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Finally, some Doom art.

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Yeah, I'd promised a while back I'd try to get to some Doom art, and I never delivered... Well, not -too- much anyway.

But.. I've been taking the time to spruce up my sketching a bit and finally ended up with this as a first piece to post on here:

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  • 1 month later...

Incredible work, I love how detailed you can make your sketches despite being just... sketches. I would definitely love to see more art in the future!

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Thats cool :)

Wish I could draw, even my stick men are hard to work out :(

I often make assets for game levels and stuff and I know many people sketch their stuff out first to get a feel for things, plan ahead etc I cant do this, though I do plan things, its all in my head.....then I cant sleep very well lol

Anyway, would love to see more :)

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lol! that exactly what is going on in the reality of the game, if one take a look of himself in the mirror, and it has been a id tradition since... carrying 7 weapons (including the BFG) walking around!!

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  • 7 months later...

Edited. A lot of people other than you'd pointed that out. Made a quick adjustment.

Still trying to get a grip on art stuff in general xD

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he looks pretty skinny and slender if you ask me. i'd expect him to look a bit more bulky. it's not bad, though, and the gun looks pretty cool as well.

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These are great. Loving the action pose of the second image, and the hilarity of all those guns on Doomguy's back in the first. You captured the likeness of the HUD face very well.

Only two big criticisms:

In the first pic either the head is too big, or the helmet is too small.

This is more of a pet peeve of mine, but i'll just throw it out there. The exposed mid-riff. I do not understand why this misconception perpetuates among artists, but the Doom armor is not designed with an exposed mid-riff. The exposed abdomen on the cover art is battle damage from a scratch.


You can even see the slashes on the stomach and the torn uniform there.

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  • 1 month later...

I always thought of his backpack like the house from Blue's Clues, i.e., it looks tiny on the outside but it's massive on the inside.

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