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Doomworld Mega Project 2013 - 54 maps - /idgames link

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walter confalonieri said:

cool map, but needs more ammo imho

There's enough ammo for each Arch-Vile, you just need to find all the secrets. It's mostly meant to be played pacifist-style, but you can get 100% if you're good enough.

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Obsidian said:

you just need to find all the secrets.

This is a phrase one should never read in regards to level design.

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an_mutt said:

This is a phrase one should never read in regards to level design.

You don't need all the secrets to finish the level, just to kill the monsters.

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mrthejoshmon said:

Is there still time to sign up? I have a shell of a map lying around that I could finish up!

sure, there's time until the end of 2013!

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Obsidian said:

Well. That was a very nice puzzlebox. I liked the vines and clever tricks.

In case you're interested, here is a FDA demo (about 15 minutes long, with 4 attempts) and a "first exit" demo (3:09, boy it took quite a handful of tries, and admittedly cheating to find one of the secrets.) (prboom+


I've also found an simple trick (it can be seen about halfway through the FDA) where you can access the final skull switch (the one which grants you access to the blue key) without the need to raise the candle bridge, but I'm not sure if it can be used as a shortcut.

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oh, what a insane boss map!


Work fine on zandrodum...

EDIT: Nevermind, seen on OP the port for this...

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This map is now jointly credited between Exl and myself. I ran out of ideas, so we've been swapping it back and forth to add bits.

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Updated version of Ex Tenebris, most likely final.

- couple of barely noticeable cosmetic fixes
- starting area: one of AVs guarding the PG replaced by baron, stimpacks moved away from torches (hey danne)
- starting area: of 3 AVs warping in after pressing the first Q-shaped switch only one occupying cyb pedestal remains
- starting area: rocket boxes and megasphere behind cyb pedestal removed, medikits and green armor added
- stairs: demons replaced by chaingunners
- bridge: megasphere removed, medikits added at the entrance.

Let me know how it goes. Just in case.

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Just popping in to post my map:
Infernal Alignment

Theme: a mix of all E3 Maps, polished up and interconnected, while keeping a consistent style.
Difficulty: AV-Hard (many archies and a few cybers - has 4 spiders at the end that can infight)

It's on MAP21 (so that non-zdoom ports have the correct intended sky).

Uses only vanilla Doom2 textures, Limit-Remver compatible (has a few areas in visplane-red)


Forgot to mention, the music midi is from SilentZora's Project Doom

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Z86 said:

Infernal Alignment
Theme: a mix of all E3 Maps, polished up and interconnected, while keeping a consistent style.

That's one Hell of a cool map, impressive work!

On a side note, my map is in progress. I don't have much to show yet (just a first room that I'm unsatisfied with), but I will complete it till the year's end, surely. Be prepared for The Space Base 2, this time Boom compatible, focusing on better gameplay and with new textures (texture edits) I crafted out myself. :)

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dobu gabu maru said:

I also want to add a note that it'll crash PrBoom on Mac and only Mac it seems. No idea why.

it works fine for me... prb+ on OS X 10.8.5.

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dobu gabu maru said:

^ Works fine in PrBoom+ but not in PrBoom 2.5.0 on my OS X 10.6.8 for me. I don't think it's much of an issue since that'll be a minority case anyway.

In Risen3D 2.2.21, there's all kinds of HOM/VPO in the "Dreaming of Your Once Warm Husk" room. This room had no issues in GZDoom.

Very lovely piece of work, Dobu. I only did a God Mode walkthrough as I'm not a slaughter player, but I'll give it a whirl soon at HNTR.

Edit: I should mention that the HOM/VPOs appear at the ceiling.

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hi, i have a question: since my map contains some scripts that make you play with pistol only, is it ok if i keep it or i'll delete it?

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As long as the scripts only affect your map then that's fine. My map also has inventory scripts.

Also, I'll start the DMP2014 thread at the start of January this time, and there won't be any texture/sprite/music size limits anymore.

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@ ToD: you're gonna spend all of your cash covering your internet bills then if you're still determined to be the compiler/project leader. There are always jerks like me that feel midis aren't sufficient and put oggs everywhere.

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I'm signing up and posting my map all at once. :)


Level Name: "Don't Touch That Dial!"
Author: SteveD
Build Time: 7 days
Editor(s) used: Doom Builder 2
Playtesting: Zero-secret playthroughs until the exit
Difficulty Settings: Yes
Co-op: Player starts and multiplayer weapons.
Deathmatch: Player starts and multiplayer weapons
Bugs: None known
Compatibility: Limit-removing

Author's comments: Medium-sized map, part sandbox, part interior combat. I'm a little concerned that there's too much health and ammo since I added some after the HMP and UV playthroughs. Some of the outdoor ledge detail might be a bit fiddly, too. It also might be a good idea to remove some monsters that have little impact on the gameplay. All comments welcome.

I only play on source ports and this map played without problems on G/ZDoom, PRBoom+ and Risen3D.

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