Capellan Posted July 4, 2013 Map04 On continuous HMP, this is actually kind of easy :) All the other complaints about it - inconsistent nukage, ugliness, linearity - still apply, and have been covered at length by others. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
BaronOfStuff Posted July 4, 2013 MAP04: Jesus, what the fuck is this. The console tells me that this is map's going to be total fucking cack before I even make a first move, because there are four sectors which are comprised of absolutely nothing. Promising. HURR DURR I DO LIGHT EFFECTS GOODLY. First of all, let's address the use of animated flats here. Inconsistency through the duration of a MegaWAD is forgivable; when a floor that looks like nukage does no damage on one map, then 20% on another, I can deal with that. It's hardly the best option, but it's at least workable. Here though, it's not even consistent with neighbouring sectors. What's the point in this? What the fuck are you playing at? To be frank, the map's just shit, and not merely for this flat shenanigans; a lot of the time you can barely see a fucking thing, with instances of: - Fighting stuff you can't even see in what's close to total blackness while a bunch of ceiling decorations block your movement. - Absolutely useless monster placements. - A secret area that contains nothing but monsters. - Height changes that make aiming at a target a chore. - Boring run-down-a-tunnel moments while Demons only waste your ammo. - Other stupid shit, including but not limited to a door using animated slimefall textures. Fuck me sideways, even SLIGE comes up with better examples than this wanky bucket of toss. D!ZONE/10. Jesus fucking Christ, this POS should never have been included. Absolute shit. Genuinely one of the worst attempts at a serious map that I've ever had the misfortune of playing. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Memfis Posted July 4, 2013 Demon of the Well said:I didn't mention it in the writeup, but I sort of assumed that the short metal walls at the back corners of the room were supposed to be a possible shield from him (assuming you could make it there through the specters and such before he attacked)....except I can tell just by looking at them that they're not tall enough to reliably interrupt his line-of-sight. I think I managed to use them to reduce the damage once. If you stay very close to a higher sector (which is between you and arch-vile) then the blast portion of arch-vile's attack will spawn on that sector instead of your height level, and so the damage will be significantly weaker. But I can't seem to repeat it easily so I can't say it is a reliable tactic here. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Jayextee Posted July 4, 2013 MAP04 - SEWERS by Jim Bagrow This map can take a big shit all over itself. Dark, expansive halls of non-damaging nukage and awkwardly-placed hitscanners, followed by nigh-pitch-black encounter with mid-tier monsters including an ARCHVILE with no real cover, into a couple of badly-designed and occasionally far-too-cramped fights, and a backtrack after the red key. Far from fun, I had to keep reloading my save right before the Archvile room just to waste time 'scouting' to see where I was supposed to go. And just so I'm not being unfair to this piece of shit map, I'll say the end room was kinda nice-looking. Shame about the rest. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted July 4, 2013 Hurricyclone said:MAP04 Sewers And yes SteveD, it did piss me off. And well it should! What can I say, nobody listened to me back then. ;D This map is a prime example of why I thought Capellan's idea of playing beta projects was a good one. On TMT, we were all a bunch of noobs, and therefore equals. Playtesting never accomplished anything except to correct things that didn't work, or get a few details in monster placement ironed out. We still ended up with all kinds of flats problems, unavoidable items in front of switches, and . . . this whole map.:D If we'd been exposed to mappers we admired from the larger Doom community, like The Innocents Crew, the Mori teams, and so on, some of these issues could have been resolved, because some of the things we did wrong, like all the flats problems and all the slow rising platforms, were things we simply had no clue about. We didn't have the experience. If we'd been given a less aggressive schedule for the release date, it might have been possible to reject some maps. But no one, not even team leader Clint Sago, exercised dictatorial authority to say, "This is completely unacceptable. Do another map." And you had to be careful about pissing off a mapper. If you got on their case and they got all butthurt about it, they might leave. And the way it worked out is that me and Rob did extra maps to take up the slack when people failed to complete their maps, which is a sort of passive-aggressive way of quitting unless you have some excuse like you're cramming for finals. We tried to get other people in. For example, there was this guy Beau Mullis who released an amazing map called Circa Outpost, which is the one that taught me the piston trick. That was his fourth release after three difficult but ugly maps. I was all but on my knees begging this guy to join up, but it didn't happen. We tried tracking down the guy who did EEE-Vile 1 & 2. No dice on him, either. I'm sure anyone who's worked on a megawad project can relate similar stories. The difference on the PC side was you had a really deep bench, with a shit-ton of mappers, most of them awful, to choose from. On MacDoom during this 6-month period, it was TMT and maybe 3 or 4 other mappers out there who ever did more than one map. But even with all that, we got 'er done, on schedule, and I guarantee there are some fun maps coming. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Alfonzo Posted July 4, 2013 So! Apparently I had this part of the streamthrough highlighted and ready for send-off some days ago but then dropped my brain enroute to the thread. With that senior moment resolved, here's the first 15 maps of Realm of Chaos for your viewing (dis)pleasure. Part 1 = Impressions of the first half lean favourably toward the likes of SteveD and Clint Sago, but flee terrifically and in fear at the sight of anything by Jim Bagrow -- he of "Sewers" infamy. Oh, it gets worse. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Demon of the Well Posted July 4, 2013 Memfis said:I think I managed to use them to reduce the damage once. If you stay very close to a higher sector (which is between you and arch-vile) then the blast portion of arch-vile's attack will spawn on that sector instead of your height level, and so the damage will be significantly weaker. But I can't seem to repeat it easily so I can't say it is a reliable tactic here. Yeah, I know the trick--do it right and you only take 10 points of damage or so. I doubt it works reliably here because of how thin the wall is, and how it sits at an angle--gotta love those blockmaps. The only way I can see these walls actually being much of a shield would be if the vile starts his attack while he's standing at one end of the wall, and you hide from him behind the other end (that is, the short side), which is of course a situation that's incredibly luck-dependent and generally unlikely. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted July 4, 2013 st.alfonzo said:Impressions of the first half lean favourably toward the likes of SteveD and Clint Sago, but flee terrifically and in fear at the sight of anything by Jim Bagrow -- he of "Sewers" infamy. Oh, it gets worse. I can't wait to see this when I get back. I'm heading out the door soon for Sheboygan, Wisconsin, "Malibu of The Midwest," surfing capital of Lake Michigan -- at least on this side of the lake. They have been known to surf triple-overhead (15-foot) waves there in big enough storms, but today it's a flat lake, sunny weather, and a beach full of hotties in bikinis. Yowza!!!! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
mouldy Posted July 4, 2013 MAP04 - “Sewers” by Jim Bagrow Wow... this map had so much wrong with it I don't know where to start. Or even how to start, literally. Dropping down into the pit of darkness resulted in death until I found the invisible door in the starting room that gave me access to enough weapons to survive it. What little of the design I could actually see was basic to the extreme, and anything remotely resembling creative detail was a pain in the arse to navigate. Texturing was a bizarre mishmash, layout was a dull there-and-back-again, fights were hindered by darkness, decorations, architecture.. Utterly dreadful, I will give the wad the benefit of the doubt for now and keep playing, but this map definitely had me in two minds about it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Veinen Posted July 4, 2013 Map 04: Sewers Sweet!... fucking christ this is bad. Everything about this map is just absolutely brutal and I honestly can't see many redeeming qualities in this abomination. The Pestov Yard battle is alright I guess but after that the gameplay takes a wrong turn and figuratively falls off a cliff. The archvile chamber has to be one of the most maddening fights I have ever had the displeasure to play. Fucking why indeed, dear archie. Usually when I face a tough fight it motivates me to try a bit harder but that whole area just provoked a "fuck this map" -feeling. Visually it's total mess right from the get go and the layout is not much better either. No amount of bashing would be sufficient for this one but others have covered the flaws of this map pretty well already so I don't really have much to add. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Memfis Posted July 4, 2013 05 - demo - another very nice map, the highlights for me are: the "oh shit" start like in mm map01 (here you have an obvious secret that makes it trivial though), the whole lift set-up (I wish it wasn't on the top floor ar the beginning though, takes too long for it to lower) and the blue key area with its limited space and monsters shooting at you from the distance (except the berserk and radiation suit are a pain to get and the demons/spectres are too many). The outdoor areas are extremely simple but just like with the secrets in the first episode of Doom, it feels good to get into them. On the other hand, very strange use of spiderdemon. Like really, why is he there, trapped by thick pillars? I guess Slava didn't want to make the first boss encounter too dangerous but the result is just silly! :) But all in all this is a cool level imo, like a simplified version of mm2's "Corporate Hell". Heh, I mentioned the mm series again. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Scripten Posted July 4, 2013 Map04 - Sewers 67% Kills|100% Items|0% Secret - 05:19 Health 84 - Armor 60 | 0 Deaths Before I've even started this map up, I'm anticipating a mountainload of utter nonsense due to the reviews already posted. So, time to bite this bullet... So this looks bad. The lighting is nice and flashy, and the texture choice is alright, but... damn, that's a big room there. The non-damaging slime is a little dumb and had me really worried since I was not sure if this was the stuff that hurt or not. A few more rooms in and I'm wavering between hating the map and just being bored. Playing on HMP hasn't yet had me hit an Arch-Vile room, so I'm not having much trouble, but man is this map hideous. Definitely put to shame by the last two, and even the first map, for that matter. Giant, square rooms filled with hitscanners, mixed with inconsistent pain sectors. Lovely. Once I get through the slimefall room, the red rock area and red key room look rather nice, comparatively. Still not much more than hitscanners and demons, though. I grab the key and pretty much head straight to the exit. I really couldn't be arsed to kill everything or find the secrets. So, yeah, a fairly objectively bad map. The lighting is neat in places, but overall too dark, and the poor texturing and architecture just makes it boring. HMP isn't as hard as UV seems to be by a long shot, but I'm still glad to be rid of this thing. Next! Map05 - Mission Control 98% Kills|100% Items|80% Secret - 10:46 Health 182 - Armor 185 | 0 Deaths This map was good. Not as fun as Map03, but definitely a positive experience. The central elevator that rises to each floor made the map feel like an actual place and, while the architecture wasn't as interesting as either Map02 or Map03, it was passable and had enough variation and good enough monster choice to make it a fun romp. The only thing that bothered me was near the end, where the megasphere sat in a sea of shotgunners, which was just purely annoying to wade through. That and the Spiderdemon fight were kind of low points, but nothing was so bad that it made the map less fun. Good stuff. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Demon of the Well Posted July 5, 2013 Map 05 -- Mission Control - 100% Kills / 100% Secrets I can't say I really liked this one much. It has a distinct feel to it that separates it from the maps by other TMT members thus far, but it has little in the way of interesting combat, and starts to enter territory redolent of the dregs of Maximum DooM/D!Zone/Demon Gate near its conclusion. The central multilevel lift, a classic PWAD motif, is the most complex construction seen in RoC thus far, but its role in the map is more incidental than anything--there are no fights on the lift, no real fights from the lift, and with the exception of the very first platoon of former human sergeants, no fights when it's time to access/return to the lift. Additionally, the idea of achieving various goals across the different floors that the lift gives access to is rather undermined by the fact that the correct (and most tactically efficient) sequence is simply to start at the bottom and work up floor by floor. The texturing and the recurring usage of large outdoor yards (and secrets giving access to them) give the map a vaguely Knee Deep-ish vibe, but I do mean vague--the interconnectivity, the windows into different areas, the revisiting of areas more than once, and other fondly-remembered E1-isms just simply aren't there. There are some dimmer areas, but lighting is mostly flat, bright, and dull. Combat is generally a very direct affair against unimaginatively placed smallfry. I guess there is technically height variation in the battles (e.g. the recurring usage of imps atop crates), but outside of the main lift and the slime room the sense of vertical scale is so limited that it hardly even registers. A couple of spots had potential for some good fights, but generally are handled in such a way that they play out very blandly. For instance, starting the map staring at the backs of 17 shotgunners and having to stop and think before acting is pretty cool, but all you end up doing is getting the obvious shotgun secret and then holing up in the little crate cubby next to it to pick off the group. There are some barrels in the room, but the way they're placed essentially renders them a non-factor. I think it would've been cooler to have them arranged in such a way that an observant player could get that shotgun, and then use it to blast a certain barrel from a certain angle to set off a chain reaction of explosions that would decimate the group of zombies. The final sections of the map are pretty fucking dire. We have a big, fullbright utterly featureless rectangular yard with a few bad guys in it, and then another fullbright yard next door that would be equally featureless were it not for the Pestov Platform along one side and the square of columns in the center, which render the spider mastermind inside of it utterly useless. Then there's another Knee Deep annex/yard combo, and it's over. Snore. Apart from its nonsensical thematic transitions, I think map 04 was better, honestly. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NuMetalManiak Posted July 5, 2013 MAP05 Mission Control Oh great, hitscanner central. This'll be fucking fun. Shotgun guys! I did the stupid thing in the beginning and got myself killed right off the bat. Dumb. Then I decided to follow Hitherto's route, get shotgun, press switch and kill them in a more fluid fashion by having them infight or hitting the barrels next to them. Works, moving on. I found Hitherto's route to be quite interesting, get the red key first, kinda cool, but I don't know which way is quicker to be honest. The central elevator was the highlight obviously. The walkway over the nukage was too damn slow for my taste, and I have a gut feeling that same type of thing will appear in later maps. I liked the outside area in the west, slightly decorated with dead marines, but having a bunch of zombies there kinda leaves a bad taste. The other outside area with the pain elemental I had some trouble since trying to kill him with trigger-happy imp friends equals bad luck. Then the spiderdemon courtyard was another bad luck charm for me. I got killed again trying to get the imps to attack him, then I simply just killed the imps and used rockets on the spiderdemon, so that could've been somewhat better had I played like Hitherto. The final outside courtyard behind the exit had more of those fucking shotgun idiots that are more annoying than they should be, there's a teleport line somewhere leads back to the exit. So while I like some parts of the level, crates, eleveators, etc., I was annoyed with gameplay and hitscanners everywhere. Final Time 5:31. Rest assured SteveD, one of your maps awaits... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted July 5, 2013 Hurricyclone said:Rest assured SteveD, one of your maps awaits... I've just booked a flight out of the country . . . ;D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted July 5, 2013 Just thought I'd mention, the beach full of hotties in bikinis exceeded my expectations. The babeage in Sheboygan for the 4th was absolutely staggering! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dobu gabu maru Posted July 5, 2013 MAP05: Doomguy takes a wrong turn and winds up in a sergeants anonymous meeting with no way out. While I could see it being dangerous on continuous play, it’s nothing but an RNG party on pistol start as you hope they infight just enough to let you scrape by. Naturally after the fight I discover the secret boxy cubby that you can turtle in, which would’ve made my life a lot easier (but coming off of Bagrow’s map, I had merely assumed a fight so imbalanced was fair game). The rest of the map proceeds pretty smartly, with a central elevator you can take to four floors, the first three housing primary colored keycards. I enjoyed this map because I was kept at low health for the most of it, wishing and pleading for stimpacks just to have the bandages within shot right out of my grimy hands. Only two points stick out to me as poor. First, there’s a second armor given in the map that’s completely useless seeing as there’s not nearly enough health given to allow the depletion of half of the first, and second, the surprise appearance of the Mastermind leads to a pretty boring battle as you euthanize it within its cage. Masterminds are among the hardest Doom enemies to use correctly, and I think many earlier mappers didn’t know how to optimize its capabilities, as even one instance of cover can lead to a pretty sterile fight. Still though, I had a lot of fun with this map and liked it overall. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Capellan Posted July 5, 2013 Map05 I thought this was pretty blah, apart from the mass of sergeants in the first room, anyway. That was amusing :0 Texturing and architecture is pretty basic, making secrets easy to find, even if you don't get the computer map (and you'd be hard pressed not to). The lift's progression is also set up such that the most direct route is the best, which makes the level a somewhat linear affair. You could do the stages in a different order, but it would be sub-optimal to do so. That optimal progression renders the PE completely harmless, by the by, as block monster lines prevent it or its progeny from getting at you while you easily mow them down. Others have criticised the spider mastermind fight from an action point of view. I completely ignored him, so I'd rather criticise that room for how godwaful boring it was. Bland map all round. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted July 5, 2013 Map05 – Mission Control by Slava Pestov – Kills – 93, Items – 30, Secret – 80. Time 17:54. End Health 110, Armor 77. Death Count - 1 Mapper History Slava Pestov, the youngest of our teenage terrors, was 13 when he worked on RoC. I don’t recall having any dealings with him, but he’s been among the easiest of the RoC team to follow, because he went on to become a Linux programmer and then developed the Factor programming language, which is apparently something of a big deal. Even at the time, we recognized him as a boy genius. I heard about that mainly from what others said about him, but I was also rather impressed by some of his maps and by his industriousness. Including his secret Map32, Slava did 7 maps for RoC, although this version of RoC only has 6. This is because, as can be seen in some of his maps, he tended to be heavily inspired by E1 themes, and in the original Map06, he cleaved very closely to E1M9. So closely, in fact, that Ty Halderman said it had to go. As a result, my map, Splatterhouse, was substituted. I’m hoping that I still have a copy of the original RoC on an old Mac HD, because all I have on my PC is version 1.4. I'd love to take a look at the original Map06 A few years ago, I read something of Slava’s, whether at his older website or in an interview, where he mentioned Realm of Chaos as something he did “with random guys on the internet,” or words to that effect. I found it amusing. ;D Map Commentary This map is trivially easy for continuous players, and not very difficult for pistol-starters, either. 3 blasts of the SSG was all I needed to clear the pack of Sergeants at the beginning. The secret shotgun on the crates relies on the player catching on to the idea that crates are actually lifts, not an idea I’ve ever cared for, even though it’s used often enough. This idea is repeated when we see the Computer Map on top of crates, but before this, we’ve had a painfully long wait for a floor to descend. This is not the only painfully long wait we’ll see in this megawad, including what some jagoff did at the end of Map23. God only knows who that idiot is, but if I ever find him . . . ;D I remember when I first encountered Slava’s multilevel lift. I was really quite impressed. DoTW says it’s a classic PWAD motif, but I don’t think I’d ever encountered it before, and I can’t think of another map I’ve played with one of these things. The structure lends itself to having fun with Chaingunners and Revvies, but Slava chose much weaker critters One reason I mentioned IWAD Map15’s asinine platform jump is because this map has the same irritating feature. When you’re going for the blue key, the nukage pit below you has one Berserk and one Radsuit, each on its own short column way below you. Neither one is necessary, but like an idiot, I decided to go for the Zerk, and that led to my only death when I missed, got cornered a moment by Spectres, and then had a short meeting with the Chaingunner at low health. I feel I should mention the lighting. Watching Alfonzo’s playthrough, I was surprised when he snickered at the directional lighting in Sector 55, first, because directional lighting is valid, and second, because the light source was the light on the SPCdoor2. Admittedly, it’s funny when the light sector stays bright when the door – and it’s light – are in the ceiling. What I thought was really funny was to have that bright light in a room where the whole ceiling is Tlite6_5. ;D The giant open area before getting to the SpiderQueen’s lair was really boring to look at, and the SpiderQueen’s lair wasn’t much better. I chose not to kill the SpiderQueen, and the amazing thing to me was that even though she was awakened, she never opened fire! That was weird. I’ve decided to stop calling the Stargr1 platform “The Pestov Structure.” DoTW’s “The Pestov Platform” is much better. We see it here in SpiderQueen’s lair, and God help us, we’re going to see lots more of it. :D None of the fights were memorable to me, making this an okey-doke map. I even stuck around a little at the end because the teleporting Sergeants trickled in so slowly that I wanted to see how many would show up. This is certainly not a great map, but in spite of its boxiness, it’s better-looking than Jim Bagrow’s Map04. But again I find myself agreeing with DoTW – I liked Ma04 better. It had That Fucking Archvile Room, and it was hard, and Doom is about having a hard time, and I didn’t have anything close to a hard time in Map05. Slava did better maps than this, but as I think back on them, most were kind of gimmicky and derivative. Map05 is clean and relatively inoffensive, in spite of weird shit like having an arrow on the floor pointing at a pipe meter that’s actually a lift control switch. Why not just have a switch? But Slava was skilled and knew his Doom mechanics pretty well. This map is nothing great, but it didn’t bother me. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
cannonball Posted July 5, 2013 Sorry but that archvile room is like sticking your cock in an electric pencil sharpener. Not good :P MAP05 - “Mission Control” by Slava Pestov The start is complete BS. Complete RNG luckfest here. The rest of the map is linear with a design quite similar to Map19 of MM2 with a lift with keyed doors on some of the sides. The difficulty is pretty easy once the start is dealt with, but it's non offensive and ok on the whole. The mastermind trap was rather limp though. And the sergeants at the end seem completely pointless. Still better than map04 by a country mile though. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Jayextee Posted July 5, 2013 MAP05 - MISSION CONTROL by Slava Pestov Right away, shotgunners with little cover; unless an obvious secret is found. I found this map to be quite a relaxed affair after the previous one, probably all my damage came from hitscanners. The crux of this one is an elevator that raises/lowers, but if the floors are taken in order there's no need to do the latter - so it isn't really all that neat. There are a couple of weird things about this map; an arrow directed me to an unmarked switch line to an elevator in one instance. There's a Spider Mastermind at the end which is completely optional. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted July 5, 2013 cannonball said:Sorry but that archvile room is like sticking your cock in an electric pencil sharpener. Not good :P That reminds me -- an ex-girlfriend of mine married a guy who, it turns out, is a renowned self-mutilator. It's his "art." When I saw some of the things he did to his cock -- not up close and personal, mind you ;D -- I seriously wanted to vomit. And I'm pretty sure he did all of his body modifications without anesthetic. Just a cheery little story to start the day.:D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted July 5, 2013 st.alfonzo said:Impressions of the first half lean favourably toward the likes of SteveD and Clint Sago, but flee terrifically and in fear at the sight of anything by Jim Bagrow -- he of "Sewers" infamy. Oh, it gets worse. Thanks for the playthrough. Glad you liked the title Machine Gun Etiquette, but I cannot claim credit for that. It's the title of the 3rd album by The Damned, widely recognized as one of the greatest punk rock albums of all time. Oh yes, it is a masterpiece. I really really wish you had played on UV, as you are too skillful to be challenged by this mapset on HMP. However, I hadn't realized that in the infamous Map04, all the heavy monsters were missing from The Fucking Archvile Room on HMP. I can't believe I signed off on that back in the day. No Archie in the Archvile Room? Jesus Fucking Christ, that totally sucks and left me really pissed off. That's not a UV to HMP draw-down. Trading the Baron for an HK, dropping the Manc or replacing it with a noble or Revvie, and leaving in the Archie, would be much more logical. Taking out all the heavies and leaving only the Spectres is a UV to HNTR draw-down. That's fucking nuts. Further, the commentary from you guys would have been so much more fun if the Archie was there, so I feel genuinely robbed. Watching your playthrough of my maps was very instructive. It's different from watching speedrunners, who attack the maps so hard that the action seems more insane than it actually is. After watching you, I started removing the big health bonuses in Map09. Here's hoping that Tarnsman is more well-rested for the next round, because he was not in full honk this time. I was hoping to laugh my ass off over one zinger after another as you guys bantered about the maps and the many noob errors. I know you guys, especially Tarnsman, claimed lack of inspiration, but I just know there's more there. ;D The volume on Tarnsman's audio was also too low. I hope it comes in at normal volume next time, because I had difficulty hearing him, and that's not cool, because I need my Tarnsman fix, dude. :D Thanks again for the playthrough. I can't wait for the next, although I'm betting you can. ;D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
cannonball Posted July 5, 2013 SteveD said:That reminds me -- an ex-girlfriend of mine married a guy who, it turns out, is a renowned self-mutilator. It's his "art." When I saw some of the things he did to his cock -- not up close and personal, mind you ;D -- I seriously wanted to vomit. And I'm pretty sure he did all of his body modifications without anesthetic. Just a cheery little story to start the day.:D Cool story bro, good thing it's mid afternoon and food is no where near me :P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tompig Posted July 5, 2013 Hey guys, very long time lurker but first time poster. Been playing Doom 18 years now, but that's enough about me. MAP05 - “Mission Control” Quite fun, the opening with the sergeants was manageable with the box secret supplying cover. Ammo and health was alright for the map and it was fairly well detailed, defiantly had the feeling of an overrun marine base and I think this atmosphere was caused by a heavy hit scan presence. The elevator was a nice touch, simple but effective. I was confused by the caged spider-mastermind at the end, that section was lacking in detail and just rather pointless. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Memfis Posted July 5, 2013 06 - demo - first long level in the wad. It is very well designed and interesting to explore but the difficulty is too low for me, I remember only one or two dangerous/exciting moments. I think I kinda miss the challenge that was map04. Maybe I should start torturing myself with fast monsters again. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NuMetalManiak Posted July 5, 2013 Hey Tompig, when you get the chance play through and write about the first 4 maps. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted July 5, 2013 Memfis said:06 - demo - first long level in the wad. It is very well designed and interesting to explore but the difficulty is too low for me, I remember only one or two dangerous/exciting moments. I think I kinda miss the challenge that was map04. Maybe I should start torturing myself with fast monsters again. You're right, this map is much too easy. There is a reason for that which I will explain when I get home and do the write-up. For now, let me say that I am fairly certain this is my easiest map in the megawad. I have been revising it for re-release -- along with all the others -- and it is now coming along much better. I will be paying close attention to all the comments on my maps as I seek to improve and nastify them, and improve the flow and gameplay where possible. I am seeking a "modernized" oldschool feel with higher difficulty, especially on UV. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Jayextee Posted July 5, 2013 Re-release? Are we going to see Realm of Chaos with a modern mapping aesthetic or just a tune-up? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted July 5, 2013 Jayextee said:Re-release? Are we going to see Realm of Chaos with a modern mapping aesthetic or just a tune-up? I'm only re-releasing my 7 maps, since I have no right to the others, as Realm of Intensified Chaos. My maps as they stand in this megawad feature several gameplay and design errors, including frequent violations of the Floor Texture Rule, a mandatory secret door, unavoidable items in front of switches, switches actuating distant sectors, improper use of Zerks, and several other flaws, including bland lighting. I've already done significant revision to about 4 of the maps, adding hundreds of gradient lighting sectors, significant amounts of wall, floor and ceiling detail, and fairly large numbers of new monsters. It'll be a pretty significant tune-up. ;D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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