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What is the holy grail of Doom collectibles?

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Alright, PM sent.

EDIT: And after looking at the scan of that preview cart from videogamesauctions, it almost reeks of originating from dreamtr :P

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Okay, I tracked this supposed Doom 32x prototype down. The pic the seller sent me looked the exact same as the pics I saw at videogameauctions.com. The seller himself said he didn't know what's on the cartridge, but I'll find out in a few days!

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Cire said:

Maes: About that Doom II Demo, did you try searching for it here?: http://www.kultcds.com/Catalog/
Also, do you remember anything else about it, like filenames, filesizes or the name of the disk?

That site is a gold mine. Apart from finding a shitload of CDs loaded with Doom WADs, there are a few entries for Doom betas.

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Interesting, just got few reaper miniatures doom blisters without that white sticker with info on the front and minis were single packed and the blister bubbles were smaller than normally I got these from ex Id employee. Are these somekind of pre-production versions, somebody able to tell?

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GreyGhost said:

Haven't a clue, but they sound intriguing. Could you post some pictures?

Just took some photos of those miniatures you asked:


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Interesting, that's the first time I've seen any of the smaller miniatures packed individually. They might well be pre-production samples.

Where's Dusty when you need him?

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Actually, my smaller miniatures from ebay came packaged separately like those. I considered leaving them packaged, but the packages were not in good condition.

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  • 4 weeks later...
GreyGhost said:

Where's Dusty when you need him?

Always around, just not daily or weekly.

Ed Pugh @ Reaper told me these were indeed pre-production. During the prototype stages Reaper had to get approval on a few things such as design of the characters actually cast in pewter as well as packaging. The minis in question here are some of the ones Reaper gave to id employees in 1995. They took a batch over there and handed them out to everyone to get feedback.

On a side note, before they designed the id Software blister, Reaper sealed a very few on their generic Reaper Miniatures blisters. I have only one - the Pinkie Demon. Seems these are extraordinarily rare.

Here is an old and blurry (sorry) pic of the Pinkie on a Reaper blister:
Due to its size I'll just link it instead of posting it here.



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Randy87 said:

Actually, my smaller miniatures from ebay came packaged separately like those. I considered leaving them packaged, but the packages were not in good condition.

That's a shame, they WERE very rare and valuable.

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  • 1 year later...

I have a Baron of Hell figurine that has a mostly blank base with the word sample scratched in it and something else that's hard to distinguish. I'm going to upload some pictures when I get back to it. Just trying to find out if it's the "holy grail."

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Peckpeezy said:

I have a Baron of Hell figurine that has a mostly blank base with the word sample scratched in it and something else that's hard to distinguish. I'm going to upload some pictures when I get back to it. Just trying to find out if it's the "holy grail."

AWESOME! I have a very few of those as well with "SAMPLE" hand scratched into it.
Extremely rare! Its not the only one in the world but quite close.

May I ask how you obtained it?



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It was in with about 40 other pewter figurines that I purchased from an antique store in Duncanville at a $1 a piece. I just got them because I thought they were cool.

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Peckpeezy said:

It was in with about 40 other pewter figurines that I purchased from an antique store in Duncanville at a $1 a piece. I just got them because I thought they were cool.

Haha, great find man!
Duncanville makes sense as several former id employees cleaned out their closets when they moved on and had no idea what the Doom Reapers were worth.

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I remember reading something many years ago where a guy had went to some kind of Doom 64 launch event and was supposed to get a copy of the game, but they ran out, so they gave him the event's 10 foot tall promotional Doom 64 box instead and he still had it in his garage 10 years later. I'd say that's the holy grail of Doom collectibles, because its probably the only one left in the world.

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Doom_user said:

I remember reading something many years ago where a guy had went to some kind of Doom 64 launch event and was supposed to get a copy of the game, but they ran out, so they gave him the event's 10 foot tall promotional Doom 64 box instead and he still had it in his garage 10 years later. I'd say that's the holy grail of Doom collectibles, because its probably the only one left in the world.

I have that box but its only about 5ft tall.

That's it sitting in the middle of this pic.

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Maybe some kind of Doom Comic prototype.

Also, I remember reading in Masters of Doom that the public display for Doom II was a large monster head that used dildos for teeth. I tried looking for pics but never found any. Any hint on what happened to the display or/and its components?

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Personally I would consider either of these to be the holy grail of Doom collectibles:

A v1.1 copy framed by Dave Taylor on the day of release

or these 5.25" master disks

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Soundblock said:


Looks like one of the miniatures sets that was sold last year. I don't think that can really be called a "holy grail" in any sense. They're not that rare. The reaper miniatures are disproportionately expensive but not that hard to acquire.

I think the 5.25" floppy version of Registered Doom that omega_supreme posted a photo of would be pretty high up on my list of things I'd love to have in my collection. There can't have been many of those sold. But top of the list would be things directly connected to Doom's developers or the development process itself - like Tom Hall's chainsaw, the toy shotgun photographed for Doom's weapons, or the clay models that are the origin of the monster sprites.

Those things are unique and irreplaceable, and (rightly) still in the hands of the original developers. Given that, the closest thing that's actually out there on the market are probably the beta versions of the miniatures, like the one Peckpeezy has - and Dusty appears to have already acquired a disturbing number of.

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fraggle said:

I think the 5.25" floppy version of Registered Doom that omega_supreme posted a photo of would be pretty high up on my list of things I'd love to have in my collection.

The best I've managed to date is to secure a set that were published by Imagineer for the Japanese market, though I don't yet know which version is on them. There's 6 disks, the first of which I think is a NEC PC-9800 boot disk, and they probably used the same disk images for their 3.5" floppy release, which also spans 6 disks.

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GreyGhost said:

The best I've managed to date is to secure a set that were published by Imagineer for the Japanese market, though I don't yet know which version is on them. There's 6 disks, the first of which I think is a NEC PC-9800 boot disk, and they probably used the same disk images for their 3.5" floppy release, which also spans 6 disks.

I also got few japanenese doom copies, they are cd-format but they came in big ass vhs-style cases which are very sturdy and they look very nice

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