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police brutality story

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The prostitutes babies remark is a very old joke over here, same as the Harry Roberts song :)

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I know a guy who was stopped in his car and got the shit beat out of him by a cop because he had a mohawk.

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the_Danarchist said:

I know a guy who was stopped in his car and got the shit beat out of him by a cop because he had a mohawk.

The strangest thing is...a Mohawk is not really a Mohawk hairstyle, it was fashioned from the old tv series Hawkeye and the last of the Mohicans, the tribe sporting what is now called a Mohawk are actully the Hurons :)The Mohican in the series and film, Chingachgook,has a totally different hairstyle :)

It is the Hurons depicted that sported what we now call the Mohawk

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Btw fod, how was it like being a copper?

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Worst career move I ever made, no respect, crap hours and not something you told anyone about when you went out, which made you very insular

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Sounds more or less like the military.

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LESS, I was in the Royal Navy, you were proud to tell people, complete opposite in Police, that's why you either keep quiet or only go out with other coppers

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