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Will all this hype affect Doom?????


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I was just thinking about all the discussions I have been reading and posting about this new game. Jesus, the way we are going on, there is no possible way the game can live up to the original. People and critical bastards are going to crap on this game when it comes out. These supposedly 'Old School' doomers. I'm one of them, I played the shareware version, I waited to buy the full version, I was only twelve at the time but that made doom more real. But I believe people have to really think of what this game meant to them (AT THE TIME). This game will hopefully rekindle some old memories, be it with textures, sounds, monsters etc... but it WILL be a different game and nobody should put this mad burden on id to make the game identical to the original. It will be similar I hope in some aspects and completely different in others but thats okay. I'd just hate to see a fantastic game get released after all id's hard word and then to have some asshole on the web saying it's crap. What I'm getting at is, does anybody think all this hype will be damaging to the overall opinion of the game in the online community? I hope not but there is one thing I do know. Regardless of what people say, soon enough our doom days will be back with us throwing a new and different challenge our way and I think it's the differences combined with the old subtleties will make this game fantastic!!

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Well, there IS a reason for id's media blackout y'know.
It's not impossible that id will put some exciting new stuff in "Doom 3" which we've never seen before or never thought of, however they may not put some of the things in the game which some people hope they will.
I say it cannot possibly be as bad as with RtCW, simply because they've barely shown us or revealed anything about the actual game. With RtCW, basically everything from story to features was unveiled long before the actual game hit the stores, and I believe that's one of the key reasons why the sp part of the game wasn't anywhere near as successful as it was supposed to be.

We don't know shit about how Doom'll play and thus, we can still be positively surprised in the end.

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I completely agree. I know its a pain in the arse waiting and all but I'd personally rather another 1+ year(s) wait and not be told anything at all about the game. On another note, television advertising (in Ireland anyway) has been really great with nearly every major release being advertised on the television. I wonder if Doom will have an advert. Surely if it is ported to the XBox it will have a commercial?

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Will too much hype affect D3 you ask? Yes,I think so. It'll probally damage it. Look what it did to Q3A....

If it comes on the XBOX will there be a commerical? Of course! SEGA's
32X had 2 different commercials and the SNES had 1,I think. I'm still trying to find if their anywhere on the web to download.

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It will never meet the people's expectations. Just the single word Doom means too much to many people, but worse than that, it means different stuff. You can't please everyone but at least you can make a good game.

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