hundred million Doom players...
After being deemed too edgy and controversial to participate in contests...

We at Mods and Game's Studios are proud to announce a re-release of the timeless classic, GoldenEye 2013.

This extended edition stays true to the original formula that has made GoldenEye 2013 such a memorable experience. Take on the mantle of the iconic James Bond, as he battles his inner demons while gunning down mooks with his trusty double-barreled shotgun. Betrayed by a man he once trusted as a brother, strangled between a woman he loves and a woman who literally strangles people, find yourself knee-deep in a powerful and moving emotional journey into Bond's psyche. Golden Eye 2013: expanded edition promises to deliver twenty-five hours of jam-packed action, romance and philosophical musings.

Here at Mods and Game's Studios, we are close to the gamers, and we know gamers like to have all the information before making a choice. Without further ado, here's a feature list of what you get with GoldenEye 2013: extensive edition compared to the original:

- extensive rebalancing of the original campaign, adding some bells and whistles to the GoldenEye 2013 experience you already fell in love with
- additional skill settings; using a novel and groundbreaking approach to difficulty settings ensures anyone and everyone can enjoy Golden Eye 2013: extended edition
- entirely new graphics, using a homemade engine we at Mods and Game's Studios have developed from scratch
- and more...

Feeling nostalgic? Don't fret! We've got you covered. Along with the new improved experience of GoldenEye 2013: enhanced edition, we have included the original GoldenEye 2013. Playing both of these back to back will give you even more appreciation for the level of polish and attention to fine detail that went into this remake.

Don't just take our word for it. Here is what some of the best thinkers of our time have to say about GoldenEye 2013: extenuous edition:

"...very easy to understand and extremely convincing"
Charles Simonyi
Software Engineer, Computer Scientist, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist

"An astonishment, an engineering feat, and, finally, a folly."
David Denby
New Yorker Film Critic

"...the best shooter I have played in a long time. It is an incredible achievement artistically, narratively, and technically. I can’t think of a better game to close out and define this decade-long console generation."

Ingame screenshots (due to the extreme graphical quality of GoldenEye 2013: enhanced edition, these pictures could not be compressed. Please click on the following links to see the screenshots):
A basic fight scene
The environments you will get to see in GoldenEye 2013: extensive edition
Face motion capture technology in action to deliver incredibly realistic character models
This is a cat

A word of warning: GoldenEye 2013: expanded edition offers unprecedented quality in the realm of video games, and possibly of all media. Gripping stories and terrific writing pushes computer hardware to its limits, and we at Mods and Games Studio's urge you to use a powerful machine to experience GoldenEye 2013 as it was meant to be. Below are the recommended specs:

PROCESSOR 2nd Generation Intel® Core™ i7-3960X processor (15M Cache, Overclocked up to 4.2 GHz)
OPERATING SYSTEM Windows 8 Pro, 64-bit, English
MEDIA CARD READER 19-in-1 Media Card Reader
MONITOR Dell U2312HM 23-Inch UltraSharp™ Monitor
KEYBOARD No Keyboard
MOUSE Logitech G700 Wireless Gaming Mouse
SPEAKERS & HEADSETS Logitech Z506 5.1 Stereo Speakers
SPEAKERS & HEADSETS Klipsch Mode M40 Noise Canceling Over-Ear Headphones
PC GAMES & CONTROLLERS Call of Duty: Black Ops II for PC
MEMORY 16GB (4 X 4GB) Quad Channel DDR3 at 1600MHz
HARD DRIVE 512GB SSD 6Gb/s MAIN + 1TB 7200RPM Storage
SOUND CARD Integrated 7.1 Channel Audio

Likewise, we recommend you use GlBoom+ v2.5.1.2 or above to play GoldenEye: Expanded Edition, in -complevel 9. Although the game is playable in software rendering, you may run into issues due to the real-time dynamic beard lightning employed in GoldenEye.


And remember: real men post FDAs.

Mod's and Games Studios

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Mod's and Games Studios

Mod's and Games Studios

+++++++++++++ IMPORTANT UPDATE +++++++++++++++

It has come to our attention our filehost has been taken down. After further investigation, the culprit has been revealed to be the government of the United States of America, or more specifically, their Illuminati branch.

Playtesting studies have shown GoldenEye 2013: extended edition is pretty damn fun, so much that people can't stop playing it. Our sources in the government inform us financial projections have shown a worldwide release of GoldenEye 2013: extreme edition might account for as much as a 23.8% productivity drop.

As our elites are dependent on most of us toiling away to pay for their fancy yachts and designer clothes, they decided this would not do. They want to keep GoldenEye 2013: EE away from the people, to keep you away, dear reader, from the bliss and freedom you so rightfully deserve.

Our top-notch IT team has been hard at work, and we are now ready to present you with a workaround that we are reasonably sure no government will be able to suppress. At last, everyone can finally experience GoldenEye 2013 : Extended Edition.

Fight the power!
Download Golden Eye 2013: ehanced Edition now!

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ALTERNATE DOWNLOAD LINK <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Mod's and Games Studios

Mods and Game's Studios

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I remember a goldeneye weapons mod made by someone from the skulltag forums, it featured accurate looking 3D gun models and ammo crates.

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It may be because I'm in Australia, but I can't connect to filesmelt :( I really want to get this. Running in PRBoom? Damn it looks nice.

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It'd be cool if this clip was played everytime the player died.

Anyway, only one thing, why isn't this project made for vanilla? Sheer blasphemy!

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Anyway, only one thing, why isn't this project made for vanilla? Sheer blasphemy!

That was the plan at first, but we hit a visplane overflow while modeling Natalya's chest.

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I'd post an fda, but apparently there's a coordinated effort by filesharing sites to suppress all information about Golden Eye 2013: extended edition

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As much as "it sucks, but ironically!" is the second-laziest joke ever (after fart jokes), maps 22 and 23 are actually decent slaughtermaps. If you fix the non-working teleporters in map 22 and cut down on the revenants just a tad, you might even have maps worthy of a non-""""joke"""" WAD!

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dot fda

Bravo, sir. I admire your patience. And your punching skills. Good thing there's no berserk pack at start...

your joke's are bad

Sorry to disappoint. Irony is for hip college kids. I can only do stupid. Thanks for the TP pointer.

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This type of map is right up my uh alley, I'm pretty sure that's an expression. Kind of a troll map, and trolls are my favorite species of internets humans. I was gonna post an fda, but then I read that 'real men post fdas', and being an arrested development involuntary celibacy failfag, probably don't qualify. But I'll describe it:


I never found j4rios 'go backwards at start' path and assumed the crusher was automatic each time, so kept luring revs/imps into the crusher, basically a long fail of doing that and dying over and over. Then on a saves run I didn't know you can get the bfg so was trying the end part without it, which would be very hard. Now it seems uvmaxable w/ bfg (last cyber might be tricky) so will try.

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Nice. :) I like how you swapped to plasma as to trigger all chaingunners at once and cut through them faster so you could duck right away into the megasphere secret. Figures you'd be the first to tackle that particular exit in a max run as well, heh.

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