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Doomworld Mega Project 2013 - 54 maps - /idgames link

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Ode to everything:
a Zdoom map, jumping/crouching required. As the name implies, it has varied stuff: classic bits and weird bits, detailed bits and ugly bits, colorful bits and monochromatic bits, confusing bits and... more confusing bits. Have kinda fun.

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sorry for double post, but...

Title: ffffabolous secret level

Author: Walter "daimon" Confalonieri

Build time: a month, more than less.... divided from august holydays...

Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2, SLADE, zdbsp

Music: fragmented loop of this, OGG file, 257 kb or something similar.

Inspiration: He-Man hilarious viral video on youtube.

Description: due to a insane summer warm, i had the idea to remake this viral video into a doom level, spot the location guys! Anyway this level it could be only defeated from a "Shingeki no Kyojin" opening theme based level LOL (mmmh.. a possible challenge in this thread?).

Port(s): Zdoom in UDMF format

New graphics:yes, taken from google and Eternal Doom resource, named DAI....

Author(s) note: Added a MAPINFO lump due to new skybox and music, if you wish i'll put them into the map scripts...

If there's something to change or fix please let me known, enjoy.

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Question: is it okay if I post my wad independently on, say, the Zandronum forums before DMP2013 is released? I'll make the post either way when the file gets onto /idgames properly; I just want to know if I can make note of it earlier. Apparently people like it?

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Basically done with my map. Download here. Difficulties included but not playtested.

Title: The Manifold Fever
Author: dobugabumaru
Build time: 8-12 hours
Editor used: Doom Builder 2
Source Port: limit-removing
Music track: "paradox" by Matt Podd
Bugs: texture bleeding here 'n there
Author's comments: "The Manifold Fever" was initially designed for the MAD megawad project but once that died down I sat on it for a while. I threw together a quick poem about emotional abuse and tried to tie it to the gameplay somewhat, focusing on quick arena battles. Apologies for the midi... it gets atrociously loud at the end and I don't know how to tone that down :(

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This seems to be coming along at a good pace. At this rate I'll be LP'ing this instead of Switcheroom next! Unless there's going to be more than 32 maps in this of course....

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  • 2 weeks later...


Level name : Fire Fighter
Author : SFoZ911
Build time : 6 days
Editor used : Doombuilder 2

Music Track : "Between Levls".
Playtesting : Yes
Bugs : I didn't notice any. if you do, please tell me.
Engine needed : I used Prboom+ to playtest, but i'm pretty sure it will work with vanilla as well.

uploaded a new version cause' the last one had rad suits flaged multiplayer only...

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SFoZ911 said:

: Fire Fighter

Cool short level imo, doesn't worked on vanilla doom2.exe and also on doom2 +, it gave me a "special sector not found" in the yellow key bars after the alcove lowered...

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Better change the map format in the OP, so people won't have any troubles then.

Too bad I don't know how to map for vanilla more.

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Hey all,

I'm working on a map for this one and would appreciate some feedback please. It is not complete, works needs to be done (I have more areas to add into the map and stuff), however what do you good people think so far?? Is the atmosphere and theme that I want there?? (I'll let you guess what it is....), How does the map flow...??

Comments and feedback please.

This map is designed for ZDOOM and REQUIRES CC4-TEX.

Link:::: Underground Bunker v0.2.5

Thanks all,


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Phendrena said:
This map is designed for ZDOOM and REQUIRES CC4-TEX.

Go improve it then. I don't download before you do. Re-read the rules.

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scifista42 said:

Go improve it then. I don't download before you do. Re-read the rules.

If you don't want to give feedback that's fine.

- new textures/flats are allowed, but only if you include them in your wad with a 3 character prefix, ex: TODxxxxx (and only include the textures that your map uses, don't add a whole texture pack to your map)

Why bloat out a WIP WAD when i'd say 99% of the forum regulars have CC4-TEX anyway, and probably most the well used texture packs? If I was pulling from several sources then I would agree. Besides reusing textures from texture packs and adding a three character prefix is/could going to lead massive (hugely massive) texture duplication if WAD authors pull textures from packs and follow this rule.

If it's a brand new texture that the WAD author has created then fair enough.

Your reply, however well intentioned was pedantic.


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I just don't want to go hunting through texture packs for everybody's textures at the end of the year, it's not very fun. If everyone puts the new textures in their wad file, it makes it much easier for me. I'll check for duplicate textures at the end of the year and will remove them if there are many, while making sure the maps reference the ones that are left.

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TimeOfDeath said:

I just don't want to go hunting through texture packs for everybody's textures at the end of the year, it's not very fun. If everyone puts the new textures in their wad file, it makes it much easier for me. I'll check for duplicate textures at the end of the year and will remove them if there are many, while making sure the maps reference the ones that are left.

I've still got about 1/3 of the map left to so once done I'll stick the textures into the wad for you.


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I've taken a lot from the community over the years and never really put back. So even though I've only released a couple of maps I am glad to be part of the bigger picture :)

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Hey dave, played your map last night and so far it's cool... there some misaligniments on the rock textures, the DOORTRAK needs to be lowered and the deep water sectors IMO needs to be swimmable...

Overall good job

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walter confalonieri said:

Hey dave, played your map last night and so far it's cool... there some misaligniments on the rock textures, the DOORTRAK needs to be lowered and the deep water sectors IMO needs to be swimmable...

Overall good job

Thanks for the feedback! I've made the deep water areas swimmable - good idea! I've sorted the doortrak to be unpegged, i've had a look at the rock textures, but to be honest - rock alignments are a pain in the arse so i've not bothered (yeah, yeah, laaaaaazy boy).

I've uploaded a complete version of my map (barring beautification and changes from feedback) :::

East of Eden

Yeppers, changed the title too. It shouldn't be too hard for experienced Doomers but then, I try not to make my maps hard anyway!!!

Have fun,


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I like what I see. It's something unusual, different than a typical hardcore Doom map which just wants to spank your butt. Not even the visuals are classic, but I like them a lot. The outdoor specially is simple yet beautiful, very resembling Duke 3D (and not just because of the texture). I enjoyed walking through, I myself was surprised how such a simple and easy map was a pleasure to explore.

Unfortunately, there's an error. Yellow key is not present on UV difficulty. I checked it in an editor. Therefore, after you press the blue switch, the nukage pool raises and that's all, you'll never be able to get further. Fix this please.

Good job anyway!

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scifista42 said:


I like what I see. It's something unusual, different than a typical hardcore Doom map which just wants to spank your butt. Not even the visuals are classic, but I like them a lot. The outdoor specially is simple yet beautiful, very resembling Duke 3D (and not just because of the texture). I enjoyed walking through, I myself was surprised how such a simple and easy map was a pleasure to explore.

Unfortunately, there's an error. Yellow key is not present on UV difficulty. I checked it in an editor. Therefore, after you press the blue switch, the nukage pool raises and that's all, you'll never be able to get further. Fix this please.

Good job anyway!

Thanks for the feedback. I am not a great Doom player or a great mapper so I like maps that give me a challenge. Sure its fun to have lots of enemies and nasty traps but does every map need them? I am glad that you enjoyed my map and found it a pleasureable experience.

I'm annoyed that the Yellow Key isn't there on UV - It's my own fault, i played through on easy/medium but overlooked UV - so my bad!

I'll correct it and upload a revised version later on as I'm not at home right now.



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Corrected version with the Yellow Key available on UV uploaded - I've also tinkered with the map a little, a couple of extra enemies and stuff and made a couple of places wider to allow easier passage.



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Eradrop said:


Level name : End Of Days
Author : Eradrop
Build time : 4 month
Editor used : DoommBuilder 2, Slumped.

Music Track : "WORMHOLE".
Playtesting : Yes
Bugs : I didn't Found. if you do, please tell me.
Engine needed : ZDoom.

This was a very, very, VERY pleasing surprise for me. To be honest, I expected a newbie-ish map that broke the rule about music-size limit.

But instead, I got an actual MASSIVE, very GOOD LOOKING and very ENJOYABLE TO PLAY thing that feels PROFESSIONAL and must have took loads of time and effort to put together. Very challenging, too, while NOT a slaughtermap.

So I apologize. This thingy is GREAT. People, give it a try, it's worth it.

The map has over 2.8 MB big NODES. 2.8 MB big NODES of actual satisfying experience. There are even only 8 smaller new textures and one small midi lump. The total size of 5.5 MB is actually done by the map itself. I - I am stunned.

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