Steve D Posted July 23, 2013 Hurricyclone said:MAP23 Ancalagon Overall, this is my favorite of the Steve maps. Good balance of supplies, some switchhunting (not that that's a bad thing), and decent combat. There are a lot of things I wish for Steve to do in the revision. They are: Fix the secret sectors, obviously. Fix the aforementioned elevator. Fix the blue gates. EWWWWW... Fix this. And put an archvile somewhere plz. Glad you liked it, Hurricyclone. When I last played it, and IMO it must be played on pistol-start for it to work right, I loved the opening battle and especially the Human Barbecue Fight. IMO, that one, and the Guardhouse Fight in Map09, are my high points for the megawad. Otherwise, I thought Map23 lost energy in the corridors, and I knew I'd get spanked for the slow-rising lifts in the Pit Room. alfonzo actually broke the map there. ;D I'm glad you found the secret-sector screw-ups. I was really praying alfonzo would find them so that I could be mercilessly mocked for perpetrating the infamous E4M3 Stairs Mistake twice! You know how this happens, you build the secret sector and then you build the pathway to it. You can see on the map that the Soulsphere and Blue Armor are in Sector 91, and later on I built the door -- Sector 215 -- which took on the attributes of the secret sector, as did every sector after that. Even worse, I did the same thing on the path to the BFG! Funnier still, as you noted, is that the secret items themselves are not tagged as secret, but the pathways are. Colossal huge errors, it makes me laugh like crazy these days. Your suggested changes have all been done, so thanks for the detailed comments! :) I went a little farther by raising the pit floor so that now it's only 128 units deep instead of 512. We did that kinda thing for spectacle in those days. ;D I also raised the nukage floor in the starting area so that instead of being 256 units deep, it's only 24. Too-tall and too-deep sectors, as we all know, is a classic noob mistake. And you'll get Archies in the revision, trust me. ;) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Capellan Posted July 23, 2013 Hurricyclone said:I'm pretty sure Capellan would hate the length of many of the levels. Nothing I'm hearing about Hellbound encourages me to play it, but "Adam won't like it" is probably not a consideration you should make when voting :) SteveD said:The question before the voters, Adam, is did I finally manage to kill you at the barbecue park? ;D Strictly speaking, no, because I loaded a save game when I hit 10% health. But I think you can count it, if it's important to you. On the second attempt at the area, I cleared it easily by adopting the slow and cautious style your maps encourage :) Since playing the level, I've watched alfonzo's play-through of map22. It's amusing how differently the blue key area plays when you just grab the key and leave, without looking either left or right, like I did :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
cannonball Posted July 23, 2013 MAP23 - “Ancalagon” by Steve Duff This map went on for far too long and I'm guessing this is an earlier Steve Duff map based on how the secrets are tagged :P There are some nice pieces in this map including Steve's bbq party and a few other neat locales. But there is too much backtracking involved here which added to the length and in my playthrough it all sort of merged into a blur. The final room is just tedious and I died and couldn't be bothered to play again when I realised I had previously saved at the human bbq :P Also a side note based on Alfonzos playthrough - the pit in the final room is escapable, there is a switch by the door you use to get into the final room, this switch raises lifts where the 4 platforms will eventually be. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted July 23, 2013 Capellan said:Strictly speaking, no, because I loaded a save game when I hit 10% health. But I think you can count it, if it's important to you. On the second attempt at the area, I cleared it easily by adopting the slow and cautious style your maps encourage :) Oh! Spanked!!!! LOL! Yes, I will count that 10%, Adam, and yes, it is desperately important to me to get you as often as I can, along with every other player, but you especially. I want my pound of flesh for MM2 Map15. ;) At least I can take solace in the very large number of deaths alfonzo suffered in that area, but he's a complete kamikaze, so it was not unexpected. ;) But dead or not dead, the most important thing is for you to have fun in the maps. I think the lack of teleport traps definitely hurts my RoC maps, because you end up with Hamburger Hill Syndrome, where each area becomes an objective to be conquered, and then it's done. At least you didn't take the early exit. ;) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Capellan Posted July 23, 2013 cannonball said:Also a side note based on Alfonzos playthrough - the pit in the final room is escapable, there is a switch by the door you use to get into the final room, this switch raises lifts where the 4 platforms will eventually be. That switch starts in the "on" position, which is almost certainly why alfonzo missed it - it's easy to assume it was the other switch in the room. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted July 23, 2013 Jayextee said:MAP23 - ANCALAGON by Steve Duff Not a great map -- have all the best SteveD maps come and gone? :/ Yes, absolutely, no question about it. ;D I know I like this map better than a lot of people, but I have seen fit to do rather heavier-than-expected revision. I had already done a lot of heavy revising before this month, and as I mentioned to Hurricyclone, I sensed an energy drop from the frantic beginning where, on pistol start, you have a lot of Cacos plus the HK and Imps to shoot, but not a lot of ammo or health, up to the Human BBQ which is the best part of the map. I'll list more of the changes and put up some shots later tonight when I finally play it, but I can say that my planned solution for the Pit Room, which is gonna stay because I like the way it looks, includes the following; 1. Floor raised to 128 below the main floor, so no more long waits for the the floors to rise. 2. Separate lift sectors will be eliminated to prevent players from accidentally breaking the room, and the rising floors will function as lifts with switch textures to indicate their function. 3. There will only be 2 switches max, which means I'm deciding whether to release all the monsters at once for a giant firefight, or release them in 2 groups. Whole parts of the map have been eliminated. As for the map of mine that's left, Map27, Venom, is the 2nd map I ever completed and, well, you'll see how awful it is. At least it has some action! ;D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted July 23, 2013 cannonball said:MAP23 - “Ancalagon” by Steve Duff This map went on for far too long and I'm guessing this is an earlier Steve Duff map based on how the secrets are tagged :P Actually, no, Nova Akropola and Ancalagon were probably the last maps I finished for RoC. The secret issue is, well, let's remember, id released this kind of mistake first, and they're pros. :p 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Capellan Posted July 23, 2013 SteveD said:As for the map of mine that's left, Map27, Venom, is the 2nd map I ever completed and, well, you'll see how awful it is. At least it has some action! ;D Is Chan's map25 at least one of this better ones? Because nothing else from maps 24-30 is sounding very appealing! In the pit room, I vote for just one switch on the central pillar, but add a platform around that pillar and make the rising paths to it at least 96 wide, preferably 128. That gives the player more room to move, plus some cover to use, but also allows the land-bound monsters to have a chance to move closer. Also: that trap needs cacos, since they can threaten the player from anywhere. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Demon of the Well Posted July 23, 2013 Map 23 -- Ancalagon - 100% Kills / 100% Secrets And here I was thinking it was a Tolkien reference. This looks like an earlier work by Steve, maybe something from that transitional period between the 'my first levels' days and the development of a mapper's own baseline style. While there is significant use of height variation, lifts, pits, unique room shapes, etc., a lot of the hallmarks of an early map remain--corridor-centric play, periodic forgetfulness of the logistical problems caused by infinitely-tall actors, secret-tagging blunders (which are harmless in this case), and a very scatterbrained progression/flow that feels like it was half-planned and half-improvised at the last minute. It is a bit on the slow side, especially once you've made your last pass through the early redstone hall with the grand staircase. On my first play it almost felt like an old DooM 1 corridor-crawl at points, although I had more fun with it on the replay, as my knowledge of the secrets and other things allowed me to take a much smoother route, e.g. by using the secret tunnels between prongs in the 4-lift area to move about much more efficiently. On the visual front Ancalagon is back to looking more Hellish, like map 21. Again, from reading too much into the title I was sort of expecting a lot of lava/firewall and shadows, but this is more of a marble/wood 'upper layers of Hell' theme. While there are some of the standard RoC sweeping thematic deviations (like the aforementioned redstone entrance hall, with its plush blue monster closets), generally I didn't find this distracting, and there are only a couple of really ugly points, namely the blue-fire/lava prong off of the 4-lift setup, and a lavacrust-wall hallway with industrial warehouse floor near where the yellow skull is first seen (neat idea showing it to the player like that, by the way). High points are the entrance hall (again, I dig that spacious/spartan largescale oldschool feel) and the much-vaunted human BBQ restaurant--now that you guys have described it that way, I can't help but think of it as being almost exactly like a huge southern pit BBQ setup surrounding a dining pavillion (the wooden structure), so thanks for that. As per usual, lighting's underwhelming, but somehow this didn't strike me as much here, I guess because most of the brighter areas somehow looked more natural being bright than in past maps. Still, some lighting effects would certainly spruce up some of the blander corridors if no other changes are pending. As far as combat goes, well, as I said, it's a pretty slow-placed map. There are some small tactical wrinkles in that a pistol-starter might feel uncomfortably low on ammo if they choose to tackle the entrance hall in certain ways (mainly if they insist on killing the closetcacos as soon as they appear), and there's enough crossfire at Infern O.'s Mortal Swine-and-Dine to warrant taking the situation seriously, but for the most part it's very basic corridor unclogging using a lot of SSG. At some points Steve remembered to open closets back a ways to give you something to shoot while you backtrack, but this is done inconsistently. Infinitely-tall actors are also a bit annoying at points, here, especially around the red keycard, a problem that I solve in the demo by making use of infinitely-tall rocket splash. The final room was, I feel, an idea with potential somewhat lacking in execution--I'd have liked to see more flying enemies, or maybe have two closets open at once per switch, rather than one at a time. Another cheeky idea might be to have the final switch on the central pillar fastraise the floor of the pit, suddenly inundating the player with pinkies, and precluding the need to go down there just to clean them out on a maxrun. As usual, the aforementioned demo. It has some gratuitous chainsawing and shows a relatively smooth progression through the place, although there are a couple of hiccups in the cacos from the entrance hall not wanting to bunch together for my rocket splash, and I have to try the jump to the strange plasma rifle/berserk non-secret 2-3 times. Overall, while I don't think it's a terrible map, I found most of your other entries thus far more fun to play, Steve. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted July 24, 2013 Capellan said:Is Chan's map25 at least one of this better ones? Because nothing else from maps 24-30 is sounding very appealing! In the pit room, I vote for just one switch on the central pillar, but add a platform around that pillar and make the rising paths to it at least 96 wide, preferably 128. That gives the player more room to move, plus some cover to use, but also allows the land-bound monsters to have a chance to move closer. Also: that trap needs cacos, since they can threaten the player from anywhere. I like Chan's Map25. It's cool-looking and has a cool trick with the Baphomet. You will end up fighting nobles and Revvies in squinchy corridors, though. I think your suggestion for my Map23 was excellent, so I did most of it. Pictures coming with the write up. I didn't widen the walkways yet, may not. In Risen3D, the HKs and even Mancs happily walk out on them. In GZDoom, the HKs but not the Mancs will go out on the walkways, and in GLBoom, the HKs occasionally walk out. It's definitely more fun if the heavies walk out on the platforms, because otherwise it becomes a straightforward fight from the pit. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NuMetalManiak Posted July 24, 2013 MAP24 Burnt Guts I really could give less of a fuck about this level, as it's way too easy to comment on. Shoulda been in a much earlier slot. Outside areas were handled okay, as were the nobles in high cages. I guess the marble area in the southwest was cool, as it gave me an opportunity to use a chainsaw finally. The hellish areas in the southeast are nothing to brag about, other than 57-wide corridors where the blue key was. Up north, the teleporting monsters were boringly handled with. At least this level has the Pestov platform which has been absent for 8 maps now. Final Time 4:09. As for next month, I'm for some reason leaning towards either Whispers of Satan or Doom II Unleashed. They're relatively new megawads right? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted July 24, 2013 Demon of the Well said:Map 23 -- Ancalagon And here I was thinking it was a Tolkien reference. That's a good catch, because in Lord of The Rings, Ancalagon is, I gather, a dragon or something. Tolkien probably based that name on what I was actually thinking of instead, the prehistoric, wolflike hooved predator Ankalagon. More on that in my write-up. Demon of the Well said:This looks like an earlier work by Steve, maybe something from that transitional period between the 'my first levels' days and the development of a mapper's own baseline style. While there is significant use of height variation, lifts, pits, unique room shapes, etc., a lot of the hallmarks of an early map remain--corridor-centric play, periodic forgetfulness of the logistical problems caused by infinitely-tall actors, secret-tagging blunders (which are harmless in this case), and a very scatterbrained progression/flow that feels like it was half-planned and half-improvised at the last minute. All of these maps are early, noob maps, judged by other noobs in playtesting back in '96, thus not significantly improved from their first drafts. ;D Ancalagon and Nova Akropola are the most recent of the original RoC maps, while Splatterhouse was begun early in '97. Ancalagon was intended to be the grand capstone of my RoC maps, bigger and badder than all the others. But over the years, the one I actually like to play is Machine Gun Etiquette. The progression was not planned, because I designed in the same room-by-room style as all my other maps, even to this day. Ancalagon is showing the Fava/Knee Deep influence in its basic layout, but while it looks interconnected in DB2, it's actually not interconneted when you play. Ancalagon, along with Nova Akropola, represents an early effort at big maps, but as you say, it's too corridory. Indeed, after watching your as usual amazing demo, I decided that the best thing to do in the revision is to completely eliminate the corridors and keep the opening room, the Human BBQ, and the revised Pit Room, and design a whole new core behind the yellow door. Everything else is goneski. By comparison to what you played, the new map should be much more violent, fast-paced and flowing. I will go and play the old version now, but thanks again for your efforts. It's truly a privilege to see a player of your caliber destroy my map like you did. I learned more than I would playing it myself. I suppose my favorite part was the way you corralled the Cacos in the first HK chamber. That was choice monster management! ;D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tarnsman Posted July 24, 2013 Hurricyclone said:MAP24 Burnt Guts As for next month, I'm for some reason leaning towards either Whispers of Satan or Doom II Unleashed. They're relatively new megawads right? 2009 and 2011 respectively. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Marcaek Posted July 24, 2013 Voting for BTSX. Although as I'd like to see you guys torture yourselves with WoS, it should wait :P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
purist Posted July 24, 2013 For the "new" month I'd define new as released since the last cacowards, so as in really new. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Capellan Posted July 24, 2013 Map24 I quite liked it. It is, as Hurricyclone says, much too easy for its slot. And I doubt I will remember much about it in a week's time. It also had a lot of switch-flicking the sake of switch-flicking. But at least those switches were in a relatively simple configuration to work through, without requiring huge amounts of backtracking or searching. And most of the outdoor sections looked pretty good, on the whole. With punchier gameplay - less 'flick switches a through x in order' more 'unleash the screaming hordes of hell' this could have been a good little map. The YK trap unleashes a handful of imps, sergeants and troopers: it should have been CGs, Revs and an AV. Monsters should have 'ported into the courtyards after grabbing the blue key, too, rather than the anemic trap we got (which I completely ignored, simply leaving before the imps could target me). Edit: now watching alfonzo's play through and man, sector 56 was very badly implemented :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tarnsman Posted July 24, 2013 Is Sector 56 the raising wood bridge that requires you to only enter it from exactly one side? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Capellan Posted July 24, 2013 Yep. It's also not set as a lift on the sides, so if you fall off after it raises, you're hosed. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
cannonball Posted July 24, 2013 MAP24 - “Burnt Guts” by Slava Pestov I didn't have any issues with the dodgy platform when I played this. This map was ok, pretty decent looking, the map needed a little more ammo in the first half I thought as I skipped the imp trap at the blue key due to not having enough ammo. The barons and hell knights should have revenants and chaingunners as they offer a bigger threat. The pestov platform teleport trap is a little sluggish and I had to return to snag the final kill. I liked the acquisition of the red key, just for the fact that it returned you up top after grabbing it to avoid backtracking. Certainly one of pestovs better maps, short and pretty sweet, just a few little noobish mistakes and better monster placement could have made this a really solid map. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Jayextee Posted July 24, 2013 MAP24 - BURNT GUTS by Slava Pestov This is one of the best-looking maps for a while, very consistent in theming (without being too repetitive, I think). Opens with couple of hitscanner and turret-knight/baron/whatever sections connected by a small marble section with pillars. I was initially confused at where to go, as the lava pits didn't seem to have any exits (save for one that had an easily-found secret) but then I threw myself into one and the level continued. Ammo was very VERY tight here, too -- found myself chainsawing the cacodemons en route to the red key, but it's all good. Pestov Platform area was kinda neat, or would've been had there not the large enclave featuring the yellow key, to use as cover. Final section was neat-looking, a drop into a few areas, each of which with a particular mini-challenge to get the eventual blue key. And, exit. Not really too challenging or noteworthy, but at least the aesthetics are kinda there. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
LodiB88 Posted July 24, 2013 Just putting in what I think would suit next month: either Concerned or BTSX for main play, and Simplistic Evil or Favillesco E1 to plug the remaining days. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Jayextee Posted July 24, 2013 LodiB88 said:Favillesco E1 to plug the remaining days. I am so fucking down with this, you would not believe it. Favillesco was great, I'd play it again happily. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
LodiB88 Posted July 24, 2013 Also one other possible filler from 2013 would be Memfis' Kutchitsu. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Veinen Posted July 24, 2013 Map 21: Nova Akropola Not a fan of this map. Liked the seemingly intense start and ending the bathroom break of those poor Imp prisoners but after that the enjoyment fades off as the areas get bigger and bigger. Like Capellan, I don't particularly enjoy getting sniped by a hitscanner from across the world either which is exactly what happens in the outdoor areas here. More than likely they won't kill the player but it's enough to annoy the hell out of me. The Acropolis area has plenty of potential to have some great fights in it but right now the almost random monster placement just doesn't do it for me. The Revs high above are justified and should definitely stay but the Mancs are rather pointless in my opinion. Maybe they wouldn't be if there was some kind of a fight inside the gigantic cube though. The red stone areas in the red key section of the map are the highlights of the level both gameplay-wise and visually. Narrow ledges aren't generally my thing but they work here pretty well. Of course the player has the option to fight the Cacos in the nukage since there's radsuit there, but why do that when you can do everything the hard way? Blue key section is not very good after the HK's and it looks really dull too. There's no challenge whatsoever in PG'ing down millions of small enemies in a corridor. The finale with the Cyber & Archie duo was mildly entertaining at least. However, in my demo the finale was very entertaining since all of a sudden I forgot how to Doom and got freaking pummeled when the second Archie arrived at the scene. Then my mouse tried to kill me at the very end but thank god I didn't left click at that moment. Finished the map with one foot in the grave but geez, what a display of skills that was. Played the map way more cautiously than I would have wanted since my usual recklessness resulted in deaths upon deaths in the stupidest ways one can imagine. But yeah, I didn't really like this map much and I'd say this is Steves least enjoyable one so far. Could have used some more punch and less annoying hitscanner placement along with some light variation. And judging by the way those screenies that Steve posted look like, it's pretty amazing how much decent lighting can improve a level. The revised edition already looks much more interesting like that. I'm falling behind here a bit with my reviews so I'll try to write something about it later tonight still if I can find the time for that. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Kristian Ronge Posted July 24, 2013 Map 21 -- The Prison A rather dull map, in many respects. The end fight in the circular area was all right, but I didn't fancy anything before that, really. The teleport trap in the first courtyard was far too tame and by-the-numbers to become exciting, and the middle section, with the imp/HK/Revenant cages was outright boring -- I don't like sniping away at monsters I could easily just run past, for several minutes. And.. that's about it as far as the fights go. I agree with Cannonball that ammo balance here is pretty nice -- you have just enough to not have to leave monsters behind and come back for them, if you conserve ammo at the start and try to make some monsters infight a bit in the final area, making sure you have enough plasma ammo for the ultra-cheap chaingunner trap at the end (which, apart from making 100% kills a bit of a RNG gamble, has a serious flaw, as Hurricyclone points out). I certainly appreciate the challenge of killing everything quickly with an ungenerous ammo supply. I also liked the way both secrets were set up, even though getting the computer map is *completely* useless, as the map is super linear and the other secret doesn't show up with it anyway. There were some strange things I consistently noticed through several playthroughs: imps would get caught seemingly under the floor of the platform in the first courtyard at times, unable to reach me (but I could shoot them with hitscan weapons), and the same thing happened for a HK and imp in the BFG secret room. Adam mentioned this as well so it is most likely a systematic design flaw. Anyway, dull map to look at (except the pointless pitch black tunnel which I couldn't look at :-P), mostly dull to play. I not only think this isn't Rob's best map so far in the WAD, it is by far Rob's *worst* map. Side note: what's the point of monsters being able to follow you into the BFG secret room? Made for a long backtrack when I realized a Baron had teleported in after me long after I'd left. --2/5 Map 22 -- Nova Akropola Another large one from Steve. This one does all right. The first part is standard, blocky, hallway-to-hallway minion disposal. The first courtyard has a decent demon/spectre ambush, then you enter a teleport to the second part, which features gigantic locales, much like map 19. And much like map 19 it feels a little bit empty, even though there are a few more critters lurking about here. I kept feeling, as dobugabumaru probably did given his comments, throughout the map that no fights here were quite as exciting as they could have been: they were a bit too simple, by-the-numbers, or featured too weak of an opposition to raise my pulse, with the exception of the rather nice Cyber/AV finale. Especially the "siege" setup at the blue key seemed great at first until I realized I'd been handed a BFG and a shitload of rockets and cells and was facing some imps and SS soldiers (again with the SS soldiers!?). Yeah yeah, I needed the cells for the finale, but still. The two side areas in the second part are set up a little unorthodox in that you collect two keys in one side area to get the third key in the other side area. I obviously chose the BK, i.e. wrong, side area first and had to backtrack to the other, then go back again. :-( Action was decent, with some hitscanner sniping, one or two ambushes, and some larger monsters thrown in. Secrets were easy to find, and very rewarding (the plasma rifle secret was quite cool in that it was heavily guarded). The map looked okay to me, a bit of varying themes, but the main areas are built on a grand scale and competently so. I agree with Adam that the second part of the map is the better part. It's a bit too easy at this point in the WAD, isn't it? Some annoyances: the switch which gives you the rad suit near the start, for example. Why is the rad suit placed all the way across the room? I will have to go through all that blood and fight off the monsters therein plus a spectre guarding the rad suit, and when I pick it up I only have use for it during the much shorter backtrack through the blood (okay, technically there's a medkit in the nukeage right at the beginning of the second part which you could grab without taking damage, too). An awakened Arch-Vile in the end trap resurrected a killed imp (in the first blood area) through the wall, so I could not reach it -- something to consider for maxrunning. --3/5 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dobu gabu maru Posted July 24, 2013 I believe the majority of votes so far have favored Back to Saturn X, so that's likely to be our pick for next month. The next problem now comes from deciding what single episode to play after it. MAP23: Besides being a long one, this map is a slow burn since it’s one switch hunt after another, but it’s filled to the brim with some dark & nasty Duff traps (which isn’t as dirty as it seems to sound). Some I really don’t care for, like the chaingunners in the pitch black for the RL room, but there’s plenty of times where some baddies behind me jump out and do more damage than they should’ve (like some imps that managed to actually kill me!). It’s a somewhat clumsy level with an odd progression as you scour around a host of different areas for each of the keys, and I’m not sure where I stand on it visually. There are some good looking rooms (like the outside areas) but I felt like the entire level was… too bright. I must note that the revenant trench is the most evil thing devised by Duff yet, as a full SSG blast can’t hit them and the room is curved for the convenience of their trailing rockets. Ammo gets menacingly tight too as the map goes on, reducing me to punching some spiders upon returning with the blue key. The final room has a great concept (monster closets being unleashed from the outer ring) and the HK + manc unveiling in that room is my favorite fight of the map, but unfortunately Duff didn’t trust the player enough to keep their wits about them and hands us a megasphere crutch for that room. I think given the health in the next room the thing is unneeded, but it did give me a nice breather at the end. Only found one secret out of the nineteen o_O Oh, and one way exit rooms? For shame. MAP24: This is visually my favorite looking hell level out of the bunch, with a nice use of fire, wood, and green pillars. I especially liked that weird burrow with the imps and mancubi past the red key door, felt very Spirit Worldy. From a gameplay standpoint… well… it’s far too easy—the megasphere I got from the pathetically found secret actually never depleted below 100, and even then there was still an assortment of health and armor goodies. Ammo is a little better balanced but falls apart once you find the RL and PG in that big arena. Speaking of which, the teleporter ambush there is awfully slow and grants no rewarding fight no matter how long you stick around, which was very disappointing. The arena felt big enough to house a mastermind of cyber, but instead we just get some weak, easily mulch-ified units. So looks = good, game = bad. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Memfis Posted July 24, 2013 You could play just one or two maps from btsx, that would be enough to learn everything about it. :p I would choose an old classic Obituary (17 maps) and mix it with some modern episode for variety, like Vanguard or maybe even Winter's Fury. (12-13 maps) Also I couldn't beat map23 normally so I just pressed the switch behind the blue bars from below while standing on the bridge, and skipped most of the level this way. No demo because I wrote "-recird" in the command line. I didn't get to see a big portion of the map so I think I'll refrain from commenting on it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tarnsman Posted July 24, 2013 I'll vote for Favillesco E1 to fill the rest. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Steve D Posted July 24, 2013 Memfis said:Also I couldn't beat map23 normally so I just pressed the switch behind the blue bars from below while standing on the bridge, and skipped most of the level this way. I knew it! I knew that if anyone was going to find the huge design error that lets you leave Map23 early, it was going to be Memfis, because Memfis is good at finding that kinda thing, like when he activated the switch in Map12's slime pit from above. When I saw him do that, I was waiting for him to find this. ;D Although I'm not voting this month unless there's a need for a tiebreaker, anyone who hasn't played Obituary should know it's a nasty, nasty mapset. Map01 -- Hell Knights in 80 and 96-wide corridors. Ouch!!!!! I don't remember the other maps quite so well, but if they are as rough as Map01, they would sure give the lie to the notion that oldskool maps are "easy." 1995 comin' right atcha! You want blood, you've got it. ;D Then there's the issue of everyone getting the DeHacked stuff to work right so you can enjoy the Bazooka Dude. I doubt that I could make it happen in Risen3D, probably have to use GLBoom. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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