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The DWmegawad Club plays: Kama Sutra

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MAP10 - UV - scratch start - 100% kills 33% secrets - savestate use

This really fits for an E1 ending with all those challanges you had in the previous maps : Like the cyberdemons , the far monsters and the cramped traps.
I kinda see this map as the E1 of this wad as in a nutshell.
I really like this map because of some tactics you have to make for yourself , like that cyber that you had to shoot from an alternative point.
Good map , but the song doesn't fit because it's a pop song.

MAP11 - UV - scratch start - max - savestate use

This map looks and plays like HR.
It's really hard and cramped as always but this time it's more cramped and it's a terrible starting map for E2 because of the difficulty in the next map and on.
This should be in a later slot like MAP16 or something.
This map has crampier traps as said like the one at the begining is a great example.
The exit and the custom skull covering the red skull are hilarious.

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Map 11 - Execution - 100% Kills - HMP Skill.

Right off the bat with the homage to duke nukem E1M3, this level impressed me. The whole design captures really nicely an abstract Earth being consumed by hellish influence. Blood pools, hanging gallows, and dark hellish caverns all help give this level a good ambiance.

Difficulty-wise, there are a nice blend of too close for comfort fights (the opening fight in particular), and fights that give you more space to take cover (the final fight). The penultimate room looked really impressive as well although there doesn't seem to be a way back up if you don't make the jump.

Either way, this is a nice stylish level that helped cure some of the burnout I've been having with the wad recently, and it's a perfect end to episode 1.

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To explain the weirdness of map11 exit... so, it looks like this, right?

You probably all know that falling down equals reload/restart, because it's an inescapable pit. BUT you might not have caught that the sides of those pillars are tagged action 36, that is W1 floor lower to 8 above highest floor. The target tag is sector 0. Not kidding, zero.

Zdoom pretends that did not happen by design and treats it as a 0-tagged lift, so it screws with the surrounding sector a little, but the vanilla behaviour floods almost the entire map with blood. The parts that do not raise along the rest end up being inescapable pits, looking like this. Triggering one of these lines makes the map impossible to exit, because even though you can teleport to the exit room, you're stuck in a small inescapable hole and you get killed by the barrel explosion. It looks like this. Only the floor is real, everything in the upper part of the screen is a HOM. :)

And interestingly enough, triggering two or more of those W1 lines makes the map exitable again. You teleport to the upper side of the flooded exit room, the barrels give you a lame kick in the ass and you'll most likely exit via the corrosive floor, because the teleporters are flooded and hard to find.

This is probably the most ridiculous, unsafe and irresponsible intended usage of Doom engine's bugs. Ask Graf Zahl to support it in GZDoom and flee to a safe distance.

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Hey dobugabumaru, the first WAD playthough was linked a couple of pages back, you should update the opening post so I don't check it and repeatedly bitch at Alfonzo to actually upload shit.

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Map11 - “Execution” by Adolf Vojta

I liked this map for the most part, it has one of those starts that will probably kill you the first time you play, I don't mind that if its entertaining though. There are some fairly monster heavy situations but its all good fun and nothing too bullshitty or arduous, some nice design touches with the rope bridge and weird skull (plus the trademark weird monster blocking). It all looks good too, barring some dodgy texture alignment here and there. But I distinctly remembered this map from the last time i played this wad and was wondering why til i got to the final room. And then I fell in the inescapable pit. How could such a basic error be missed? Especially since that last platform is just far enough away that you will miss it if you dont take a proper long run-up. A joke maybe? Surprise ending after that which also annoyed me as there was stuff I hadn't yet explored, although it turned out the only thing i missed was a red key that doesn't appear to open any doors...

Nice map but its trousers fell down at the end.

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Interesting note dew, I was curious about that section myself. And OP updated Tarns.

MAP11: Nothing new here—really cool atmosphere and stage spoiled by way too many enemies in such a tight space. The start with the electric chair was pretty nifty but once the horrendous chaingunner reveal occurred my enjoyment plummeted. Beyond that it was an alright experience, still full of fighting numerous baddies in spaces far too tight. Great looking map though.

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Execution - K:100% S:100%

Aside from the starting room which seemed like an homage to Death Row from Duke Nukem, this level plays in the style of and has the music of an Inferno level, with the added bonus of Doom 2 stuff. Perhaps because of that, I really liked this level. Had a great coherent theme, and in actuality it was a bit easier than the past couple levels.

I really enjoyed the monster variation in this level. It wasn't incredibly thick on the Revenants (except for the blood fall part, but I kind of anticipated their appearance). Chaingunners get a tad annoying but not quite on a bad enough level to shake my fist at. The Cacodemon corpses clogged up the entrance to the cave section, which was kind of loathesome.

I'm glad this map had an ample supply of rockets as I needed a refill. But I still found an over reliance on the shotguns. A few more cells and bullets here or there wouldn't hurt guys. Health items had a perfect balance. Not too much, not too little and there always seemed to be a medkit lying around somewhere if you are willing to look.

The imps on a bridge was just kind of silly, so I relieved them of their immobile suffering.

I gave a good WTF? at the ending too. I even loaded my game up a few times to see if I would get propelled even slightly off course. Nailed it every time, very clever!

All in all this might be my second favorite level as it is the only thing that comes close to Water Base, this map has a great theme and a couple oddities that will keep you guessing. Very enjoyable.

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MAP11 - Execution
99% kills (missed a teleporting monster somewhere), 1/1 "secret"

Well, if nothing else, I can certainly say that Kama Sutra has been consistent. This one has a better than average texture scheme - Redrock always looks nice, and there's a lot of little nice hellish details, such as the corpse gallows, rope bridges, etc. There's also the weird bugs/quirks like the red door not actually requiring the red key, the pain elemental at the start can't shoot lost souls, imps on the rope bridge are stuck, etc. The Duke Nukem E1M3 start is a bit strange (why not have the last map end with some sort of type 11 sector?) The opening fight is a doozy (monster infighting is required to survive) but after that it becomes "hide around the corner and fire the SSG/RL from safety" due to the pervasiveness of block monster lines and tiny doorways. A few annoying bits (pushing the redrock to continue, the inescapable non-damaging pit at the end) but better fare so far.

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Map 11 -- Execution - 100% Kills / 100% Secrets
This is a bit of change of tone. Depicted is a grim redrock/bloodlands hellscape with some uninviting industrial touches, dotted with unwholesome infernal vegetation and a variety of gallows and trees-of-woe from which hang mutilated corpses like so many fruiting bodies. The use of 'Demons on the Prey' also helps to establish more of a sense of foreboding than the relatively lighthearted aspect of previous maps (and of at least some maps to come, honestly), but in truth I think the one thing that makes the level feel oppressive (more oppressive than it actually is in terms of threat/challenge level, honestly) is simply the opening minute or two--start off by instantly taking 20% damage (if not more) in the obvious Duke3D homage, and then face the single most dangerous fight in the map seconds later.

There's a pretty ideal/consistently survivable way to handle this, of course--don't stand your ground, break right as soon as the wall is down, and haul ass towards the little side-building with a plasma rifle, soulsphere, and a (useful for a change) blur sphere--and a number of less ideal but also survivable alternatives, but it will likely spell a quick and violent death on first contact, which sets the emotive tone for the map.

It's really not all gloom and doom, though--far from it. Despite the generally macabre environment, several iterations of characteristic KS zaniness show up to lighten the mood a bit, from the silly velour skull decal on the revenant pagoda to the batshit-crazy action-hero exit sequence. Similarly, if you can survive the first 60 seconds, it's really not a terribly stressful map from a combat standpoint. Sure, there are a ton of demons, but there are scads of ammo (particularly rockets) and other supplies, as well, and the only other real trap (where revenants appear from behind a lowering wall with a well-shielded arch-vile at your back) can be easily backed out of. Some characteristic monster/blocking line foibles do show up (e.g. the immobile imps on the bridge, the monster-blocking line in the alley leading to the plasma rifle building, etc.), but they're less obvious/intrusive than in several of the past maps, and don't dampen the experience too much.

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Map12: King Arena

The second episode starts like the first: with some punching practice. There is a SSG behind the RK door but this map is very easy even if you opt to go full Tyson-mode. Played through the map twice, didn't touch the ssg either time and wasn't even close to dying at any point. I did get stuck on the deviously constructed soulsphere pillar once but I noclipped out 'cause I'm a cheating bastard. Visually it's uhh, interesting to say the least. Looks like Gusta tried to use as many different textures styles as possible and as a result the map looks kind of messy. I spent more time searching for the secrets than punching things actually. Yet still, how to get to the soulsphere/blursphere secret remains a mystery to me. But ehh, there's not much to say about the map really. It's a definite breather at this point and thankfully we'll return to ass-kickery in map13 already.

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Map12 - “King Arena” by Adolf Vojta
This sure is a quirky old map
Pistol starting this isn't too bad I guess, plenty to punch which isn't too difficult, except for the 6 revenants at the exit, so I went for the ssg secret, well this in vanilla emulating ports is where the fun begins.
You need to get the cyberdemon to shoot through a tiny hole to blow up a barrel barrier between you and the red key, this resulted in several deaths as the cyber just failed to hit the target over and over again.
Apart from this I had one more death at the final revenants, but the next time I took out most of them with the bars still closed. Bit cheeky but for survival I will chose that.
Fun little map, though it's a lot harder pistol starting on UV than it appear to be.

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MAP12 King Arena

*Regular Run*

With lower health than before it could have been difficult. Not on HNTR. Mostly imp fighting without any problems (a baron replaces the cyberdemon BTW) and some big monsters in places. Getting the key is very taxing, after all those switches, it takes too long for the bars to lower just to get the key. Nothing else too important afterwards, this level's a good breather on continuous play. Final Time 2:20.

*Reality Run*

Easy, but I watched it with the zombiemen at the beginning. The invulnerability makes things even more of a cakewalk. Final Time 3:58.

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Map12 - “King Arena” by Adolf Vojta

Very interesting map from pistol start, almost entirely fought with punching, there is a moment of panic at the start as you charge around dodging monsters trying to find a weapon, but as soon as you find the berserk it all becomes clear. There is an SSG but very few shells and no real need to fire a shot other than activating a switch. Good for practicing fisticuffs with various monsters. Not sure what the squashed cyberdemon was about, unless I activated the crusher without realising. I've got nothing against squashing a cyber or 2 though, they deserve it. I ended up using the invulnerability for punching the revs to death in the final room. Nice map, interesting wheelbarrow and meat furniture.

cannonball said:

You need to get the cyberdemon to shoot through a tiny hole to blow up a barrel barrier between you and the red key, this resulted in several deaths as the cyber just failed to hit the target over and over again.

Funny I never even considered this playing in zdoom. Guess that is what the invul is for

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MAP12 - UV - scratch start - 1 death - 42% kills 60% secret

Bit of an easy map if you rush everything and focus on the progress.
Is anybody using the infighting tactic in that overly switched room?
So yeah I after that infighting tactic I had to wait for a longass pillar to lower and after that I rushed to the blue door and exited.
This wad uses the meat sofas again? Hah , I love 'em.

EDIT:Can anyone tell me what's the map in the intermission screen?

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Map 12 - King Arena - 100% Kills, 60% Secrets - HMP Skill.

Very much a breather level after the last couple of tough ones. Set around a city block that's about half realistic, half abstract. Most of the meatier combat is made easier due to either invuln spheres or the numerous barrels around the streets. Even what could have ended up being a challenging cyberdemon fight was made easier by the crushing room it teleported into.

The secrets in this map weren't too cryptic for once, instead I couldn't figure out how to access some of them (like the soul and invisible spheres behind the cage). There was a bit of a shell shortage on the level, but every other type of ammunition seemed to be well stocked. Overall, a gentle level, that perhaps acts a breather for some upcoming hard levels.

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Map05 - “Klondike” by Adolf Vojta
Map06 - “Research Complex” by Jakub Razak
Map07 - “Colosseum” by Adolf Vojta / Jakub Razak
Map08 - “Time Is Tickin' Out” by Adolf Vojta
Map09 - “The Holocaust” by Adolf Vojta
Map10 - “To Be or Not To Be...” by Jakub Razak

I played this bunch of maps last Saturday and although I struggle to remember them all in details now I do remember noticing an incline in both the looks and my enjoyment of the WAD during these maps. The looks, I think, is down to a more consistent, thematically focused texturing (MAP05 is good example of this) and although some kooky details still remain (pseudo-realistic items in MAP09, the gradually darkening sky in MAP08, then deepwater in MAP05) they add charm and personality when immersion is not compromised. The increase in challenge without lengthening the maps (MAP09) has a lot to do with why I enjoyed them more.

My first deaths happened in MAP07 due to freezing amidst all the mancs fireballs then right at the finish of MAP09 where I made the mistake of standing my ground against the mastermind and then failing to kill it with one BFG shot.

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King Arena - K:100% S:60%

This was a neat little oddball of a level. It features several moments of zaniness that Kama Sutra has strewn about many of its levels. A Cyberdemon teleporting around the level involves itself with some strange barrel puzzle before getting squished to death, not sure how it was supposed to work, I blew the barrels up myself and grabbed the key. Health is abundant which is nice considering the last level leaves you hurting.

Texture-wise it is mostly street/urban with the green marble thrown here and there makes it seems strange as there is no transition whatsoever. Oh well. Most of the level is plowing through zombies and imps and a few Cacos. The penultimate fight against a whopping 2 Revenants and a horde of imps is made even easier by an invulnerability sphere. The final fight against 5 (or was it 6?) Revenants was made easy by the fact that I controlled when they got past the bars, which they never did, bahaha!

This level is a little too short on ammo for my tastes, but the level is somewhat laid back in both monster counts and variety so it isn't so bad. I could not figure out how to get past the door that I assume led to the invisibility and soulsphere which would have increased my secret count to 80%, where the final secret lay, I wouldn't be able to begin to guess...

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Where's All the Data? returns for the next portion of its Kama Sutra streamthrough. Join us for some wacky nonchalance and profound rudeness.

Part 2 = http://www.twitch.tv/st_alfonzo/c/2921838 (map12 - 20)

Also, just as an aside, Doom 2 The Way id Did is planned for a late September penultimate beta/release (the 30th!), so it may now be considered for playthrough by the Megawad Club if its members so desire.

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MAP12: King Arena
100% kills, 5/5 secrets

Strangely easy map after the last one. I continue to be amused by the "meat sofas" as joe calls them (maybe the authors thought the texture looked good for fabric? I dunno). I suppose getting the Cyberdemon to blow up the barrel barrier was necessary in the days of infinitely tall actors but it's easy skipped/missed on today's source ports. Not sure what the point of the long pillars by the blue key were. Enjoyed finding the secrets on this map; though getting the red key solely to grab the SSG (on a sector which stays damaging despite appearances) is weird.

Re the soulsphere/blur sphere secret:


Jump into the Cyberdemon's room from the red key staircase. Going through the door into the marble hallway also opens the door into the sphere room.

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Magnusblitz said:

Re the soulsphere/blur sphere secret:

Thanks, makes sense. Anyway, onwards to map13:

Map13: The Holocaust II

Oh man, we are getting into difficulty levels here that make me think twice about my no saves -approach. But I'm still going for it, hoping I could at least make it to Cyber Machine until I give in. I had very little memories of this map and partly because of that I died like half a dozen times here, each time a little later than the previous. Still, I enjoyed it very much and never did I get frustrated to retry.

Visually it's much of the same as The Holocausts first edition. Similar city street setting is also seen here (with twice the fun though!) and other semi-realistic sceneries like the underground metro station. Also features vehicles like the previous holocaust did, this time an awesome looking escape choppper and a truck fallen sideways on top of an apartment building. How it got there is a good question.

Gameplay is tough but fun. The view on the street may look intimidating at first but it's pretty easy to get them to slaughter each other. The Mastermind is also very eager to join in the comrade-killing and in my attempts she died almost always without my help. The Archie/Demons teleporting into the YK room were the most problematic for me, though I partly account that for not figuring out what triggers the teleporting in my first few attempts. The rooftop Imp infestation is a total massacre if you've picked up the BFG in the thankfully obvious secret but that's just fine for me. The Revs/Archies teleported to the stairwell are fairly easily disposed of as well, though I got killed there once stupidly. The next attempt I made it past that, took the teleporter that opened up in the wall there and got insta-killed by a Cyber/Arach -combo. Next time I took the lift down and let the Cyber slaughter all the other monsters in the street, including the AVs that had went on a resurrection rampage earlier, to make it a little less hazardous to progress. Even still, crossing the tiny bridge felt very awkward and dangerous since the Cyber was still a constant threat. The finale features some Revs and a couple of Cybers. Nothing too hard due to the abundance of BFG ammo present but enough to feel like a finale.

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Map13 - “The Holocaust II” by Adolf Vojta
Well this was tough and fun, the start is pretty simple despite it being quite hectic. The yellow key room caused some issues as I knew the mancubi were there and died a few times just trying to get them to infight. I left the outdoor mob and picked up the red key and secret BFG and then tried to get the mob to infight with the cyber in his little home, it didn't work too well as I tried to sneak behind the cyber only to get a rocket in the face, which mean I had to clean up everything to progress. Later on some archviles and another cyber come out to play in the main street which throws another crazy battle. That space is reused well in my opinion. The rooftop scene is also well done with some obvious cannon fodder to slaughter :)
The ending to get onto the chopper was fun too, I somehow survived despite being a complete idiot and picking up the blur sphere.
Really fun and cool map, plenty of slaughter here but never tedious to play. Gusta is really finding his stride now.

Sigh, I was going to suggest Hellbound for next month

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Forgot to mention a funny thing that happened in one of my attempts: I was having some problems with the very first Archie you encounter on UV in the narrow corridor because he was resurrecting the enemies I had just killed and it was hard to get a good shot at him through the meatwall he was creating. I think I got him thrice with the ssg and in turn I got blasted around once. So at this point we were both quite low on health, when one of the resurrected Imps misfired and hit the Archie, becoming the top priority for him. Well, he blasted the Imp which of course died, but the Imp was so close that the blast damage killed the Archie himself too haha. I just stood there watching the events unfold and laughed my ass off when it happened. I doubt this is very uncommon at all but the circumstances were just very funny.

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Map13 - “The Holocaust II” by Adolf Vojta

I really enjoyed this map, its fairly methodical in the way it is played (apart from a bit of a frantic start) despite the number of enemies it occasionally throws at you - the reprisal of the big street battle can now be safely watched from out the window while they all kill each other - and other than a couple of hairy moments like the instant imp army and dancing with cyberdemons its mostly standard corridor shooting and corner hugging, but great fun nonetheless. The design quirks are quite charming, I liked the helicopter and upturned lorry (how'd it get on the roof?) and there's yet more weird monster blocking (archvile and lost souls stuck halfway down a corridor?). There was a lift shaft which I couldn't seem to get out of after jumping in for some goodies, but that didn't dampen my spirits too much. I must say I am wondering how different it would have been without getting the BFG secret, but it was fairly easy to find.

I'm getting the impression these maps were designed to be enjoyed by playing a particular way, for instance that mastermind could be killed quite safely and tediously using SSG from the doorway, its only after killing it and entering the room you get the mancubus ambush that I'm guessing was intended to provide some infighting with it (hence the invisibility sphere). A lot of these maps feel like they would be a lot more fun when they are more familiar, not sure if thats a plus or a minus really...

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MAP13 - UV - max - scratch start - savestate use

Not as hard as MAP11. This map has more space and it's less cramped.
The only parts I died were on that landscape with an amazing view and that imp-a-bush and...Those cybers in the near end.
This is another small-long map where you backtrack and get ambushed all over the place.
I really liked the elevator design!

Can anyone tell what's the map on the intermission screen?! For marking all long , tell me.

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MAP13 The Holocaust II

*Regular Run*

The sequel to MAP09 has the same "frozen enemies on the street" concept, except they're not teleporting all over the place but rather coming from different sides. If anything, it's actually easier than MAP09. Having the helicopter at the beginning, that's one hell of a touch, and having to backtrack there, all made good visuals. And the city and train station looked nice, although the station I had a nasty spill with the zombiemen and the hellknight. One thing that kinda kills it is the long lift (with the wolfenstein switch), but the area after that had a very nice imp reveal. Good or great level really overall, also I really like this particular Duke song. Final Time 5:07.

*Reality Run*

I didn't think this would be possible, especially with the beginning. I got lucky that the zombies to the right didn't hit me before I hit them, and that the chaingunner in the back was hitting the imps instead. The first archvile I had to take note of, and the chaingunners in the room before the room with the yellow key could be cumbersome. When dealing with the "frozen monsters" I activate them and retreat back to the south area so as not to get seen too much, then SSG the crap out of them. Train station was still a problem because of the zombiemen. Attacking the cyberdemon was actually not bad since he's stuck in a pen. Imp reveal after elevator, I smacked one group with BFG then SSG and careful dodging for the rest. Nothing too shabby for the rest of the enemies. So it can be done. Final Time 8:29.

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MAP12: The first map I’ve actually enjoyed in a while. Darting around and dodging projectiles was good fun, and I especially enjoyed the berserk arena that offered your opponents to you mano-a-mano. The unfortunate parts of this map is that there’s too much health strewn about and the exit revs can be blasted safely behind the bars. Still, fun times to be had overall (played on ZDoom so I didn't need any risky cyber manipulation).

MAP13: I’m out for this month. Great setting but painfully droll encounters, topped off at the end by something particularly egregious—after picking up the blue key I had 600 cell but no plasma gun, with a wall of revs backed by AVs. Since problems like these have only been escalating and don’t seem to change outside of minor berserk challenge, I’d prefer to spend my time playing a megawad that I’m not struggling to appreciate. Have fun guys.

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