Psyonisis Posted April 14, 2002 Not too often I post new topics, but I just had to share this with everyone. This happened just a couple hours ago. I went to this local band concert to see my friends perform, and we met one of the other band's performers in the parking lot who was a really cool guy. Anyways, during the concert, he went up to the catwalk and starting danglign from it by his feet, which of course got him kicked out by the security guards. However, they were kinda violent with him and he managed to drop his bag which got stolen. After my friend's band played, we went outside to talk to him and see what was happening. The security people wouldn't let him in, and they called the cops on the guy. They approached him and asked for his identification but he didn't want to give it out because he didn't do anything. He was being polite with them and everything and he asked why they wanted to arrest him. Then THEY JUMPED HIM and started practically beating the shit outta him. Meanwhile, everyone in the parking lot is in disbelief and yelling things at the cops to stop. Seven cars show up to help get this guy in cuffs. He was put in the back of the car and taken away. I was there the entire time, along with many other people. WTF is going on?! He did nothing to provoke them and got off the property, which is exactly what they told him to do. The logical next step is to BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HIM!! This is fucking horseshit 0 Share this post Link to post
deadnail Posted April 14, 2002 If your local cops will beat someone like a redheaded stepchild for no fucking reason imagine what they do to someone with a genuine complaint... like you. Want your intestines pulled out when they rape you with a plunger like the NYPD did to that Hatian dude? 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted April 14, 2002 Some people just shouldn't be allowed into the police force. 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted April 14, 2002 The obvious solution here would be a bombing. Barring that, welcome to reality. 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted April 14, 2002 It wasn't quite like that tho was it? You say yourself that after he had been thrown out for reckless endagerment, he was still hanging around outside when you left, you and your friends then joined him, making it quite a large group of people now verbally abusing the security staff, with things about why he had been thrown out for no reason, and why couldn't he be let back in, I put money on that being how things were going, and the security guys quite rightly called the police as public disorder was starting to take place. The police have every right to ask your friend for his identification, for all they know he is a wanted man with a history of going around with concealed weapons etc, he should have moved away from the area when ejected, and that would have been the end of it, after all, it was his fault he got kicked out wasn't it? 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted April 14, 2002 Yeah, but beating the crap outta him? I thought there were rules within the police against doing such things, like only beat the crap out of people when it's obvious that they're a threat to the officers AND other people - this bloke here wasn't obviously a threat was he? If they had put handcuffs on 'im and searched him for weapons I wouldn't have complained but beating the living shit outta him because he doesn't want to give the officers his id? Ok, he's an idiot for not wanting to show the police his id (what the heck is the point of not wantin' to that? It's not like they ask him to take off his damn clothes in puplic is it?), but beating him to a pulp just because he doesn't do what they ask put them on level with street thugs dammit! 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted April 14, 2002 Not exactly in line with rodney King tho is it, next time he will know better than upsetting police officers that are in a REAL shitty mood, but I do sympathise and have actually been there done that, cops are only human. Tell him to complain if he has a case he will get compensation, if he doesn't have a case it costs nothing 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted April 14, 2002 I hear ya bro. The AH police (Alamo Heights) here have very little to do around here since it's such a rich little city where other than massive teen drinking there's pretty much no crime. They just like to find exucuses to pull people over and give them tickets. Oh, they eventually get in trouble, but it's a lot easier not having to deal with them in the first place. 0 Share this post Link to post
Megalyth Posted April 14, 2002 The cops around here suck too. Since there's not much actual crime, the only thing for the cops to do is bust people. It's lame. They have a habit of making up their own protocol as well. A few years ago, some guy was being arrested for something (don't know what) and the cop didn't read him his rights, and a passerby said something to the cop about it as the arrest was being made. The policeman continued to arrest that man as well, who in turn sued the city for something like $500,000 and won. Apparently it's not illegal to tell cops that they're not doing their job right! </sarcasm> 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted April 14, 2002 If you or your friend really feel bad about it, Do something, it may work 0 Share this post Link to post
Scientist Posted April 14, 2002 Cops are suppose to protect the common people. But they only protect the rights and property of the rich elite. They keep the weak weak and the strong strong. The problem is that they have rights we do not have. Like using violence. This monopoly on violence is all nice in theory but some coppers will missuse this power. They can get away with almost everything (like beating up people). All the cops I've met aren't really smart. The required intellect to become a cop is far to low. It always worries me that these are the people that are carring the guns. That's just asking for trouble! You can't put a bunch of monkeys in a uniform give them a gun and expect there will be order. They are far to easily corrupted and will missuse their power whenever they see fit. 0 Share this post Link to post
Scientist Posted April 14, 2002 Unfair fodders said:If you or your friend really feel bad about it, [...] Do something, it may work I doubt this will work. Cops are part of a bigger system. This system make all the rules. And you can't beat the people who make the rules. They'll let you think it's a fair game. And that you can win but once you're winning they'll change the rules so you will lose as yet. You can't beat it, just accept it; It's an unfair life. 0 Share this post Link to post
Psyonisis Posted April 14, 2002 Might I add that they did not read him his rights and that they had never seen him before: he comes from Toronto, which was over an hour away. 0 Share this post Link to post
Crendowing Posted April 14, 2002 FYI, cops are nowhere near above the law. 0 Share this post Link to post
IMJack Posted April 15, 2002 If they never placed him under arrest, there's no need to read him his rights. And Miranda is starting to go stale and have its own problems anyway. Hell, you know your Miranda rights just by watching TV for however many years, do you really need a cop to read 'em to you? Scientist: That's a uniquely defeatist attitude there. Almost punk, but not quite... Remember: if you can get enough people pissed off alongside you, and you can guide their wrath toward what you want done, you can do anything in this country. That's how government works. 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted April 15, 2002 We seem to forget that only one man ever walked this earth in perfection. Instead, we measure every person but ourselves against our image of perfection and cry foul when we catch anyone who we feel doesn't fit the bill. Even worse, we judge entire races, religions and professions poorly by what we perceive as imperfection in a few individuals. A police officer, like every other person, is still just a person. There is no machinery or microprocessor behind that badge that forces him to make all the right decisions, thank God. Instead, he must use experience and judgement. Sometimes in a very short time to make a decision. When we make a mistake we demand to be excused for human error. If a police officer makes a mistake we shout it from the rooftops. How horrible would our lives be if it were not for the men and women we ask to accept small pay and risk life and limb to fight our battles for us every day? If they get assaulted on the job, we consider it part of the job. If they hit back, then it is police brutality. If they speed down the road, we cry foul and accuse those dirty cops of thinking they are above the law. Yet when it is we who are in trouble, they never seem to get here fast enough. We take our lunch and coffee breaks at work almost religiously, but if a cop sits down at a diner or convenience store for one minute longer than it takes us to fill our car with petrol, well then, "there's a prime example of our tax money at work!" We kick and scream when they ask for money to hire more officers, or for overtime pay, or even just for a fair living wage. Then we accuse them of not doing their jobs when we become data for the latest crime statistics. We complain that the cops and the laws only protect the criminals, but if we or our children are the ones caught standing on the wrong side of the law, then all of our rights have been violated and "that's unconstitutional!" The truth is police officers are highly trained, and what they lack in number they make up for in quality. Society without them would be total chaos, and each of us owes them a great debt of gratitude. Not to mention a wage that does not qualify them for food stamps or social security. The majority of us in this slightly less-than-perfect world, sleep safely in our beds. We travel to and from work without posting sentries in our homes, and we are free to walk the streets without fear because of these brave men and women. Perhaps, instead of seeking every opportunity to find fault, we should be finding ways to help them fill the gaps caused by a severe lack of manpower. Maybe also, just every once in a while, we should stop and say hello or express thanks while we are walking past them in the street. We may be surprised to find a friend who just wants a safe community to raise kids and pursue dreams and hobbies the same as we do. Most of all, our governments need to make sure that the wages for our police reflects a little more competitiveness so that we can continue to attract the best of the best. 0 Share this post Link to post
Jonathan Posted April 15, 2002 fodders said:We seem to forget that only one man ever walked this earth in perfection. Yeah, shame Mewse doesn't join the police... 0 Share this post Link to post
Lüt Posted April 15, 2002 fodders said:A police officer, like every other person, is still just a person.That doesn't cut it. An officer, when trusted with so many more responsibilities than a regular person, has to have a much higher standard of discipline than any other person, because after all they aren't just any other person. If they can't perform their job because of things that other people can get away with (prejudice and whatnot), then they need to get a job where their "normal-person" faults won't interfere with anybody else, especially where they don't have a monopoly over the other people should they choose to be a complete ass anyway. 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted April 15, 2002 And we would finish up with a police force of around 100 elite officers for the entire planet, not really enough to do the job :) 0 Share this post Link to post
Scientist Posted April 15, 2002 IMJack said: Scientist: That's a uniquely defeatist attitude there. Almost punk, but not quite... Remember: if you can get enough people pissed off alongside you, and you can guide their wrath toward what you want done, you can do anything in this country. That's how government works. Then I ask all of you to join my revolt! Arise ye workers from your slumbers Arise ye prisoners of want For reason in revolt now thunders And at last ends the age of cant. Away with all your superstitions Servile masses arise, arise We'll change henceforth the old tradition And spurn the dust to win the prize. No more deluded by reaction On tyrants only we'll make war The soldiers too will take strike action They'll break ranks and fight no more And if those cannibals keep trying To sacrifice us to their pride They soon shall hear the bullets flying We'll shoot the generals on our own side. No saviour from on high delivers No faith have we in prince or peer Our own right hand the chains must shiver Chains of hatred, greed and fear E'er the thieves will out with their booty And give to all a happier lot. Each at the forge must do their duty And we'll strike while the iron is hot. -Words by Eugene Pottier (1871) 0 Share this post Link to post
Captain Red Posted April 15, 2002 [fods big rant] true. An officer, when trusted with so many more responsibilities than a regular person, has to have a much higher standard of discipline than any other person, because after all they aren't just any other person. If they can't perform their job because of things that other people can get away with, then they need to get a job where their "normal-person" faults won't interfere with anybody else. when most people join the police force, they start out with a "higher standard of discipline". but years on the force will change you. in this case: the bloke refusing to show his id. maybe the offcer had run into situations befor when a member of the public refused to show his/her id, and got happens. I've seen it with my own eyes. the basic moral of the story is: IF A COPS ASK YOU FOR YOUR ID, FUCKING SHOW IT TO THEM. 0 Share this post Link to post
Scientist Posted April 15, 2002 Crendowing said:FYI, cops are nowhere near above the law. So they're not above the law, they are the law. Makes no difference. 0 Share this post Link to post
Zaldron Posted April 15, 2002 Yeah, not showing/not having ID is the perfect way to say "OOPS I MADE A POOPIE". Cops don't want to get shot in the back with a sawed-off shotgun, they won't take any chances. 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted April 15, 2002 Fod's post Funny, a while ago he was saying that cops are retards - when I tried to defend them, attempting to point out that not all cops are total morons, he called my views retarded (well I guess I am a retard then since I can't communicate properly). Now he's defending them. I'm confused..... ...But I agree wholeheartedly with your post above - being a police officer is afaik a stressful job that would affect the emotions of most people in a negative way. 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted April 15, 2002 Show me where, and I cannot remember ever saying someone's views are retarded 0 Share this post Link to post
Psyonisis Posted April 15, 2002 You guys aren't seeing the point here. He wasn't aggressive or provoking. They had never seen him before. His id, along with his wallet, was stolen. He calmly asked why they wanted to arrest him, with no reply. And they used 7 cops to shove him into the pavement. 0 Share this post Link to post
fodders Posted April 15, 2002 After my friend's band played, we went outside to talk to him and see what was happening. The security people wouldn't let him in, and they called the cops on the guy. He was evicted and was trying to get back in, that's pretty provokingasked for his identification but he didn't want to give it out because he didn't do anythingSee? you said this, now you say His id, along with his wallet, was stolen. Also your 1st post doesn't anywhere indicate that 7 police were involved in the beating up...Then THEY JUMPED HIM and started practically beating the shit outta him. Meanwhile, everyone in the parking lot is in disbelief and yelling things at the cops to stop. Seven cars show up to help get this guy in cuffs. He was put in the back of the car and taken away.According to as I read it, 2 cops were beating him up, 7 cars THEN arrive to "Help get this guy in cuffs" 0 Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted April 15, 2002 fodders said:Show me where, and I cannot remember ever saying someone's views are retarded This is the threadHe couldn't stop being stupid, I was in the police force for 8 years, so his comments are totally retarded Ok, you said my comments are retarded, I'm sorry. As you can see from this thread, I'm not good at communicating exactly what I mean. But let's not revive a dead discussion eh? Fodders was right and I was wrong. There. 0 Share this post Link to post
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