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Doom Radio Interview with Rottking


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The folks at DoomRadio.org have posted an interview with Rottking, member of the Doom Community and more notably, member of the International Doom League and author of mapsets such as Double Impact and contributor to deathmatch mapsets like Space Deathmatch. Come on down and have a listen!

Doom Radio (a.k.a. "Tango TV", in honor of its initial founder, Tango) is an almost-weekly podcast featuring Alfonzo, Tarnsman, and Matt Tropiano (MTrop), showcasing and shedding light on various people and aspects of the Doom Community. Series include: Tango TV Interviews, where various Doom Community people get their brains picked; Program B, a general discussion show about specific topics and Doom-related disciplines; and Where's All the Data?, a show where mapsets and stuff in the /idGames Archive get picked apart.

Stop on by and lend an ear!

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I really have to question the sanity of listing SpaceDM5 instead of Rott's contributions to the more serious deathmatch mapsets like UDM series or Dynamite DM. :)

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My sincerest apologies, but I haven't been a part of the DM scene in a very, very, VERY long time. ;)

When somebody says "Doom Deathmatch" and DWANGO pops up in your head, you're old.

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Good interview. It's only fitting that Rott with his deep voice talks like a Valley girl.

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Scythe :D thank you.

ok my 5 cents to this show. the topic mapping was only general spoken of. im not a mapper but i thought it would go more deeper and i wanted it to go deeper. 45 minutes duration was too long for me. keep it shorter like 20 or 30 minutes. all in all, good to listen. please do more shows :)

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Badboy said:

Scythe :D thank you.

ok my 5 cents to this show. the topic mapping was only general spoken of. im not a mapper but i thought it would go more deeper and i wanted it to go deeper. 45 minutes duration was too long for me. keep it shorter like 20 or 30 minutes. all in all, good to listen. please do more shows :)

Awesome! That's more than 2 cents!

I guess it would help if the discussion were codified into talking points. That way, discussion won't stray too much from the topics at hand. The length of the interview would hinge entirely on that.

Though, what do you mean by "deeper?" What questions were you hoping were asked that weren't? All criticism is welcome (as long as it is constructive)!

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>I guess it would help if the discussion were codified into talking points.

i get it, it was just a talking round.

i did hear podcasts to various topics (fallout games & esport for example). i did listen to 2 hours+ monsters. but i believe not many people do that. so a short podcast garanties that listeners stay. anyway, 45-60 minutes is ok :)

>Though, what do you mean by "deeper?"

i think im in the need of starting mapping. to see if i understand the doom gameplay and can add something new, or at least make it fun. a podcast cant answere all my questions to do a good map :)

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Program B typically delves into the deeper aspects, the interviews are about the interviewee so we don't like to discuss it beyond what they have to input.

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uh there is more, had tomatoes on my eyes. just heard the shows with essel, kaiser, xaser. amazing stuff.

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Looks like we've got ourselves a fan! Time to roll out some of that high quality merchandise we've been planning on. Doom Radio hats, mugs and drink coasters!

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