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20 years of Doom


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Hi there.

As we all know, in December we are going to celebrate 20 years of Doom. 2 decades of the best FPS in history. How are we going to celebrate? I have a couple of questions.

-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?
-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
-Will the forums survive 20 more years?

Of course, I have a lot more questions to ask. The main thing is, how do you think Doom has lived through this 2 decades?

I would like to hear your opinions.

Have a good day.

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That's a lot of questions. Thereby,

-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
It can still keep my attention for hours. I rarely get addicted to games, but this is really amazing. So yes, it is still THAT good.

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
Nothing really. At best, a new re-release of a "Doom 20th anniversary edition" with a huge compilation of all Doom games and expansions by now, with one or two unseen extras.

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
Actually, it has always been my favorite game, but I was never a hardcore player, until I started to speedrun in 2010. From then to now, Doom has been by far the game that I have most played in my life. So it has probably taken a bit of my social life or something like that :)

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
Slaughterfest 2033. Just kidding :) I think editing might drop in 5 to 10 years, but it will always be a timeless classic in all "Top 10 FPS of all-time lists".

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
Hell yes, hopefully (pun intended).

-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?
Maybe I might learn to map someday.

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
Absolutely no.

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
No. And no. Because Doom 4 won't sell good, unfortunately.

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?
Probably no, but I'd be happy to help and try it!

And happy anniversary, Doom!

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Using Rizera's template:

-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
Even better, like fine wine and good scotch.

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
Nothing at all. Perhaps a throwaway interview or two.

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
It took a year from my life as a teenager. And a couple of hours as an adult.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
I would like to see a free release for Doom 1 & 2, but I don't expect it. Community Chest 5 will still be in development, oh and Mordeth will be very close to release ;)

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
Most likely.

-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?
When time and inspiration permits.

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
It's unlikely we'll see a Doom 4 at the moment.

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?
The only things that will survive a holocaust will be cockroaches and the forums, so yes.

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-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
-->Doom is timeless and evergreen like beatles

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
---> some collectors edition with all the doom games in single package. As a collector maniac I'm waiting something neat like highly detailed 20-30cm cyberdemon statue with same detail accuracy as some blizzard game statues are like diablo 3 barbarians or starcraft Tychus Findlay

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
--> Doom was the first fps I played and has since been target of my admiration

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
--> More games but with ever slowing speed of producing them!

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
--> Hell yeah

-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
---> Nothing can beat the pioneer and flasgship avantgarde of fps

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
---> yep

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?
---> Maybe not in this format but the idea will survive

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-How are we going to celebrate?
"20th" annual Cacowards and maybe one of the alleged "20 Years of Doom" projects coming out, are my personal bets.

-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
I think the standard Doom formula is very good, but after 20 years it's not as captivating as it once was. If it wasn't for the sheer diversity in the thousands of mods out there, I'd have moved on from the game a long time ago.

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
Nothing. I don't see what there is that they can add on top of what they've already done. I imagine there will be some interviews and a bit of discussion, but I don't care for that sort of thing.

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
DEU (and DEU II when I got it) was the creative output that topped/replaced Lego, for me around age 9-10. The ZDoom forums were a place for a bullied and lonely mid-teen to escape life in after school and talk to people with a shared interest. ZDoom itself was a gateway into programming, scripting and games development, which influenced my choice of degree an awful lot. These days Doom and Doomworld are just a minor distraction from boredom in and around work. Mapping isn't the passion for me it once was and I've got so many games to play that Doom is just another one in the mass these days.

Thing is, it's influenced my music taste, what I look for in games and possibly life in general (I like adrenaline rushes and Doom definitely used to be that) and has given me a creative focus. My interest and involvement in it have probably shaped my life a lot more than I realise and it's always been there as a fallback when I'm bored but have a computer handy. It's like the background music of my life.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
It'll keep going at this kind of level, I think. There's still advances being made and it is very much a good platform to cut your teeth in games design and development, as it's so easy to work with when compared to a full-3D game. Plus, as some of our older members show, it can hold your attention for 20 years comfortably, whilst our youngest members are showing you don't even have to have been there when the game came out to get into it.

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
Honestly, can't say. I've had breaks of months (and even a couple of years, once) - my current apathy towards it is probably just a result of burnout from 7+ years of fairly heavy community involvement. The fact is, when RL is full of activity and bustle, I tend to turn more to Doom in limited downtime as it's familiar and easy to do, but can have very large rewards in terms of finished projects and the development journey.

-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?
I want to hit at least 100 released maps in my lfie time, so that's 8 more to go. There's so much I've still not done, I imagine that, as long as I have some enthusiasm or interest, it'll keep happenning.

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
We've had revolutionary games before and after Doom that made huge impacts. They just join a pantheon, rather than replace eachother.

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
They may not be called that, given the industries penchant for reboots, but I'd say the name still commands a lot of interest. Whether they'll be the games we want is an entirely different question.

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?
Maybe not these ones, but as long as somebody is still paying for hosting (or knows a decent free host) there will be a home for Doom discussion and a place to share works. From what I've gathered, IRC and online multiplayer for Doom are still thriving, so a larger discussion board for what comes out of (and goes into) those seems likely to follow.

The main thing is, how do you think Doom has lived through this 2 decades?
Doom has inspired a long-term dedication that very few other games can boast. The fact that old hands still trickle back and register amazement at how far the game has come and how strong the community still is speaks volumes, to me. Even the fact that we still attract so many trolls (in the form of Terry et al) suggests the community and the game it centres around are still a big deal.

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I'll bite with this.

-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
Better than my first opinion, actually. Seemed a bit tech/trendwhore when I first saw it, because I was (but then, always will be) a staunch arcade-style game whore. However, peel back the graphical layers and Doom has a lot in common with one of the finest arcade games ever, Robotron 2084. I've thought this for a long time, and I'm glad others have noticed.

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
Some form of half-assed rerelease? Nah, they did that with Doom 3. Wasted opportunity. I'm calling it; some dumb collectible on the Bethesda site.

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
It kinda hasn't, kinda has. Outside of Doom, my life would be the same suspect. However, my spare time has an almost-limitless influx of user-made content for one of my favourite games ever. And I can make some of this content. That's special.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
People still making vanilla-compatible wads. Forever.

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
As long as people keep making those vanilla wads, I guess. I'm not one for features as much as I am refining the central and core gameplay principles with creative level designs.

-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?
I do indeed! I'm actually (because I'm telling myself it's never too late) thinking on editing levels for other games and putting together something of a 'portfolio' of them to see if I can go professional with it some day... but in the meantime (and more realistically) making Doom levels is a way to chill shit and relax.

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
They said Halo would do that, didn't they? And it didn't. I guess not everyone liked the slow pacing and copy-paste level design (how many times I crossed that one bridge, man. Lost count). No. No, no, no. Something revolutionary will come out. WILL come out. I'm sure of it. But to replace Doom? Won't happen. Alongside it in the annals of history, sure. Not replace.

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
I can't say. I keep rubbing my crystal balls, but that doesn't tell the future. Only makes my crystal wang erect.

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?
If the Internet does, I reckon. Yeah. Seemed fairly stable for the last 10 years, right? And Doom has ALWAYS had an Internet presence. Always.

Additionally, I'd love to do something for Doom's 20th but I'm currently in a bit of a mapping slump. I don't know. Maybe something quick if somebody starts a quickfire community project?

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-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
Yah, it's still pretty good, and with such a massive library of modifications and user levels, a good portion bearing some resemblance of quality, Doom may still last a while with it's content.

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
Nothing, honestly. THey could surprise with some re-release of the original games bundled up. Maybe an official Doom 64 port, but I megaly doubt that.

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
Well I was already into older FPS games, so this community reinforced that. I have become a bit more critical of other games, but not in a negative sense.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
If time allows it. It's a timeless game really.
Unless Dark XL finishes and we get kickass source ports for Blood and PowerSlave, and Chasm: The Rift.

-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?
If time allows it.

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
No, or at least unlikely. Granted, this is opinion, as I'm sure there's plenty of Quake fans who believe this said game exists already in the form of brown and blue.

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
Probably not, or at least not Doom 6. Granted, we need neither title.

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?
That's a hard one to tell. Maybe the forums will survive as long as we don't go Newdoom. But I think the community is strong enough, and if it's lasted this long I think it will survive for the next 20 years in one way or another.

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-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?

Yes. The mod community and all these interesting wads keep Doom relevant and very playable today. Even if it's just due to Brutal Doom in some regards.

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?

Id to announce Doom 4 is going to be Doom 3 graphics w/ classic Doom gameplay. Oh wait, that's my hope and Doom dreams.
Most likely, they might re-release classic Doom in some capacity; perhaps an "Ultimate Edition" with Doom 1/2,Final Doom,Master Levels/Maximum Doom,Chex Quest all in one package. Something like that. If it doesn't already exist.
And hopefully, they'll announce Doom 4 coming out in 2014.

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?

Thanks to Doomworld, I have a captive audience for doing Doom LP's. And the inspiration to play more of them, thus allowing me to experience Doom wads that people have experienced for years, yet I'm playing for the first time!
Doom hasn't really changed my life otherwise, although it does make me appreciate classic FPS games.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?

A bazillion more wads. Pewdiepie (and some other "youtube celebs") to probably get on the bandwagon with "Total Chaos" (whenever that comes out) and inspire a bunch of crap wads for DeimosComaBlack/Aquarius199 to review. Brutal Doom to continue evolving to the point where it gets its own forum section and wads specifically made for it.
Chillax 2 to be announced.

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?

I'd like to think so! I might get around to finally playing Hell Revealed in 20 years time!

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?

Nope, not a chance these days.

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?

Depends how long iD remain, before they become part of a bigger company or something. Wouldn't be surprised to see Doom 5/6, might be surprised at what they'd be like to play though. Doom with regenerating health; you never know!

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?

Yes. Even after the 'Total Chaos' thing happens that I predict.

Of course, I have a lot more questions to ask. The main thing is, how do you think Doom has lived through this 2 decades?

The modding community. Nuff said.

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-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
It's one of the most testosterone-fuelled, balls-to-the-wall game series ever and this is coming from someone who just got the PC version this year. I can play through the first three episodes of Doom 1 on ultra-violence any time of day, and it's still awesome. Still haven't gotten round to beating 'Final Doom' yet but my love of Doom isn't just limited to just the first games classic maps.

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
Hopefully something worthy for both the game series and its loyal fans. Sadly though, since we haven't heard a peep from ID team, I have no real expectations. I'm just hoping some cool new collectables will be released before the end of the year.

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
Doom was actually one of my first games on my first game console, the original Gameboy Advance. Yeah, looking back it's a pretty generic port and I never got too far, but it was still fun. Then when I was around 12 or so I got the PSX port which was when I realized just how awesome this game is. For years I had to watch Youtube clips in envy of how amazing the PC version of Doom is. Finally this year, on my 18th birthday I got this new laptop and I finally got to play the game in it's PC glory (though no thanks to Steam's crappy port). I grown a huge interest in the series as a whole and even a love for heavy metal music. I've also started playing more classic FPS's like Wolfenstein, Duke Nukem and Shadow Warrior.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
More Doom games would be nice ID. Fingers crossed we at least get a trailer for Doom 4 by next year.

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
If the game still provides the same kind of pleasure I experience from playing it today, then of course. I want to someday introduce this game to my children (even though in 20 years from now, they'll probably be spoilt on virtual reality or something) so they can grow up knowing what a true badass game is.

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
Never. Even if all the gamers in a 10 years from now are all playing virtual reality games or some kind of advanced motion sensor device. Doom will always have a special place in the hearts of those who play it and love it.

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
The optimist inside me hopes so. I hope ID finally gets a move on with Doom 4 sometime soon and perhaps this can be the start of a new Doom trilogy, ending with Doom 6 (If that is going to be the end). I personally think ID would benefit from looking towards the fans for inspiration, so we can get the ultimate Doom sequel(s).

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?
Again, the optimistic Luke Dacote believes there's a chance though it all depends on how well Doom is going to hold up. I still think it's the king of the FPS genre after 20 years, so here's hoping that if Doom will be surpassed, may it only be to a Doom sequel.

Long live Doom. Thanks for many hours of pure, unadulterated, explosive fun. Happy 20th.

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I can't believe it's been 20 years, wasted! I'm just kidding!

I can easily see DOOM being around for 20 more years into the future! It's a simple and great-fun action FPS game!

I hope to release a GZDoom Mod by December, and I hope to see many more releases from the community, and I hope ID Software itself has something sweeeeeeeeeeet in store for us too!

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-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
I will never have the same feeling from any game ever, including Doom now as I did playing the PSX port as a 4/5 year old, getting past Level 50 and wondering if it would ever stop. So no, but it's still awesome, else I wouldn't be here.

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
In terms of the former, I can't say, since I can't remember any part of my life before it. For Doomworld, it showed me Doom is still being modded and stuff. It wasn't the start of my tinkering with level editors, as I was already working on a DN3D project. Probably wouldn't have started making MIDIs without Doomworld. I'm not sure, really.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
Brutal Doom will become even more over-popularised and become officially branded as "Doom." There will be many more PWADs and sequels/prequels to those that already exist. ZInferno, UDINO, CC5, 6, 7, and of course Call of fucking DOOty.

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
I hope so.

-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
Fuck off.

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
No. Given that Carmack is as good as out, we'll probably never even see the id tech 6 engine which would theoretically run Doom 5. I'm not sure if its a good or a bad thing.

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?
Yup. I hope to see everyone here in the 30's :P

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-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
I expect from them to break down , unfourtinaly.
-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
I started mapping for it.
-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
CC5 and Doom5.
-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
I will if I'll have enough money to live by myself and a computer.
-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?
Sauce yes.
-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
If it'll be simple , 2d graphics , easy to edit and not a ripoff. (I actually think "Super Mario World" will if doom will change completely from doom to COD or CS since I see stuff like TFdoom , Deathrun or Zombie horde
-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
Why would they do that? They see the fans are comforted with 2d, so it'll basically be like "The official Doom the way ID did , since you know... Carmark is away along with romero.
-Will the forums survive 20 more years?
Why not?

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What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
A lot of this might be from imprinting, but I feel like Doom got quite a lot right in ways that other games haven't. The mix of weaker hitscan attacks combined with slower but more powerful fireballs, and the way your speed is your main defence, makes for timeless gameplay.

What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
Romero will probably write a blog post. Carmack might write a tweet. Bethesda might offer a promo on whatever Classic Doom package they have now.

How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
It's made me a grumpy old man gamer who doesn't understand those kids with their Halos and their Call of Duties.

What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
I imagine community activity will taper off at some point, but it's surprisingly strong right now.

Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
Oh probably. Then I'll really be out of touch.

For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?
I made some maps in 94-95 that were no good. I've started trying to get back into it, to make something just for the sake of it, because I'll probably regret it if I never do.

Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
Doom has cemented itself as the proto-FPS game. That is irreplaceable. That doesn't mean that another game won't come along and be equally genre-defining though.

Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
I think if we see a 5th Doom game it will be a reboot simply titled Doom. And it will have very little to do with Doom as it's played here.

Will the forums survive 20 more years?
20 years is a long time...

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-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
My opinion Doom is the same that it always has been: 20 years of unique layouts and wads means that I've never had to have to same experience twice unless I really wanted to. That's a unique thing that's often overlooked, but I enjoy the living-hell out of this. Good on Doom, I say.

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
id will probably be like, "Hey cool, we released this."

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
Not at all, mostly, Aside from the fact that I map now, all I can say is that Doomworld (narrowing it down to that) is just a place that I frequent in my downtime and that it's cool to be here with some cool dudes/dudettes.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
Honestly, what I expect from Doom right now - a few awesome wads in a sea of pretty standard whatevers.

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
That's a legit question that I cannot answer.

-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?
For the time being, yes. Ask me again in a few years.

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
I'll be surprised if we see a reasonable Doom 4

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?
Through the BTSX release thread, yes.

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-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
I still have fun with it.

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
Nothing I'd care about.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
I want DOOM 4, Deus Vult II: Second Edition, Unloved II and Phobos to be released. Other than that id will probably make DOOM 5... maybe... but that'll be close to 40years anniversary considering their development times.

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
I don't see myself ever stopping playing DOOM.

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
No. Industry has changed too much for a single game to overthrow everything else and lead the way.

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
I'd love it.

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-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?

Oh yeah, Doom is still good. It's aged wonderfully, and it's still a right joy to play. I can't see myself putting it down anytime soon, especially with all the community-made content.

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?

Probably a Doom/Doom 2 double-release thing, but we'll just have to see what the hey ID does.

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?

This is a kind of silly question for me, in my opinion, because I don't think Doom can insomuch change lives as just be an integral part of one.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?

I can definitely see more community-based content coming out for Doom as time goes by. I'd be quite disappointed otherwise!

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?

I don't see myself stepping away from Doom for a long time - I've been playing it for some years, and I don't plan on stopping.

-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?

lol i'm neither of these (As it stands, I don't see any sort of shortage in maps/music content streaming from the community. It's been done since 1993, and it's still being churned out in 2013. 20 years is a lot of content.)

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?

From '93 to '13, one hasn't done so. I don't see it happening.

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?

It just depends on the reception Doom 4 gets, I'd think. What's to stop ID from making more if Doom 4 is good?

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?

I highly doubt it, not to sound mean or anything. There will always be something in the Doom community that will spring up to replace monoliths, just look at all the other sites that have collapsed that were once Doom-based. Then again, who's not to say that the forums may survive for 50 more?

Of course, I have a lot more questions to ask. The main thing is, how do you think Doom has lived through this 2 decades?

References, references everywhere.

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-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
I still play it because it's a lot better than modern games, and the still alive online community and mods.

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
Please not another Doom 3 BFG Edition. I do hope for a faithful exact recreation of Classic Doom in the ID Tech 4 engine, or maybe ID Tech 6 if they don't fuck it up like last time.

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
My dad showed it to me when I was 3. If he didn't I'd probably be into Nintendo platformers because I played a lot of Donkey Kong Country on the SNES too. Thank god I didn't.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
Not much after Doom 4 other than nostalgic returns, references and collectibles being made.

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
Well obviously, unless FPS gaming returns to its roots and actually manages to make something better than Doom. Dear game companies, please stop making Call of Duty clones, they're terrible. Wait no that's not fair, they make games people buy. People, please stop buying Call of Duty clones.

-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?
I'm learning to map mostly as a start for indie development to get an idea of what I want to make. I may just make maps as a hobby, or advertise commissions so people pay me to make maps.

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
Didn't Duke 3D and Quake already do that for most people? Not for me, but for some people anyway.

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
No, Doom 4 is being released in a time of kids who buy modern military shooters, and the only sales will be 30-40 year old men looking for a nostalgia rush, so the sales figures won't be big enough for them to bother, let alone even make an expansion pack.

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?
|FuN|'s Wolfenstein ET clan forum just suddenly died after last Christmas, only retaining like 5 original people and new people looking to play their servers. I predict Doomworld will suddenly end horribly that way one day too.

Of course, I have a lot more questions to ask. The main thing is, how do you think Doom has lived through this 2 decades?
30-40 year old fathers showing the game to their sons very early to stop them playing horrible games so they get into Doom instead. Also the 30-40 year old fathers. Also nostalgic reboot games like ROTT could be telling people with shit computers "Go play Doom because your computer is crap so it won't run it", and also people like TotalBiscuit making videos like this one:

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Zed said:

Hi there.

As we all know, in December we are going to celebrate 20 years of Doom. 2 decades of the best FPS in history. How are we going to celebrate? I have a couple of questions.

-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?
-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
-Will the forums survive 20 more years?

1. I've been seriously playing Doom since 1999 - 14 years now, which is a good size chunk of Doom's lifespan and my own, for that matter. Any game that can hold my attention for a decade and a half is good, and Doom is that good.
2. Don't know, probably a discount on all Doom related merchandise, or something. I'm just gonna play Doom all day long myself, more than likely.
3. Well, it's the only forum that I've really got into, I guess. Most forums I register at, I post once or twice and then I forget about it. Not this once. There is something about this forum that just gives it its own vibe, or whatever. As for Doom changing my life, like I said before, I've been playing it seriously for 14 years...so there you go :) Here lately it's the only game I play.
4. Hard to tell at this point :P 20 years is kinda of a long time, but then again it's not. Maybe, maybe not.
5. I'll probably try my hand at making a map for Doom's birthday, and I'll try and make it good.
6. It's according to who you talk to. Myself, I think that's it been twenty years now, and I've yet to play another FPS that got me and keeps addicted :)
7. Don't see why not. Can't tell how long it might be however.
8. See previous answer :P Twenty years is a good stretch of time, so really who can say? It would be nice to have them around for that long.

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Zed said:

-What do you expect from Google for the 20th anniversary?

A google doodle in the doom logo font style that loads shareware doom in the browser when you click on it.

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What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
It's even better now, thanks to the creations of the community, including ports (currently using PrBoom+).

What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
I'd love Doom I/II going totally open, but ID will probably just release a "deluxe BFG edition", or something.

How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
Doom was definitely a better game, but Wolf3D really changed my life a few months earlier, and I kept playing the game even when Doom was around... Never really played Doom II back then.
First time I felt so immerged into a gaming world and felt that primal instinct of survival and exploration.
I wasn't aware of Doomworld until I got back into the game, in 2009.
I was just looking for a quick, light and fun game to install on my mini-laptop, and I've finally fallen in love with that old friend, Doom.

What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
More WAD's (especially IWAD's like Harmony & Action Doom 2), refined ports, new players...

Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
Probably, yes.

For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?
I'm currently not a mapper, but I want to create my first WAD this year (or next year).

Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
Which place ? As for quick'n'dirty violent FPS, I like Wrack but IMHO it will remain a small indie game.
Another successful change of gaming paradigm ? I don't think we'll see something really new, and current game designers aren't working on it.

Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
I don't really care. I don't even expect Doom 4 any more.

Will the forums survive 20 more years?
Probably not ; they weren't around 20 years ago ... but people will still talk Doom on some electro-psychic matrix or something.

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-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
Yes, if not better.

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
My guess is that they will put up a Free2Play, web browser based version of the original Doom on http://www.doom.com like they did with Wolfenstein 3D and Romero will release the Doom map sources, like he did with Quake.

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your Life?
I was only 6 when Doom was released but it has become my favorite game series and a big interest in Life. I remember finding Doomworld in the early 2000's, it's been a great source of information.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
Very hard to say, but pretty much the same rate of development that it has seen those 20 years that has gone by. Hope it'll still be as popular then.

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
As long as I'm still alive (which I hope I still am in 20 years), definitely.

-Do you Think Another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's Place?
Have a hard time thinking so. It hasn't happened yet for me and I don't Think it ever will.

-Do you Think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
I don't see why not. Might not be from id, but as long as some Company can make Money on it, I Think so.

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?
I hope so.

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-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
I'd say better. Since most of us can keep a framerate of over 60 FPS.
The huge library of varied mods also helps.

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
I'm not expecting much. Releasing those Doom plushies seems like they might have been hinting that the franchise is still around, but, I'm thinking at most, one of the old games will get re-released, probably losing mod support in the progress. I think something big within the community might happen. Maybe it'll be a mod.

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
I've lost plenty of time, that could of went into hugging my dog.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
Well, mods will become more important then they already are. DECORATE will become dated, and be replaced with a newer thing.

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?

-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
I'm sure there will be some kind of colossal, mega-popular game that'll get the attention of the masses for the right reason, and remains popular, but I doubt it'll "replace Doom" any time soon.

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
Doom 4 is going to be released... Eventually. If it is enough like Doom to keep our attention, (and keep id alive) we might get more after that. Maybe. I feel like Carmack wouldn't allow id to not have fifty pixel shaders and plenty of crap. You really can't expect it to be anything like the "Rise of the Triad" reboot and throw an enemy at you within seconds of the first level starting.

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?
I've got a feeling something will happen to Doom World, but I doubt we'll jump ship to New Doom. I think we might head to ZDoom, if Doom World becomes... Meh. Maybe.

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-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
Doom is still my most favorite fps game. Doom offers everything an fps should have, nothing more nothing less. The doom ports like zdoom modernize doom and allows for modders to go crazy.

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
I would love it if they made an HD pack for doom and doom2 which basically brings the graphics of doom closer to that of modern games. Not that doom needs that mind you, but it will help bring more people to the doom community.

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
Doom has made me want to make games for a living, and perhaps someday have my own game company where I can have games made the way the classic games were made.
It also made me realize that there are more doomers out there.
before I found out about zdoom and doomworld forums I thought I was the only person that still gave a damn about doom.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
Hopefully more mods that push the engine to its limits as well as loads of new enemy and weapon sprites. I also hope the doom community will continue to grow rather than dwindle down and die out. I think its only a matter of time before people start going back to old classics like doom and leave behind modern fps and rts games.

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
I will always love doom till the day I die. Hopefully one day I can contribute something worth while to the doom community.

-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music
Hell ya, or atleast till I start making my own games, but even then I will still probably contribute to the doom community.

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's
doubtful, I feel the video game industry is headed for disaster considering most games made these days are utter shit. People will probably be going back to old games like doom.

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
Hopefully, but if doom 4 is a flop Id might go under and doom will only evolve if its community keeps it alive.

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?
If the doom community dies then yes but if not they will only grow.

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-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
Not much.

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
It has been quite a time sink. Possibly it has made me more mellow, but that might just be the aging process. I don't view Doom as a violent game, BTW.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
Not a whole lot of change. It will continue to be one of the "pioneer" games whenever some even-more-miniaturized technology is created, and will remain as one of the classic games that broke the mould, and therefore of continuing interest.

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
Maybe now and then. I don't play much nowadays in any case, but every so often find something of interest. Also I don't have much spare time for Doom, and this is unlikely to change.

-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?
N/A. But the anologous question would be if I intend to keep doing things like recording demos or testing ports (I'm still listed as a developer of prb+). Probably, but at a slow rate, and only bits and pieces as and when I notice something of interest.

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
There will no doubt be revolutionary new games, but they will be different revolutions. So no.

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
I don't know. I'm not very interested either. They are "just new games" with nothing truly in common with the originals.

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?
Will the concept of forums even be the same in 20 years? Actually, the forums haven't survived 20 years yet, so I am not sure how to answer this. They'll be around for quite some time, I imagine, and as long as people are interested in Doom, there will be places for them to pursue this interest.

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-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
We'll it's the same. Or better if you account for the options mods, ports and PWADs provide

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
I'm optimistic something cool will happen but I'm braced for disappointment at the same time. Hopefully something special will at least come from the community.

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
It introduced me to my best man to be, gave me hundreds or thousands of hours of entertainment, perpetuated my interest in video games and provided a bonding activity for my son and I.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
It will hopefully remain available on the next gen systems in some format but not much else outside the community I wouldn't have thought.

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
I'll be 52. Hopefully so, I expect to have more spare time the older I get and my generation's tool shed will be the laptop

-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?
Yeah same as above. Hopefully, I'll have a megawad and a father-son project by then!

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
I don't think I understand this question. Games don't really replace games except in franchises, but you wouldn't really describe those as revolutionary or of any threat if making Doom obsolete.

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
Toss a coin. Depends on Doom 4's success I suppose. It would have to be a massively different to Doom 3 to hold my attention though.

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?
I'll say yes because there's been no noticeable decline while I've been around.

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-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
It doesn't evoke the same fear, wonder and "otherness" it did as a kid, but it's still an incredibly solid gameplay experience, one that's heavily mediated by the modding community.

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
Other than a sale on Steam and yet another box set of Doom games? Not much, though I suspect Doomworld will have some sort of retrospective article and a memorable Cacoward.

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
Doom has influenced my art and music at the very least. It also coincided and contributed to various macabre personal interests like demonic art, anti-religious aesthetics, heavy metal and action oriented science fiction films. The site has been an ideal way to keep the game fresh and connect with fans.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
Given that there are people who still mod Atari games, I'm confident Doom modding will still be alive in some obscure form. The fourth game will come to fruition, it'll just take awhile. A remake of the movie seems plausible.

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
Possibly. I really haven't lost much interest in the game and there's an ocean of mods out there. Hopefully playing it on future hardware/software won't be a pain.

-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?
I still haven't released my first map or finished a complete song for the game. I will someday, when the time is right.

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
It's been two decades and so far nothing has come close. If something comes along that is inspired by Doom and amplifies everything that made the original rock, then maybe. I could see a Blood remake being a candidate.

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
I'm not sure I'd want to. You can use the same template only so many times before you inevitably run out of steam. Hints of that can be experienced in Doom 3. A 5th or 6th Doom game would have to be really amazing to be of interest.

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?
This site has been around well over a decade and is still very active. But in 20 years, the familiar layout of the Internet might change so drastically that a more efficient method of this sort of communication could make the forum obsolete. Despite this, whoever is still interested in Doom two decades from now will migrate to the same community.

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  • 4 weeks later...

-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
Less sex and more frags.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?

(-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
Yes, unfortunately.

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?

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-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
Yes, if not better.

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
Something big.

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
Doom made me a gamer in the first place.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
I'm not sure.

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?

-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?
Yes, once I decide I've held my hiatus long enough.

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
Doom is what revolutionized FPS. No other FPS title will ever be able to achieve that.

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
Maybe, if Doom 4 is successful enough. (I hope it won't end up a COD ripoff, though.)

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?

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What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
It's become a point and click adventure game.

What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?

How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
It made me pursue a career in game development, but it didn't go anywhere.

What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
Lots of things to point and click.

Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
Yea, why not.

For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?
Yea, sure.

Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
There's always a bigger fish.

Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
They'd better fill in the gap between Doom3 and Doom64.

Will the forums survive 20 more years?
Probably in some way.

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-What is your opinion of Doom, 20 years later? Is it still that good?
Well I'm still playing it, aren't I? The almost endless additions keep it fresh, except I'm no longer 6 years old or utter shit at navigating my way around haunted techbases.

-What do you expect from ID for the 20th anniversary?
Not much, sadly. Nothing I'll be interested in at least; just another compilation of stuff that I already have, with the addition (maybe) of some mapset that would require me to shell out £20 for. Bastards.

-How Doom (and Doomworld) has changed your life?
It's given me things to do in my free time. Way too many things in fact, it's almost some sort of curse... except I enjoy it. Doomworld finally gave me a reason to upload some stuff for complete strangers to play too, although not much.

-What do you expect for Doom in the next 20 years?
More maps, more mods, ever-expanding source port functions... you get the idea.

-Will you keep Doomin' 20 years from now?
Probably, it's my "go to" for when I have nothing else to do.

-For mappers and musicians, do you plan on keeping doing maps/music for Doom?
For the time being, yes. I just need to stop being so utterly crap at finishing/releasing things.

-Do you think another revolutionary game will come and take Doom's place?
What, like Quake was supposed to? Hahaha.

-Do you think we'll see a Doom 5? Doom 6?
Unlikely, unless Doom 4 rakes in fortunes. But that won't happen unless it appeals to the broadest userbase, meaning that it will be a dreadfully generic FPS with some monsters thrown in to make it look Doomy.

-Will the forums survive 20 more years?
Maybe. Perhaps not in their current form, but there'll always be some sort of hive for players to discuss all things Doom, somewhere on the internet.

-The main thing is, how do you think Doom has lived through this 2 decades?
Because in its raw form, it's pure action-oriented gameplay with an easy-to-learn factor to draw players in. Level design also gives you freedom to explore places how you want to explore them, in maps that can potentially dwarf even the latest so-called FPS marvels in almost every way. Most importantly, it's about YOU and your actions at every moment. No sudden interruptions from story-driven wankery to slow things down. No strictly linear paths or 'rail shooter' moments. No 'combat zone' bullshit. No QTE's or any of that fucking nonsense. Everything in Doom is in real-time and you always have total control over what you're doing. Just pick up, play, and try not to get killed. Did I mention that the weapon/monster balance & variety is fantastic too?

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