AngelOfDeath Posted July 2, 2001 When you people talk about newbies are you talking about people new to these forums. Or are you talking about people new to Doom. 0 Share this post Link to post
MACVILWHORE Posted July 2, 2001 Were talking about people who are recent, and usually just don't fucking get it AT ALL. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted July 2, 2001 As Mac says, people that are new to the forums, and never realized they can improve their social skills here by reading some of the later threads. If you don't know what's all the fuss about Mac's coffee, Lüt's comments and/or memorable events like "fuckmordeth", "doom3 mini-flamewar", "Resurrected", "Cacodemon Leader", "Tech Article", "Stupid id pictures", "Haikus" etc etc etc, then you're a newbie. 0 Share this post Link to post
MACVILWHORE Posted July 2, 2001 Do the memorable events include that *cough* hissy *HACK!* thing that i'm sure no one cares about anymore? 0 Share this post Link to post
maga Posted July 2, 2001 As Mac says, people that are new to the forums, and never realized they can improve their social skills here by reading some of the later threads. If you don't know what's all the fuss about Mac's coffee, Lüt's comments and/or memorable events like "fuckmordeth", "doom3 mini-flamewar", "Resurrected", "Cacodemon Leader", "Tech Article", "Stupid id pictures", "Haikus" etc etc etc, then you're a newbie. the "Haiku" section was ...well... cheesy, to say the least. Like I said all this stuff makes me read the forum... 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted July 2, 2001 There's a lot of memorable events, but I can't remember most of them just to write a fucking list... 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted July 2, 2001 Or Dexter, or System Error...who knows what else? We have a potential POS this same day, just check Chourico's post. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted July 2, 2001 The Haiku's thread did suck, but the other poetry thread started by deadnail was great. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted July 2, 2001 Heheh, I still don't understand why no one destroyed that post. Mmmh, now that I think about it, looks like the MySQL execution vanished that thing from the DW's server for good. /me plays "The Omen-theme.mp3" 0 Share this post Link to post
spank Posted July 2, 2001 Haikus rock the World Let's write these poems again And be nice friends, OK? 0 Share this post Link to post
ShadyXMR Posted July 2, 2001 There's a real easy way to avoid being a stupid newbie: first, lurk the boards for a while to get the feel of it, reply to stuff you can talk about, DON'T reply to stuff you have no idea about thus making an ass out of yourself (just read), and if you've followed these and a few people make smartass comments don't take them as insults - it's just the sarcasm of the place. 0 Share this post Link to post
NiGHTMARE Posted July 2, 2001 I still remember the time someone replied to a thread I'd started about a possible "real life" TC for Doom 3 by saying that uzi's (one of the suggested weapons for the TC) weren't suitable for Doom... 0 Share this post Link to post
Peter Heinemann Posted July 3, 2001 "Newbie" meanwhile has become a negative expression, which means (in my understanding): People who are new to the forums and did not feel the need for introducing themselves and starts new threads up to 5 times a day, mostly extremely boring or stupid stuff which rips away the flesh from the body simply by reading it. Then they use to apologize. I forgive them. :) :: smack :: 0 Share this post Link to post
AngelOfDeath Posted July 3, 2001 I see already what you mean by newbies making pointless posts. Kind of like this one. 0 Share this post Link to post
Peter Heinemann Posted July 3, 2001 Ooops, I did not notice your skeleton (skull) face, aehm did not mean you when writing "...rips away the flesh from the body..." Hey, that is pretty funny :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Doom-Child Posted July 3, 2001 Man, I don't know about ANY of that crap. Are those threads around somewhere where I can read 'em? I get really bored at work. Maybe I'll just check po**CENSORED**ll. DC 0 Share this post Link to post
Davidoom Posted July 3, 2001 [quote]If you don't know what's all the fuss about Mac's coffee, Lüt's comments and/or memorable events like "fuckmordeth", "doom3 mini-flamewar", "Resurrected", "Cacodemon Leader", "Tech Article", "Stupid id pictures", "Haikus" etc etc etc, then you're a newbie. [quote] Hell no, that's just for the "popular people" to laugh about on here.... if you're a newbie you haven't gained the respect of your peers...only then your a member.. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted July 3, 2001 Sadly, the old threads were banished in the Great Fire of '01... 0 Share this post Link to post
Ralphis` Posted July 3, 2001 Don't any of you remember the Doomserv vs. #doomroom wars? Or the CSDooM ones either? Those were real original. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted July 3, 2001 Not me. I'm post Flamewar. I came little after deadnail showed up, and started posting like 3 day after the "New weapons/monsters/items" crazyness started in the DooM 3 forum. 0 Share this post Link to post
pilottobombadier Posted July 3, 2001 I don't think the uzi ITSELF should be in Doom 3, if you consider the time period, but a weapon like it (e.g. a pumped up Steyr TMP) might. 0 Share this post Link to post
Liam Posted July 3, 2001 In my opinion, newbieness starts by being new to the forums, but you can kill it in your first few posts by simply posting intelligent, relevant, non-obvious posts and to generally look like you actually know what you're talking about. A person with 10 posts who doesn't post on threads he doesn't understand, does his best to help ppl w/ editing problems or such and doesn't make himself look like an idiot doing it, and posts like he knows the rules to the forums is not a newbie. A guy with 10 posts who goes "HEY GUESS WHAT I HEARD I THINK THERE IS SUPPOSED TO BE A THIRD DOOM!!!!!!!!!!1111" or "hey duZ nebody kno where i caN get doom2 4free" or "hahahahaha i have a biiiiiiig penis" is a newbie. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted July 3, 2001 I see somebody's post count getting reset soon... 0 Share this post Link to post
Gerbil Posted July 5, 2001 What I'm trying to work out is why newbie has become inseperable from idiot. At what point was it considered that lacking in doom experience equates to someone deserving ridicule? I for one haven't got a clue what you lot are on about with these great threads. Personally I can't be arsed to find out. My status is currently newbie - I don't post often, because quite frankly most threads on here are a pile of shite. I come here for Doom related stuff, not masses of in-jokes. I'd have thought you'd have been a bit more tolerant to newbies here, after all, surely the more people that like Doom and it's related social groups the better? Making it elitest and scaring people off can only harm Doom and you lot. Having said that, there's no excuse for general stupidity (although I've been careful to avoid threads on that - I've been using the net long enough to have seen 'em all. They repeat ad infinitum!). Perhaps you lot could come up with another term to describe idiots other than newbie, which lumps in others who are not deserving of the association? Personally I don't give a damn, but others often do. Let's face it, we were all newbies once, although it takes years to become an elitist arrogant forum snob :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted July 5, 2001 /me gives Lament, Archvile46 & Maga blowjob. 0 Share this post Link to post
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