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See children, drugs are bad...

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...especially angel dust. I'll spare you by not posting the actual picture here, but if you enjoy things that are really disgusting, then listen to this (link edited out due to graphic nature). Here's the caption from the picture:

"While under the influnce of Angel Dust, this man decided to peel off his own face using pieces of a broken mirror and feed the strips of flesh to his pet dogs. He survived due to the large amounts of drugs anesthetizing his system. The dogs were removed by police to the animal shelter, where their stomachs were pumped, resulting in the recovery of pieces of the man's face, lips, and nose."

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[sarcasm]Mmmm, nice[/sarcasm]
Damn I'm glad that I don't get anywhere near drugs.

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I don't know what to do with this thread. Gross pics in a link form coupled with a correct recommendation. Damn the balance.

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Just be happy I had the foresight not to actually use IMG tags.

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I heard of this one chick that dropped acid while babysitting her younger brother. Supposedly she started seeing the baby as a turkey so she killed it and cooked it. Then when her parents came home she happily said she made dinner...

I heard another story of a dude that was trippin on acid while in a car with his parents. Supposedly he was smoking a cigarrate and reading something. Then when he tried to ash the ci instead of moving his hand to the ash tray he put it through the window of the car. He looked at his hand and the info of him bleeding didn't seem to reach his brain so he just kept on smoking.

I'll let you all know if something like that happens to me when I do shrooms in a few weeks.

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orion said:

I heard of this one chick that dropped acid while babysitting her younger brother. Supposedly she started seeing the baby as a turkey so she killed it and cooked it. Then when her parents came home she happily said she made dinner...

Urban legend. We had the exactly same one here in Argentina but apparently she was found with the baby's mother wedding dress.

I was reading an article about these rumours a week ago. The "I woke up in a tub filled with ice and no liver" is an urban legend too.

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Reminds me of the scene in "SLC Punk," when the kid runs through a sprinkler and the acid in his pants pocket dissolves through his skin. Freakiest scene in the whole fucked-up movie.

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Its not that scene which is freaky, but the one following it, where he trips out.

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I know, I was just kidding. Actualy, I thought the freakiest scene was where the nuclear missle hits the city when Steve-O is all tripping and stuff.

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the_Danarchist said:

Actualy, I thought the freakiest scene was where the nuclear missle hits the city when Steve-O is all tripping and stuff.

WTF kind of movie is this?

/me goes to rent.

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Archvile64 said:
"While under the influnce of Angel Dust, this man decided to peel off his own face using pieces of a broken mirror and feed the strips of flesh to his pet dogs. He survived due to the large amounts of drugs anesthetizing his system. The dogs were removed by police to the animal shelter, where their stomachs were pumped, resulting in the recovery of pieces of the man's face, lips, and nose."

Did you read it on Hannibal???
That's what Mason Verger did... in the book.

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Archvile64 said:

"While under the influnce of Angel Dust, this man decided to peel off his own face using pieces of a broken mirror and feed the strips of flesh to his pet dogs. He survived due to the large amounts of drugs anesthetizing his system. The dogs were removed by police to the animal shelter, where their stomachs were pumped, resulting in the recovery of pieces of the man's face, lips, and nose."

Wrong: Urban legend

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Because they have no proof that it is an out and out lie, so unconfirmed, but it is obvious to anyone but the most gullible that it is

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well they do have medical records, they're just not for the public. Which means something did happen.

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orion said:

well they do have medical records, they're just not for the public. Which means something did happen.

Why is this case part of a "closed medical record," and if it was indeed "closed," then how did it come to be published in a book?

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fodders said:

Why is this case part of a "closed medical record," and if it was indeed "closed," then how did it come to be published in a book?

Those weren't actualy the medical records, but descriptions of the patient's condition and such by 3rd parties.

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