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Thy flesh turned into a draft-excluder (ep4 replacement) - On IDgames

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I've decided to make an episode 4 wad very much in the visual style of thy flesh consumed. This wad will be limit removing but will play in vanilla settings (complevel 3)
The story revolves around a man transported to an island hellish fortress where the inhabitants want to hunt you down and claim your skin to be used as a draft excluder for their main hellish castle because hey you can get drafts in hell. Your objective is to vacate this island of hell and return home.
E4M1 - The Lost Bastion
E4M2 - Putrefied docklands
E4M3 - Ravine of the damned
E4M4 - Nuclear Jellocide
E4M5 - Life Support
E4M6 - Temple of the forbidden Gods
E4M7 - Dungeons and demons
E4M8 - Palace of destruction
E4M9 - Thy mapeth faileth

This wad is going to be pretty difficult in line with most if not all episode 4 replacements.

Pictures (all from E4M1)

Idgames link

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Avoozl said:

More like the way Romero did. :P

More like Death Tormention the way Pcorf did :D

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Those screenshots looks good. Especially that first pic with arches and that final pic. First glance, thought it was an amphitheater. :P

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Cheers dudes and dudettes :)
A couple of pics from E4M2 (Putrefied docklands)

- Berserk packs will probably be included in every map, there is one in both E4M1 and E4M2
- Alas Joe, I am not in hero mode, limit removing because I'm too lazy (or incompetent) to make things look good in vanilla limits (segs and visplanes)

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Will this be eventually merged with ConC.E.R.N.ed? Please say yes.

Awesome stuff as always that appears being produced in an unbelievable speed (for me, nonspeedmapper, totally). Keep up the good work!

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cannonball said:

Alas Joe, I am not in hero mode, limit removing because I'm too lazy (or incompetent) to make things look good in vanilla limits (segs and visplanes)

Antihero mode is always better than hero mode. :D

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Excellent news Cannonball! I will be awaiting eagerly. I loved what I've played of Concerned so I know that this will not disappoint. Best of luck lad.

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cannonball said:

- Alas, I am not in hero mode, limit removing because I'm too lazy (or incompetent) to make things look good in vanilla limits (segs and visplanes)

I think that's a good thing, seems like the majority of the community is mapping vanilla these days.

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darkreaver said:

Looks awesome, too bad it's for UDoom. Gimme that SSG.

Run Doom2.wad with your source port and select Doom.wad, type "give supershotgun", tada you have the super shotgun.

Alternatively ask him to just make 9 levels in Doom 2 and put a SSG somewhere.

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joe-ilya said:

These shots remind me of "whisper of satan" and ep4 mixed together , good stuff.


Yeah. I think this could more like be Death Tormention 4 :D

Those E4M2 shots look great.

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