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(ZDoom) The Ultimate Icon of Sin

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Crappy and uninspired name to be replaced later. Yeah, I know.

I think I am not the only one that got very disapointed with Doom 2's ending. Like many others, I wanted to fight a real monster, under the same "Shoot it until it dies" policy as we used against the Cyberdemon and Spidermastermind in the first game. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present you the missing Doom 2 actor! The real Icon of Sin!

This is a MAP30 replacement for Doom 2 or Final Doom. It can also replace the MAP30 in any megawad, and will not conflict with maps that uses the bossbrain actor.

This wad also features custom music, and a custom ending sequence.

Things to do:
- Make his ultimate attacks more fancy.
- Improve detail on the arena.
- Add dificulty settings (make him have more hp and be more vicious if on UV or Multiplayer)
- Find some voice actor wanting to do voice acting for the final text (currently using the PSXDoom voice as placeholder)

You can download the current test version here:

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So he spawned and just spammed the BFG at him for about ~45 seconds (counting the time it took to go pick up more cells) and then he nuked himself. That sure was a boss.

P.S. His scale makes it extremely obvious that it's just a 2D sprite and looks like crap.

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The body appear overly bony unlike the head which I find strange, the red coloured skin stretched away from the opening of the IOS head is already indication that the IOS head is covered in flesh.

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lmao, that sprite in the op reminds me of the monster the original Ghoul's Forest

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The following appears in the console when I load the WAD:

Script warning, "iconboss.wad:ICODEATH" line 202:
Unknown class name 'RedFlare'
Script warning, "iconboss.wad:ICODEATH" line 203:
Unknown class name 'ExplosionSmoke'

Also, the boss is not invincible during its intro. This means you can deal damage to him all the way up until the boss fight supposedly starts. I have a demo attached that demonstrates this, recorded with ZDoom 2.7.1.


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I think the Icon would be more scary if it had pieces of real human gore hanging from it, and it shouted slurs at you when attacking.

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I tried the boss and I really liked it. The arena was beautiful and seemed much more fitting as an ending to Doom 2. I also actually liked the look of the boss; and while the fight ended up being similar to the original Map 30, it had an interesting twist that for me made it much more enjoyable. You get a thumbs up from me! :)

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I like it. Because I'm so used to seeing the standard Icon Of Sin face, seeing it animated was quite freaky to me and somewhat creepy, just makes it even better.

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Interesting idea, I like the epic atmosphere of it, though the boss looks a little goofy to me. I think its the way his waist is so thin and his legs are splayed apart, it looks like he's hunched over and thrusting his groin at you. Considering he doesn't actually walk anywhere I'd be tempted to get rid of the legs and just give him a snake-like body, or have his lower half obscured by flames or something. Also his arms look a bit copy-and-paste, i'd get rid of the extra ones and turn those ones at the top into bony wings maybe.

Playing as I do without mouselook, getting close enough to shoot at him all I can see is his crotch, and it looks like I'm firing rockets at his testicles. Not sure if that was the idea or not, but its a shame that I can't really see him while I'm fighting him. I'd move the whole thing down, here's something I knocked up in photoshop to show the kind of suggestions I'm making:

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I'm more disappointed that he just stands there. A big open arena and him moving around would add a whole lot of dynamic to the battle.

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If you could give this monster a full 3d sprite set then it truly would be the ultimate icon of sin, but atm its like the wall all over again because he just stands there.

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It's attacks should give it character, but instead they just feel like a random assortment of attacks that are also far too small scale; a Mancubus fireball is a fine scale for a Mancubus, but not for something this big.

It's also as much that the animation of him making most of his attacks is so un-natural; he just stands there almost stationary as random things come from random parts of his head, despite now having a body. I don't mean he has to move around the arena, just him physically appearing to make all his attacks with his newfound body, like he does with the lightning and ultimate attack, would add so much. But obviously though, that could require a lot of sprite work.

I also admit that I think mouldy's mock up looks better appearance wise.

Also, I'd place the backpack at the start of the hall, not the end; so one doesn't have to backtrack to pick up the additional ammo the backpack now allows one to carry.

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Dude, Doom has needed this for a LOOOOONG TIME! I can't wait to see the final product, as those pics look AWESOME! Also, the ideas that went into this seem very well thought out, I mean, an anti-BFG shield is a great way to answer the issue of giving the boss too much HP or letting him die too quickly to the BFG. I plan to use this mod to the fullest to replace any of my favorite megawads where the level 30 boss is an icon of sin (provided it's compatible with said wad, of course).

Mark, I freaking love how purpose-driven your projects are. Godspeed, Sir! and I can't wait :)

Three questions:

Compatability with Brutal Doom?

Will the anti-BFG shield be there for all difficulty levels or just not in the easy ones?

Does your program detect/replace the Romero head for execution or does it know based on textures or something (forgive me, I know nothing of doom building/scripting)?

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Eh, I'm not lying when I say that I found Doom 3's already anti-climactic finale more fun. This is just... bleh. Leaves a lot to be desired; the thing just stands there spouting out a random assortment of borderline worthless attacks while I run in circles firing at it for several minutes, the fight against boredom being tougher than the task at hand.

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Sorry guys, but Doom shows its limitations here, no matter how much GZDoom is trying to pump it. Go put this in Doom 3 or something easier maybe, but still with more advanced physics than Doom 2. A colossal Doom 2 Final Boss on legs would just be a giant block with shaky graphics here. I'm saddened that the majority of games more complex than Doom 2 are too hard and not much fun to edit, or are crippled with other limitations.

Disclaimer: I didn't play this mod, I just based this on others' reactions and the YouTube video.

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I have to agree with Deimos/Baron. Even the original boss felt more satisfying than this. At least have the Icon move around and do shit rather than just standing in one place and spewing out random attacks that are way too easy to avoid. Also, what happened to that awesome cover of Opening To Hell you had there in an earlier version?

Also, don't have him say his sight phrase and emit that shitty roar every couple minutes. That just ruins it.

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It's alright, but I do agree with the other guys it needs to be moving around and with more focused attacks.

Now doom engine can do massive walking hulks (We saw one of the Duke3D Bosses in the Stronghold mod that was pretty damn huge, granted even that could have done with a touch up but it is doable.)

Basically that sprite work, with the duke 3d style stomping around, and mayble some hexen boss style special attacks.

Just my two shells.

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I appreciate the initiative and the design is pretty cool. Admittedly, the modified version showing the Icon with wings was probably better. Although I can see where some of the guys are coming from, I don't mind the "stationary throw attacks at you" approach of this guy. Reason being, I'm from an older era when you played a lot of 2D side scrollers and you'd have huge bosses pretty much serve as huge wall decorations and attach you with minimal animations. Granted, that's not really an apples to apples comparison with Doom, but it gives me a little nostalgia.

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After you shot rockets into the creatures ballsack , it falls and "explosioooooooooooon!" , you sweep away the sweat from your.... wait you can't.

Just some ideas.
* Shooting into his balls is sure a cool idea. Change it.
* The explosion should be all over not just the first 5 frames , it's pointless.
* He should be able to teleport.

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