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Doomworld Mega Project 2013 - 54 maps - /idgames link

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I would prefer everything in one wad. Much easier to deal with and no problems with changing music for maps33-35 (it's the title, intermission and story midis). Now, if we had 36 non-zdoom maps, that would be a different story

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TimeOfDeath said:

Ok thanks. However, since there are so many non-zdoom/udmf maps, I'm thinking about separating the maps into multiple wads since 33+ are only accessible with -warp command in prboom-plus.

1 wad for vanilla/limit-removing
1 wad for boom
1 wad for zdoom/udmf

Would people cry about that?

lol that puts me in map slot 1 again XD

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Memfis said:

I would prefer everything in one wad. Much easier to deal with and no problems with changing music for maps33-35 (it's the title, intermission and story midis).


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Well, that was a very mixed bag. Mediocre crap and considerable amount of idiotic jokemaps (oh, how I hate those) try really hard to vaporize all the good impressions. Still, these aren't gone completely.

Stuff worth mentioning for various reasons:

Gothicy Beetle
First really great map, I wish I'd see more like this in here. Had much fun playing it, great work.

The Manifold Fever
This one clearly stands out, but is actually too... conceptual, shall I say, and not very fun to play. Feels more like 'interactive narration' of sorts rather than first-person shooter map (exactly the kind of problem I had with Pesha). I can say dobu's 'philosophic' mind obviously contains some neat ideas, I only hope that one day gameplay will prevail over concept. And then everything should be great.

Fairly large and nice-looking despite being somewhat minimalistic. However, I've had one major concern about gameplay: severe ammo starvation and lack of adequate weaponry, so I had to travel all the way along with berserk, sg and secret rl. Other that that - worth checking out.

Hatchet Job
Too short but pretty interesting. I actually like cyb setups that aren't ridiculous. Could've been much longer though.

None So Vile
While I'm far from being a fan of experimental gameplay that seems not to be Doom after all, I can't let this map go completely unnoticed - at least it tries to be creative and ominous.

Infernal Alignment
Ah, Memorial's legacy. Creatively interconnected and visually appealing, sadly the gameplay is just as grindy as it was in Hellbound, so comparison with AV is irrelevant. Bunch of viles and some roaming cyberdemons don't make your otherwise not very dynamic map 'AV-hard'.

Don't Touch That Dial!
Looks pretty oldschool (but still stylish) yet offers really solid gameplay. Neat map, felt somewhat Vile Flesh-inspired. A pleasant surprise, thanks.

Cute Requiem-like level, I remember some issues with it before it was submitted. It still has some unpolished moments, but overall this map's on a brighter side for sure.

Looking forward to Boom section with hope that silliness goes away completely in there.

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Played through the vanilla wad and while I've learned that my tastes usually slightly differ from Demonologist's, I think he hit the proverbial nail on the head in regards with this one. A few worthless jokemaps, a whole lot of average maps and a bunch of cool maps here and there. I pretty much agree with his highlight picks too, although I think there are a few more Hatchet Job -level maps that could've been worth mentioning. A slab of FDAs to ignore (all maps, exluding 01, 07, 13, 17, 20 for various reasons) and a short map by map bashing for your displeasure:

Map01 (Stove Pipe): Dumb speedmap if there ever was one. DNF because I couldn't bother with this after a handful of attemps.

Map02 (Brick Break): A pretty average experience but at least it looks like some effort was put into this. I do like the evolving layout in the later parts but overall it's still very simple. Quite easy too, although I manage to embarass myself twice in the demo.

Map03 (6 Sector Tea Jug): One of those Hurricyclone underwater maps I see. Not very good though, I remember running around in homogenous corridors shooting while I went until I ran out of ammo. That's pretty much all there is to it.

Map04 (Yergon): I'm guessing the author is not a very experienced mapper? Because this looks a bit like a novice mapper's work, very simple design and the gameplay doesn't really have a very good flow. Too much space for so little opposition too. Not saying this map is bad necessarily, just a bit raw.

Map05 (Ferno): This is aesthetically pretty well done but since the difficulty is barely iwad map01-esque, there's not much to say about this. I could see this as an intro map for some megawad though so it's okay I guess.

Map06 (The Last Stand): I've played like five maps from Interception and this heavily reminded me of that heh. A pretty enjoyable map actually, simple design but works alright. Not the most difficult map out there but there are a few situations that can surprise an unexpected player. Cryptic secrets though, only managed to find one...

Map07 (Pazuzu's Revenge): Crappy jokemap. DNF.

Map08 (Raiders of the Lost Shark): Pretty poor, one playthrough will be enough with this one. Jokemap-ish but there's some kind of playability present at least so it's not total shit.

Map09 (Technecrosis): This was alright. Looks nice and plays decent... until the insta death canyon part. Not a fan, especially since infinitely tall whatever's block my way in the correct path. I figured it was near the end so I didn't start over. The failed demo is still in the zip though.

I'll do writeups for the rest tomorrow.

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same problem here, must be a wrong node building nodes maybe?

However played this tonight and it was... well, pretty unique (especially the jokewads \ normal levels path change...)

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It just crashes without an error when I try to load it in Chocolate Doom. At least it seems to work so far in ZDoom.

EDIT: I need to learn to read.

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Demonologist said:

The Manifold Fever[/b]
This one clearly stands out, but is actually too... conceptual, shall I say, and not very fun to play. Feels more like 'interactive narration' of sorts rather than first-person shooter map (exactly the kind of problem I had with Pesha). I can say dobu's 'philosophic' mind obviously contains some neat ideas, I only hope that one day gameplay will prevail over concept. And then everything should be great.

So far, this is my favourite map. I don't necessarily think that it's the best, but I do like it the most. I say 'so far,' because MAP12 was as far as I got; I wanted to come on here and make a note of it. Yeah, it's melodramatic, but that only fits the aesthetic of Doom all the more. I also enjoyed the Slaughter-ish puzzles (okay, maybe just the one puzzle repeated - how to get to the middle teleporter - but with slight variations).

It might help that I don't usually like maps with this monster density, but I thought the narrative stuff was a nice break, and it spurred me onward to find the next passage! The gameplay doesn't even feel like filler, as it's kept short, and the escalation constant.

One of the rare slaughter-ish maps that I've played to completion without cheating.

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Lets continue. Link to the FDAs for convenience. Apologies in advance for wall of texting and possible poor grammar.

Map10 (Postmodern Hydraulics): This was pretty decent, way too short though. Highlight is obviously the dark section with a fun little battle inside. Visuals are simple yet pleasant, dig the round shapes especially.

Map11 (Gothicy Beetle): Yes, this is a really good map. Feels like a toned down slaughtermap, which is further enhanced by the overabundance of cells and rockets; the only minor problem about the map really. Friendly Pinkie sighting in the demo, chewed down a full-health Mastermind all by himself heh.

Map12 (The Manifold Fever): Yea this is definitely another standout map. This is only the second dobu map I've played (first being NOVA map31) and both are very impressive aesthetically. Gameplay is a bit repetitive since the same platform is repeated a number of times and essentially the same strategy works every time. The finale is a bit different and pretty tough to be honest. Did not stick around for maxkills though, the coward I am, as one death felt enough for me at that point. Nice haunting MIDI too, although I thought it got pretty loud at one point.

Map13 (Bentryway): Mediocre, until it turned into a joke. Oh well, DNF.

Map14 (Fire Fighter): Nothing groundbreaking but a pretty solid Iwad-esque effort. Died once near the end but started over anyway. Glad I did because I witnessed a fucking poltergeist in the YK area in the second go: the radsuit literally flew away once I grabbed the key haha (-skipsec 460 for that).

Map15 (TDSW): Simple can be beautiful, a case in point is this map. I really enjoyed this, really atmospheric and felt like a journey through some desolate ruins. Perhaps the player is slightly undersupplied at times but it didn't bother me much in the end. I make a huge mistake in the demo in not picking up the zerk immediately and it took a bit of brute forcing to get out of an unwelcomed situation but in the end it only cost me the soulsphere. That 90s eurodance -sounding MIDI is awesome too heh.

Map16 (Hatchet Job): Clever central area with the Cybers I guess but the key sections are rather average imo. Feels a bit speedmap-like as everything is pretty simply constructed and the map is quite short to boot.

Map17 (None So Vile): I have no demo for this map but not because it's bad map, but because I was having so much fun mutating to death without being even close to taking a hit from the AVs. Decent concept map but that's it for what I saw. I'd like some more action with the Archies, like in the birthday map the author made for Rayzik :p

Map18 (Infernal Alignment): Well now, this was certainly very good. Love Z86:s way of building maps with complicated layouts, in here and in Hellbound as well. Looks awesome too, no complaints there either. I do agree with Demonologist about the gameplay, to an extent, in that it's a bit grindy at times but personally it's not a huge problem for me. Despite a high monster count it's not very hard at all actually since it doesn't really have many traps or ambushes to make the player suffer. I look stupid saying that because I die like an idiot in the Dis-arena but all the same. One of the best maps in the vanilla wad anyway.

Map19 (Don't Touch That Dial!): This is a really nice map as well. Fun combat and nice looks, what's not to like.

Map20 (Have a Soup and a Sandwich): DNF, either I'm stupid or this is not a very good map. I'm thinking both.

Map21 (CHACSTL): I enjoyed this one too, pretty short but the action is there and it looks very good. A bit cramped at times but that's a forgivable offense in such small doses. Props for the good Archie placement, retreat is a poor choice there but going head first into the thick of things doesn't look very welcoming either.

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Ijon Tichy said:

Well, since the ZDoom segment hasn't been put up yet, I'd rather this version be included in DMP2013; it streamlines gameplay quite a bit, removing the need to retreat back into the buildings (which often got you killed).

I made it quite a while ago; just never thought to put it here.


But, Ijon Tichy... The map doesn't even have an exit, and features a very specific kind of gameplay (invasion-survival). Don't you think this your work would be better as a release for its own? I think so, it's pretty unique, not like a standard start-to-exit map.

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Please be warned that we're still waiting on you, scifista. If things are too bad - you can always preserve your map for dmp14. That screenshot looks nice by the way, so maybe no need rushing but spending more time expanding and polishing instead.

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I am aware. I am a really slow worker. I don't think I will expand the map any more, now I'll just create gameplay and say it's done. It won't be perfect, but that wouldn't be anyway, as I don't have on it. So I should be done in one of the following evenings, if not today, which is possible too.

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Veinen said:

Map14 (Fire Fighter): Nothing groundbreaking but a pretty solid Iwad-esque effort. Died once near the end but started over anyway. Glad I did because I witnessed a fucking poltergeist in the YK area in the second go: the radsuit literally flew away once I grabbed the key haha (-skipsec 460 for that).

Haven't watched your demo yet, but this sounds like a similar thing that's happened to me while playing "None So Vile" in prboom+; one of the candles on an (invisible) bridge inexplicably slides off (I think you can see it in my demo, too.)

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Okay, I don't have what to hide: I once again failed to keep mapping enthusiasm, and now I'm too sick of the map to do any major overhauls. That's why I'm releasing it even though it's very imperfect.

I may make further changes to difficulty settings, though. Currently it's more or less balanced for HNTR. UV is bordering with impossibility. I actually playtested only a little. Even though all of this, this map... can serve as a final release.


Name: The Space Base 2
Slot: MAP01
Built time: Months of sporadic work on map and textures, then deleting everything and starting from scratch, then 10 days of more intensive work.
Music: "Huge Battleship Eriniesu" from a Japan game "Espgaluda", taken from vgmusic(vgmusic entry)
Sky texture: One patch from Double Impact sky.

Note: I already removed most of unused textures from the wad. Had a lot of them, in the spirit of white/blue space station.

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I honestly don't see where the imperfections are here, Scifista, unless you're talking about particularities that others are hard pressed to notice. It's a damn fine map, I say! It looks great and shows a keen ability to create interesting combat scenarios through spatial awareness and layout. Much fun was had. The imp on the satellite is pretty cute as well, heh.

Also: Was the first Space Base that ZDoom map from last year's project? I think that level made me genuinely ill. With laughter.

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