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actor has no frames


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So I've been playing around with decorate in Slumped and I was able to create fire using the archvile's flame. It worked pretty good so I decided to create my own using ms paint to learn how to create my own monsters in the future. So I made the actor, gave it a png for a sprite and gave it a four letter name with frame letters A and B and a 0. But whenever I load up the map I get the "!" error and I check through tab and it tells me that the actor as n frames. How could that be if I gave it a frame in its name? This is the code that I used.

actor shitflame 401
//$Category "fire"

height 64
radius 64
meleerange 64
meleedamage 1
obituary "%o died in a shitty fire"


FLME AB 4 A_Look
FLME AB 4 A_MeleeAttack
goto see

Can anyone explain what I did wrong?

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the code itself looks fine from what I can see... maybe the sprites in the wad are in the wrong place somehow, or unable to be found by zdoom somehow? Not sure... what exactly are the sprites themselves named?

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  • 10 years later...

How do you put frames in a /sprites/ folder in Slade3?




ACTOR LNETA : Dragon 30500





SETH A 1 A_Look 



SETH AB 2 A_DragonInitFlight 


Goto See


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10 hours ago, bridgetogulude said:

How do you put frames in a /sprites/ folder in Slade3?


Create the folder using SLADE by right-clicking and going "new" then "directory" if it doesn't exist already, then simply drag and drop the items (your individual frames) to where they should be.

If you don't see the option of creating a folder you might be working in a WAD instead of a pk3/5/* archive, which does not support individual folders / sub-folders to the best of my knowledge.


Also, I just realized this thread is from 2013 lmao. I doubt any of the original people who started it are still interested in an answer, might be better to just create a new thread for a new question. I hope this reply still proved helpful though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
17 hours ago, bridgetogulude said:

How do I make a pk3 file, however?


In Slade3 you would go "File" --> "New" --> "Archive", then select "Zip Archive" as the type when asked. After this point, do what you need to do in terms of adding resources and content.


Once done in order to save you would go "File" --> "Save As", and under "Save as Type" you select ".pk3 file". Of course don't forget to enter a file name as well. That should do for the creation of a .pk3 archive.


Or you could simply create a new file through windows explorer (Right click --> new --> text document), change the file extension to .pk3, open the file with SLADE and create the archive that way. Hope this helped out.

Edited by ObserverOfTime
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